;#muuid not found, please specify manually! ;langpack template for Fingerprint ;file E:\Sources\myranda\plugins\FingerPrintModPlus\res\resource.rc [Fingerprint icons] [Overlay#1] [Overlay#2] [Overlay#3] [Show Version as Overlay#2] [Showing groups] [Miranda] [Multi-Protocol] [Pack overlays] [Others] [AIM] [Gadu-Gadu] [ICQ] [IRC] [Jabber] [Mail.ru Agent] [MSN] [QQ] [RSS] [Skype] [Tlen] [VoIP] [Weather] [Yahoo] [Note: Miranda NG will have to be restarted for changes to take effect.] ;file E:\Sources\myranda\plugins\FingerPrintModPlus\src\fingerprint.cpp [%s\\%s.dll] [ClientIcons_Packs] ;file E:\Sources\myranda\plugins\FingerPrintModPlus\src\finger_groups.h [Client Icons/Miranda] [Client Icons/Multi-Protocol] [Client Icons/ICQ/Official] [Client Icons/ICQ/Unofficial] [Client Icons/Jabber] [Client Icons/MSN] [Client Icons/AIM] [Client Icons/Yahoo] [Client Icons/IRC] [Client Icons/VoIP] [Client Icons/Skype] [Client Icons/Gadu-Gadu] [Client Icons/Miranda/Pack overlays] [Client Icons/Mail.Ru Agent] [Client Icons/Miranda/Overlays#1] [Client Icons/Overlays/Security] [Client Icons/Other] [Client Icons/Miranda/Overlays#2] [Client Icons/Overlays/Platform] [Client Icons/Weather] [Client Icons/RSS] [Client Icons/QQ] [Client Icons/Tlen] [Client Icons] ;file E:\Sources\myranda\plugins\FingerPrintModPlus\src\global.h [Icons\\Fp_ClientIcons] ;file E:\Sources\myranda\plugins\FingerPrintModPlus\src\masks.cpp [|*http://miranda-ng.org*|*http://nightly.miranda.im*] [|*Miranda*NG*] [Miranda NG] [ClientIcons_General] [Miranda*6.6.6*] [Miranda evil] [|Miranda IM*0.10.*Unicode*] [|Miranda IM*Unicode*0.10.*] [Miranda v0.10 Unicode] [|Miranda IM*0.9.*Unicode*] [|Miranda IM*Unicode*0.9.*] [Miranda v0.9 Unicode] [|Miranda IM*0.8.*Unicode*] [|Miranda IM*Unicode*0.8.*] [Miranda v0.8 Unicode] [|Miranda IM*0.7.*Unicode*] [|Miranda IM*Unicode*0.7.*] [Miranda v0.7 Unicode] [|Miranda IM*0.6.*Unicode*] [|Miranda IM*Unicode*0.6.*] [Miranda v0.6 Unicode] [|Miranda IM*0.5.*Unicode*] [|Miranda IM*Unicode*0.5.*] [Miranda v0.5 Unicode] [*Miranda IM*Unicode*] [Miranda Unicode] [*Miranda IM*0.10.*] [Miranda v0.10] [*Miranda IM*0.9.*] [Miranda v0.9] [*Miranda IM*0.8.*] [Miranda v0.8] [*Miranda IM*0.7.*] [Miranda v0.7] [*Miranda IM*0.6.*] [Miranda v0.6] [*Miranda IM*0.5.*] [Miranda v0.5] [*Miranda IM*0.4.