; /----------------------------------------------------------\ ; | Updater | ; \----------------------------------------------------------/ ; ; P�eklad: sir-qwerty <info (zavin��) qwerty (te�ka) cz> ; Adresa: http://www.miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2254 ; [Component Name] N�zev dopl�ku ; /conf_dialog.cpp [New Version] Nov� verze [Current Version] Sou�asn� verze ; [LVN_GETDISPINFO (0)] ; [msg] [Download] St�hnout [Update] Aktualizovat ; /extern.cpp ; [\\ud_data.txt] [Could not create data file for restart.] Nelze vytvo�it datov� soubor pro restart [Error] Chyba [Could not create data file for restart] Nelze vytvo�it datov� soubor pro restart ; [\\Plugins] ; [no backups] [Miranda's not 'OK TO EXIT'.] Miranda nen� p�ipravena na restart ; [\\plugins\\updater.dll] ; [\\updater.dll] ; [RUNDLL32.EXE .\\updater.dll,_ExternalUpdate@16 %s] ; [RUNDLL32.EXE .\\updater.dll,ExternalUpdate@16 %s] [Error code: %d] K�d chyby: %d [Your 'temporary files' folder is set to NULL. Install aborted.] Adres�� pro do�asn� soubory nen� nastaven. Instalace zru�ena. [Updater Error] Chyba aktualizace ; [dbtool.exe] ; [langpack_] ; [Read Unicode text line] [Miranda did not exit - cannot install or restart.\n] Miranda nebyla ukon�ena - nelze instalovat nebo restartovat.\n [Press OK to kill the process, ] Stisknut�m OK ukon��te proces, [or press Cancel to abort.] tla��tkem Storno akci zru��te. [It seems Miranda is still running. Aborting update.] Zd� se, �e Miranda st�le b��. Aktualizace zru�ena. ; ["%s" "%s"] [Failed to restart Miranda] Nepoda�ilo se restartovat Mirandu ; /extern.h ; [root_files] ; /icons.cpp [Updater] Aktualizace [Check for Updates] Zkontrolovat aktualizace [Restart] Restart [Update and Exit] Aktualizovat a ukon�it ; /options.cpp [FORCED] VYNUCENO [N/A] <neuvedeno> [TRUE] ZAP [FALSE] VYP [Update on major version change.] Stahovat z�sadn� aktualizace [Update on minor version change.] Stahovat men�� aktualizace [Update on release number change.] Stahovat mal� aktualizace [Update on build number change.] Stahovat ka�d� sestaven� [Use Beta?] Betaverze? [Select Updates Folder] Vyberte slo�ku pro aktualizace [The folder you have chosen for temporary files is not empty.\nALL FILES in this folder will be REMOVED during the update process.] Vybran� slo�ka pro do�asn� soubory nen� pr�zdn�.\nV�ECHNY SOUBORY v t�to slo�ce budou ODSTRAN�NY v pr�b�hu aktualizace. [Updater Warning] Upozorn�n� Aktualizac� [Settings] Nastaven� [Updates] Aktualizace [Plugins] Dopl�ky [Folders] Slo�ky [Temporary Files] Do�asn� soubory ; [\\updater\\temp] [Backups] Z�lohy ; [\\updater\\backups] [Data] Obsah ; [\\updater\\data] [Saved Archives] Ulo�en� archivy ; [\\updater\\archives] ; [\\Updater] ; [\\Temp] ; [\\Backups] ; [\\Data] ; [\\Archives] ; /popups.cpp [%s Message] %s zpr�va [%s Warning] %s upozorn�n� [%s Error] %s chyba ; /progress_dialog.cpp ; [.] [Progress - %d%%] Stav - %d %% ; /scan.cpp ; [\\*.dll] ; [; FLID:] ; [\\langpack_*.txt] [Library does not contain Miranda PluginInfo function] Knihovna neobsahuje funkci Miranda PluginInfo [File not loadable as library] Soubor nelze na��st jako knihovnu ; [\\Plugins\\*.dll] ; /services.cpp [Downloading Updates] Stahov�n� aktualizac� [Progress - Downloading updates...] Stahov�n� aktualizac�... [Downloading] Stahuji [Downloading plugin: %s] Stahov�n� dopl�ku %s [Skipping plugin: %s] P�esko�en� dopl�ku %s [No network - aborting update check] Nen� spojen� - kontrola aktualizac� zru�ena [Checking for Updates] Kontrola aktualizac� [Progress - Checking for updates...] Pr�b�h aktualizace... [Downloading XML data] Stahov�n� XML [Checking for updates] Hled�n� aktualizac� [Scanning plugins folder] Prohled�v�n� slo�ky s dopl�ky [Updating component file listing ids] Aktualizace seznamu komponent [Scanning language packs] Kontrola jazykov�ho bal��ku [Checking plugin: %s] Kontrola dopl�ku %s [Updates Available] Dostupn� aktualizace [Click here to install] Kliknut�m spust�te instalaci [Could not create backup folder] Nelze vytvo�it slo�ku z�loh [Check for updates] Zjistit aktualizace ; /socket.cpp ; [.zip] [Failed to download "%s" - Invalid response, code %d] Nezda�ilo se