; /----------------------------------------------------------\
; |  PluginUninstaller                               |
; \----------------------------------------------------------/
; P�eklad: V�t �indl�� <sindlarv (zavin��) centrum (te�ka) cz>
; Adresa: 

Odinstalov�n� dopl�k�
[Extends the plugin options and offers the possibility to directly remove plugins and delete all associated settings and files.]
Roz�i�uje pr�ci s dopl�ky o mo�nost je odebrat a smazat p��slu�n� nastaven� z datab�ze s profilem.

; Options (all other strings are from default plugin options dialog)
[Plugins: active %d/%d, size %d KB/%d KB]
Dopl�ky: aktivn�ch %d z %d; velikost %d kB, celkov� %d kB
[%s (Original: %s)]
%s (%s)
[%d KB]
%d kB
[More Information]
Dal�� informace
Licen�n� ujedn�n�
;(DUP) [%s (%s)]
[&Remove Plugin...]
[&Enable Plugin]
[&Disable Plugin]
[&More Plugins...]
&Dal�� dopl�ky...
[Remove Plugin]
Odebr�n� dopl�ku
[Are you sure that the plugin \"%s\" shall be removed?]
Opravdu chcete odebrat dopln�k \"%s\"?
[Delete &settings (recommended)]
&Smazat p��slu�n� nastaven�
[&Restart Miranda IM]
&Restartovat program Miranda IM

; Uninstalling
[Miranda IM is going to be restarted...]
Program Miranda IM bude restartov�n...
[The plugin file \"%s\" could not be removed!]
Dopln�k, resp. soubor \"%s\" nelze smazat!

; ---