#muuid {119d7288-2050-448d-9900-d86ac70426bf} ;============================================================ ; File: KeyboardNotify.dll ; Plugin: Keyboard notify ext. ; Version: ; Authors: TioDuke ;============================================================ ;file \plugins\KeyboardNotify\res\resources.rc [Incoming messages] Binnenkomende berichten [seconds] seconden [Away] Afwezig [Occupied] Bezet [NA] Niet beschikbaar [DND] Niet storen [Free for chat] Beschikbaar voor gesprek [Invisible] Onzichtbaar [On the phone] Aan de telefoon [Out to lunch] Aan het lunchen [Offline] Offline [Add] Toevoegen [Delete] Verwijderen [Export...] Exporteren... [OK] OK [Cancel] Annuleren [The following events are being ignored:] De volgende gebeurtenissen worden genegeerd: [Ignore messages] Berichten negeren [Ignore URLs] URLs negeren [Ignore files] Bestanden negeren [Ignore] Negeer ;file \plugins\KeyboardNotify\src\ignore.cpp [** All contacts **] ** Alle personen ** [** Unknown contacts **] ** Onbekende personen ** ;file \plugins\KeyboardNotify\src\options.cpp [Events] Gebeurtenissen [Protocol] Protocol [All Files] Alle bestanden