*] [Miranda v0.4] [|*Miranda*|*Mira*] [Miranda IM] [|^*SIM*0.9.4*|^*SIM*0.9.5*] [|^*SIM*0.9.6*|^*SIM*0.9.7*] [|*SIM*Win32] [SIM (Win32) old] [ClientIcons_Multiprotocols] [|*SIM*MacOS] [SIM (MacOS) old] [SIM*?.8.?] [SIM (Linux) old] [|^*SIM*0.9.6*|^*SIM*0.9.7*|^SIM] [|*SIM*Simp*|^*Simp*|*SIM*] [SIM (others) old] [SIM (Win32)] [SIM (MacOS)] [SIM*?.9.?] [SIM (Linux)] [|*SIM*] [SIM (others)] [|*BayanICQ*|*barobin*] [BayanICQ] [Adium*] [Adium] [Trillian*Astra*] [Trillian Astra] [Trillian*Pro*] [Trillian Pro] [|Trillian*|http://trillian.im/*] [Trillian] [*gaim*] [Gaim (libgaim)] [|*Pidgin*|libpurple*|Purple*] [Pidgin (libpurple) (ex-Gaim)] [*PIGEON*] [PIGEON!] [|Kopete*|http://kopete.kde.org*] [Kopete] [IM2*] [IM2] [Centericq*] [Centericq] [Meebo*] [Meebo] [*Agile Messenger*] [Agile Messenger] [Prelude*] [Prelude] [|IM+*|IMPLUS*|IM *] [IM+] [uIM*] [uIM] [*Inlux*] [Inlux Messenger] [QNext*] [Qnext] [|mChat*|gsICQ*|http://mchat.mgslab.com*] [mChat] [|SieJC*|NatICQ*|Siemens*Client*] [Siemens Native ICQ/Jabber Client] [*fring*] [Fring] [|*eBuddy*|*eMessenger*] [eBuddy] [Meetro*] [Meetro] [Easy*Message*] [Easy Message] [BitlBee*] [BitlBee] [*Proteus*] [Proteus] [|iChat*] [|http://www.apple.com/ichat/caps*] [iChat] [*ekg*2*] [EKG2] [*Ayttm*] [Ayttm] [*qutIM*] [qutIM] [YamiGo*] [YamiGo] [|QIP 2012*|http://qip.ru/caps*] [QIP 2012] [|QIP Infium*|http://qip*] [QIP Infium] [|QIP 2010*|http://2010.qip.ru*] [QIP 2010] [|QIP PDA*|http://pda.qip.ru/caps*] [|*QIP Mobile*] [QIP Mobile] [*Citron IM*] [Citron IM] [|*Palringo*|http://palringo.com/caps*] [Palringo] [|*imo.im*] [Imo.im] [*OneTeam*] [OneTeam] [Py*t] [Python transport clients] [*Instantbird*] [Instantbird] [|*Jimm*|mobicq*] [Jimm] [*Digsby*] [Digsby] [|Jasmine IM*|http://jasmineicq.ru/caps*] [Jasmine IM] [QIP*] [QIP] [ClientIcons_ICQ] [&RQ*] [&RQ] [R&Q*] [R&Q] [*TICQ*Client*] [TICQ (Delphi lib)] [IC@*] [IC@] [StrICQ*] [StrICQ] [mICQ*] [mICQ] [VmICQ*] [VmICQ] [vICQ*] [vICQ] [YSM*] [YSM] [*MIP*] [MIP] [D[i]Chat*] [D[i]Chat] [Core*Pager*] [Core Pager] [LocID*] [LocID] [Slick*] [Slick] [*SmapeR*] [SmapeR] [Anastasia*] [Anastasia] [*JICQ*] [JICQ] [ICQ*2.x*] [ICQ 2.x] [nICQ*] [nICQ] [kxICQ*] [KxICQ2] [*Nano*ICQ*] [NanoICQ] [Yeemp*] [Yeemp] [*KM*Aska*] [KM Aska] [|*Pocket*Web*|*1&1*|*1*und*1] [|*1*and*1] [1&1] [WebICQ*] [WebICQ] [alicq*] [Alicq] [Licq*] [Licq] [GnomeICU*] [GnomeICU] [SmartICQ*] [SmartICQ (via mIRC)] [stICQ*] [stICQ] [GlICQ*] [GlICQ] [libicq2*] [LibICQ/JIT] [*IMadering*] [IMadering] [*Spam*Bot*] [Spam Bot] [*Virus*] [Virus (Stration worm)] [ICQ*5*Rambler*] [ICQ Rambler (Lite v5)] [ICQ*bigmir*] [ICQ bigmir.net (Lite v5)] [ICQ*5*Netvigator*] [ICQ Netvigator (Lite v5)] [ICQ*Pro7*] [ICQ ProSieben aka Pro7 (Lite v5)] [ICQ*Abv*] [ICQ ABV (Lite v5)] [ICQ Lite v4*] [ICQ Lite v4] [ICQ Lite v7*] [ICQ Lite v7] [|ICQ*6*|ICQ*7*] [ICQ v6,ICQ v7] [|^*Transport*|ICQ*98*|ICQ*99*|ICQ*2000*] [|ICQ*2001*|ICQ*2002*|ICQ*200?a*] [|ICQ*2003b*|ICQ*5*|ICQ Lite*|ICQ2Go!