st�hnout "%s" - nespr�vn� odezva, k�d %d [Failed to download "%s": ] Nezda�ilo se st�hnout "%s": [Yes] Ano ; /unzip.cpp ; [\\../] ; [/../] ; [%s%s] ; [%s%s%s] [unknown zip result code] nezn�m� v�sledek ZIPu [Success] �sp�ch [Culdn't duplicate handle] Nelze duplikovat proces [Couldn't create/open file] Nelze vytvo�it/otev��t soubor [Failed to allocate memory] Nezda�ila se alokace pam�ti [Error writing to file] Chyba p�i z�pisu do souboru [File not found in the zipfile] Soubor v ZIPu nenalezen [Still more data to unzip] St�le zb�vaj� vyzipovat data [Zipfile is corrupt or not a zipfile] Soubor ZIP je po�kozen� nebo nen� platn� [Error reading file] Chyba p�i �ten� souboru [Correct password required] Vy�adov�no heslo ; [Caller: faulty arguments] ; [Caller: the file had already been partially unzipped] ; [Caller: can only get memory of a memory zipfile] ; [Caller: not enough space allocated for memory zipfile] ; [Caller: there was a previous error] ; [Caller: additions to the zip have already been ended] ; [Caller: mixing creation and opening of zip] ; [Zip-bug: internal initialisation not completed] ; [Zip-bug: trying to seek the unseekable] ; [Zip-bug: the anticipated size turned out wrong] ; [Zip-bug: tried to change mind, but not allowed] ; [Zip-bug: an internal error during flation] ; /updater.rc:IDD_CONFIRMCOMPONENTS [Confirm Files] Potvrzen� soubor� [OK] OK [Cancel] Zru�it [Uncheck the files that you do not want installed:] Vyberte soubory, kter� chcete instalovat: [Select DLLs] Vybrat jen DLL [Invert Selection] Invertovat v�b�r [Select All] Vybrat v�e ; /updater.rc:IDD_OPT1 [Check for updates on startup] Zkontrolovat p�i spu�t�n� [Button] Tla��tko [(But only once per day)] Pouze jednou denn� [Check daily] Kontrolovat ka�d� den [Install without confirmation if idle] Instalovat bez potvrzen� (p�i ne�innosti) [Backup updated files] Z�lohovat p�edchoz� verze [General Settings] Obecn� nastaven� [Global Status Control] Glob�ln� stav [Start offline, restore after update check] Spustit jako offline, po aktualizaci obnovit [Use popups for progress info] Pro informaci o pr�b�hu pou��t ozn�men� [Show 'Restart' menu item] Zobrazit v nab�dce polo�ku 'Restart' [Show 'Update and Exit' menu item] Zobrazit v nab�dce polo�ku 'Aktualizovat a ukon�it' [Static] Statick� [Keep downloaded archives] Zachovat sta�en� archivy [Only install DLLs automatically] Instalovat automaticky pouze DLL ; /updater.rc:IDD_CONFIRMUPDATES [Confirm Updates] Potvrzen� aktualizac� [Updates are available for the following components:] Na sv�t� jsou nov�j�� verze t�chto dopl�k�: [Confirm install for individual files] Potvrdit instalaci jednotliv�ch soubor� [Download but do not install] St�hnout, ale neinstalovat [Changelog] Seznam zm�n ; /updater.rc:IDD_PROGRESS [Progress] Pr�b�h [Initialising...] Inicializace... ; /updater.rc:IDD_OPT2 [Updates:] Aktualizace: [Data:] Data: [Backups:] Z�lohy: [Browse...] Proch�zet... [WARNING: Updater will move or delete everything in the 'Updates' folder when installing - so do not point it at anything important (e.g. your plugins folder) or put anything other than updates in there!] UPOZORN�N�: Ve�ker� obsah adres��e 'Updates' bude p�i instalaci vymaz�n - neumis�ujte sem ��dn� d�le�it� soubory! [Saved archives:] Ulo�en� archivy: ; /utils.cpp [Could not create temporary folder.] Nelze vytvo�it do�asnou slo�ku ; [..] ; /xmldata.cpp ; [.xml] [BZ2 Decompression, configuration error] Rozbalov�n� dat; chyba konfigurace [BZ2 Decompression, parameter error] Rozbalov�n� dat; chyba parametru [DB2 Decompression, memory error] Rozbalov�n� dat; chyba pam�ti [Failed to download XML data: ] Nepoda�ilo se st�hnout XML data: [Updater: Error Downloading XML Data] Aktualizace: Chyba p�i stahov�n� XML dat [Failed to download XML data - Response is NULL] Nepoda�ilo se st�hnout XML data; odpov�� je NULL [Error downloading XML data...\nResponse is NULL] Nepoda�ilo se st�hnout XML data...\nOdpov�� je NULL [Failed to download XML data - Invalid response, code %d] Nepoda�ilo se st�hnout XML data; neplatn� odpov��, k�d �.%d [Failed to decompress XML data] Nepoda�ilo se rozbalit XML data [Don't unzip] Nerozbalovat archivy ; ---