*] [ICQ/ICQ2Go!] [*ComPad*] [ICQ ComPad] [ICQ for Mac] [ICQ*Pocket*PC*] [ICQ for PocketPC] [*juick*] [Juick] [ClientIcons_Jabber] [*jrudevels*] [Jrudevels] [whoisbot] [Swissjabber Whois Bot] [|*PJC*|http://pjc.googlecode.com/*] [PHP Jabber Client] [|*jdisk*|JabberDisk*] [Jabber disk] [|*teabot*|http://teabot.org/bot*|bot] [Teabot] [*Psto*] [Psto.net] [*Psi*] [PSI] [*TalkGadget*] [GTalk Gadget] [orkut*] [orkut] [iGoogle*] [iGoogle] [|*gmail.*|GMail*] [GMail] [|*Talk.v*|*Google*Talk*|*Gtalk*|*-iPhon*] [GoogleTalk aka GTalk] [*Talkonaut*] [Talkonaut] [|*Jajc*|Just Another Jabber Client] [JAJC] [|*Tkabber*|http://tkabber*] [Tkabber] [*Exodus*] [Exodus] [|*Pandion*|*�������*] [Pandion] [*Gush*] [Gush] [*Gabber*] [Gabber] [*Gajim*] [Gajim] [*Spark*] [Spark] [*Beejive*] [Beejive] [*Jabbin*] [Jabbin] [*Papla*] [Papla] [*Zilla*] [JabberZilla] [|*Bombusmod-qd*|*bombusqd*] [BombusQD] [|*Bombus*mod*|*bombusmod*] [BombusMod] [*Bombus*] [Bombus] [Wildfire*] [Wildfire] [*M8Jabber*] [M8Jabber] [*EMess*] [EMess] [Colibry*] [Colibry] [*Go*Talk*Mobile*] [GoTalkMobile] [Mobile?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?] [MGTalk] [Colloquy*] [Colloquy] [|http://wtw.k2t.eu*|wtw*] [WTW] [Spik*] [Spik] [Konnekt*] [Konnekt] [*Vacuum*] [Vacuum IM] [Neos*] [Neos] [*GOIM*] [GOIM] [SoapBox*] [SoapBox] [*Mozilla*Chat*] [MozillaChat] [Wanna*Chat*] [WannaChat] [Nitro*] [Nitro] [*JBother*] [JBother] [gYaber*] [gYaber] [myJabber*] [myJabber] [Jabber Messenger*] [Jabber Messenger] [Jabberwocky*] [Jabberwocky (Amiga)] [Tipic*] [TipicIM] [Triple*] [TripleSoftwareIM (TSIM)] [*Leaf*] [Leaf Messenger] [*Chatopus*] [Chatopus] [*Akeni*] [Akeni] [*Coccinella*] [Coccinella] [*Whisper*] [WhisperIM] [*wija*] [Wija] [*fox*] [JabberFoX] [*Gossip*] [Gossip] [*Fire*] [Fire] [*Mercury*] [Mercury Messenger] [*BitWise*] [BitWise] [*Iruka*] [Iruka] [*Importal*] [Importal] [*kf*] [kf jabber] [*JClaim*] [JClaim] [*USCSS*Nostromo*] [USCSS Nostromo] [LLuna*] [LLuna] [*Chit*Chat*] [ChitChat] [WinJab*] [WinJab] [JMC*] [JMC (Jabber Mix Client)] [|*Berry*|*ICS?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?] [BlackBerry] [*mobber*] [mobber] [*mcabber*] [MCabber] [*Jeti*] [Jeti] [*Gnome*] [Gnome] [Jabber*BeOS*] [Jabber (BeOS)] [Jabber*Applet*] [JabberApplet] [*Jabber*Naut*] [JabberNaut] [moJab*] [moJab] [*Chikka*] [Chikka] [gReeNtHumB*] [GreenThumb] [*BellSouth*] [BellSouth] [*IMCom*] [IMCom] [Buddy*Space*] [BuddySpace] [*Kadu*] [Kadu] [Xiffian*] [Xiffian] [Mango*] [Mango] [Sky*Mess*] [Sky Messager] [*QTJim*] [QTJim] [*Tapioca*] [Tapioca] [*Telepathy*] [Telepathy] [*Landell*] [Landell] [*Octro*] [Octro] [*Desyr*] [Desyr Messenger] [*LinQ*] [LinQ] [*Xeus*] [Xeus] [OM*] [OM aka Online Messenger] [*Interaction*] [Interaction] [|*JWGC*|Jabber *Gram*] [JWGC (Jabber WindowGram Client)] [*SIP*Communicator*] [SIP Communicator] [*Bow*line*] [Bowline] [*Vayusphere*] [Vayusphere] [*Transact*] [TransactIM] [*laffer*] [Laffer] [*Instan-t*] [Instan-t] [*GCN*] [GCN] [Conference*] [Conference Bot (GMail)] [*Paltalk*] [Paltalk] [*Twitter*] [Twitter] [smtp*transport*] [SMTP Transport] [*studivz*] [StudiVZ] [*schuelervz*] [SchulerVZ] [*meinvz*] [MeinVZ] [*jabbim*] [Jabbim] [|*yandex*|*�.������*|*������*|*yaonline*] [YA online] [|*Jabiru*|http://jabiru*] [Jabiru] [*SworIM*] [SworIM] [*Yambi*] [Yambi] [|*glu*|http://glu.net/*] [Glu] [*Facebook*] [Facebook] [|http://webex.com/connect /*] [Cisco WebEx Connect] [|jwchat*] [JWChat] [|http://www.igniterealtime.org/projects/smack/*|*smack*] [Smack] [Android *] [Android] [|*PyICQ-t*|*pyICQ*|ICQ*Transport*] [PyICQ-t Jabber Transport] [|*PyAIM-t*|*pyAIM*] [PyAIM-t Jabber Transport] [|*PyMRA-t*|*pyMRA*|*DRQZ00fz5WP*] [|http://svn.xmpp.ru/repos/mrim*|Mrim*] [PyMRA-t Jabber Transport] [|*PyMSN-t*|*pyMSN*] [PyMSN-t Jabber Transport] [|*PyIRC-t*|*pyIRC*] [PyIRC-t Jabber Transport] [|*PyYIM-t*|*pyYIM*] [PyYahoo-t Jabber Transport] [Gnu Gadu*] [GNU Gadu] [*Eye*ball*] [Eyeball Chat] [*imov*] [iMov] [iMeem*] [iMeem] [|*Anothrbot*|*Anothr Rss Bot*] [Anothr Rss Bot] [*someresource*] [Imified] [|*WTalkProxy0_0*|*http://talk.xiaonei.com*] [RenRen] [|http://aqq.eu*|aqq*] [Aqq] [|http://leechcraft.org*|LeechCraft*] [LeechCraft] [*.el*] [Emacs] [|http://jtalk*|jTalk*] [jTalk] [Thunderbir*] [Thunderbird] [*Gizmo*] [Gizmo] [ClientIcons_VoIP] [*Zoep*] [Zoep] [*Wengo*] [WengoPhone] [*Tlen*] [Tlen.pl] [ClientIcons_Tlen] [*KVIrc*] [KVIrc] [ClientIcons_IRC] [*mIRC*] [mIRC] [*Opera*] [Opera] [*ChatZilla*] [ChatZilla] [*ksirk*] [KSirc] [*xBitch*] [xBitch] [*xChat*] [xChat] [*Pirch*] [Pirch] [*pIRC*] [pIRC] [*psyBNC*] [psyBNC] [*Sys*Reset*] [SysReset] [*FChat*] [FChat] [*Konversation*] [Konversation] [*Conversation*] [Conversation] [*aMule*] [aMule] [eMule*MorphXT*] [eMule MorphXT] [eMule*Neo*] [eMule Neo] [eMule*Xtreme*] [eMule Xtreme] [|eMule*plus*|eMule*+*] [eMule+] [*eMule*] [eMule] [*Eggdrop*RacBot*] [Eggdrop RacBot] [*Eggdrop*] [Eggdrop] [*AmIRC*] [AmIRC] [*BersIRC*] [BersIRC] [*cbirc*] [cbirc] [*dIRC*] [dIRC] [*GDPChat*] [GDP Web Chat] [*Ice*Chat*7*] [IceChat 7] [*Ice*Chat*5*] [IceChat 5] [*Ice*Chat*] [IceChat] [*piorun*] [Piorun] [*Pro*Chat*] [ProChat] [*Smart*IRC*] [SmartIRC] [*Go*PowerTools*] [GoPowerTools] [*Hydra*IRC*] [HydraIRC] [*ircle*] [ircle] [*IRCXpro*] [IRCXpro] [*irssi*] [irssi] [*jircii*] [jircii] [*jmIrc*] [jmIrc] [*Klient*] [Klient] [*zsIRC*] [zsIRC] [*NeoRa*Trion*] [NeoRa Trion] [*Nettalk*] [Nettalk] [*NoName*Script*] [NoNameScript] [*PJIRC*] [PJIRC] [*Snak*] [Snak] [*VircaIRC*] [VircaIRC] [*VisionIRC*] [VisionIRC] [*VisualIRC*] [VisualIRC] [*VortecIRC*] [VortecIRC] [*WeeChat*] [WeeChat] [*WLIrc*] [WLIrc] [*wmIRC*] [wmIRC] [*X*Chat*Aqua*] [X-Chat Aqua] [*ZipTorrent*] [ZipTorrent] [*Babbel*] [Babbel] [*Xirc*] [Xirc] [*savIRC*] [savIRC] [*XiRCON*] [XiRCON] [*MP3*Script*] [MP3 Script for mIRC] [*IRC*] [Unknown IRC client] [WLM*2011*] [Windows Live 11] [ClientIcons_MSN] [WLM*2010*] [Windows Live 10] [WLM*9*] [Windows Live v9.x] [|WLM*8.*|MSN*8.*] [Windows Live v8.x] [MSN*7.*] [MSN Messenger v7.x] [MSN*6.*] [MSN Messenger v6.x] [MSN*4.x-5.x] [MSN Messenger v4.x-5.x] [MSN*Mac*] [MSN for Mac] [*aMSN*] [aMSN] [WebMessenger*] [WebMessenger] [|WLM*|MSN*|Windows Live*] [*AIM*Triton*] [AIM Triton] [ClientIcons_AIM] [AIM*4.*] [AIM v4.x] [AIM*5.*] [AIM v5.x] [AIM*Mac*] [AIM for MacOS] [|AIM*Mobile*|AIM*gprs*|Aim*sms*] [AIM Mobile] [*naim*] [Naim] [*miniaim*] [miniaim] [*Terra*] [TerraIM] [AIM*] [*libyahoo*] [libyahoo2] [ClientIcons_Yahoo] [*Yahoo*5*] [Yahoo v5.x] [*Yahoo*6*] [Yahoo v6.x] [*Yahoo*7*] [Yahoo v7.x] [*Yahoo*8*] [Yahoo v8.x] [*Yahoo*9*] [Yahoo v9.x] [*Yahoo*10*] [Yahoo v10.x] [|Yahoo*Go*|Yahoo*Mobile*] [Yahoo! Go Mobile] [*Yahoo*PingBox*] [Yahoo PingBox] [*Yahoo*Web*Messenger] [Yahoo Web Messenger] [*Yahoo*] [Gadu-Gadu*7*] [Gadu-Gadu v7.x] [ClientIcons_Gadu] [Gadu-Gadu*6*] [Gadu-Gadu v6.x] [|magent*|Mail.ru Agent*official*|Mail.ru Agent*PC*] [|http://agent.mail.ru*] [Mail.Ru Agent (official client)] [ClientIcons_MRA] [|wmagent*|MobileAgent*|sagent*|Mail.ru Agent*Symbian*] [|jagent*] [Mail.Ru Mobile Agent] [Web Agent*] [Mail.Ru Web Agent] [Mail.ru Agent*] [Mail.Ru (unknown client)] [*Skype*3.*] [Skype v3.x] [ClientIcons_Skype] [*Skype*2.*] [Skype v2.x] [*Skype*] [Skype v1.x] [*accuweather*] [AccuWeather] [ClientIcons_Weather] [*gismeteo*] [GisMeteo] [*intellicast*] [Intellicast] [|*meteo-gid*|*meteogid*|*MeteoGid*] [Meteo-Gid] [*meteonovosti*] [Meteonovosti] [*noaa*] [NOAA Weather] [*realmeteo*] [RealMeteo] [Weather Underground*] [Weather Underground] [*WeatherXML*] [WeatherXML] [*wetter*] [Wetter] [*Yahoo Weather*] [Yahoo Weather] [*weather.com.cn*] [Weather CN] [*weather*] [*RSS*0.9*] [RSS 0.9x] [ClientIcons_RSS] [*RSS*1.*] [RSS 1] [*RSS*2.*] [RSS 2] [*Atom*1.*] [Atom 1] [*Atom*3.*] [Atom 3] [|Mobile*QQ*|iPhone*QQ*|QQ WAP*] [Mobile QQ] [ClientIcons_QQ] [QQ*Concept*] [QQ Concept] [QQ*CRM*] [QQ CRM] [QQ*Silverlight*] [QQ Silverlight] [|TM2008*|TM2009*|TM2010*] [TM 2008 and >] [TM*] [QQ*International*] [QQ International] [YamQQ*] [Yam QQ] [WebQQ*] [WebQQ] [QQ*] [Notfound] [Not founded icon] [|*Unknown*|...] [Unknown client] [Undetected client] [*HierOS*] [HierOS] [*yaol*] [YAOL] [|*KDL*|*���*] [KDL] [*Valera*Vi*] [ValeraVi] [*Stalker*] [Stalker] [*kuzzman*] [Kuzzman] [*AF*Pack*] [*Kolich*] [Kolich] [*Miranda*Umedon*] [Umedon] [|^*sss*|*[S7*pack]*|*[S7]*] [Se7ven] [*sss*pack*] [SSS build] [*Faith*Pack*] [Faith] [|*MirandaLS*|*LexSys*] [LexSys] [*dmikos*] [Dmikos] [*tweety*] [Tweety] [*[Miranda ME]*] [Miranda ME] [*bri*edition*] [Bri edition] [*AlfaMaR*] [AlfaMaR] [*zeleboba's*] [zeleboba's] [*MDpack*] [MDpack] [*Pilot*] [Pilot] [*Amatory*] [Amatory] [*Razunter's*] [Razunter's Pk] [*Ghost's*] [Ghost's Pack] [*Dar_veter*] [Dar_veter Pack] [*Mataes*] [Mataes Pack] [*Freize*] [Freize] [*FR*Pack*] [Miranda FR] [*Native*] [Native] [*[E33]*] [E33] [*RobyerPack*] [Robyer Pack] [*New Style*] [New Style] [*Spellhowler*] [xSpellhowleRx Pack] [*[Lpack]*] [Lestat Pack] [*6.6.6*] [Devil Suite] [*[FinalPack]*] [Final Pack] [*[HotCoffee]*] [HotCoffee] [*[WatcherPack]*] [Watcher Pack] [*[Lenin Pack]*] [Lenin Pack] [Miranda*AIM*] [Miranda*ICQ*Plus*] [ICQJ Plus Mod] [Miranda*ICQ*S!N*] [ICQJ S!N Mod] [Miranda*ICQ*0.*] [ICQJ] [Miranda*ICQ*] [ICQ unknown] [Miranda*IRC*] [Miranda*JGmail*] [JGmail] [Miranda*JGTalk*] [JGTalk] [Miranda*JMeebo*] [JMeebo] [Miranda*Jabber*] [|*Mail.ru*IM*|*MRA*] [MailRu Agent] [Miranda*MSN*] [|Miranda*QQ*|MIMQQ*] [*tlen.pl] [*Miranda*0.10.*] [*Miranda*0.9.*] [*Miranda*0.8.*] [*Miranda*0.7.*] [*Miranda*0.6.*] [*Miranda*0.5.*] [*Miranda*0.4.*] [ICQ*2000*] [ICQ 2000] [ICQ*2001*] [ICQ 2001] [ICQ*2002*] [ICQ 2002/2003a] [ICQ*2003*] [ICQ 2003b] [ICQ*4*] [ICQ*5.1*] [ICQ v5.1] [|^*Transport*|ICQ*5*] [ICQ v5] [ICQ*6*] [ICQ v6] [ICQ*7*] [ICQ v7] [*Yahoo 5*] [Yahoo 5.x] [*Yahoo 6*] [Yahoo 6.x] [*Yahoo 7*] [Yahoo 7.x] [*Yahoo 8*] [Yahoo 8.x] [*Yahoo 9*] [Yahoo 9.x] [*Yahoo 10*] [Yahoo 10.x] [QQ2000*] [QQ 2000] [TM 1.*] [TM 1.x] [TM 2.*] [TM 2.x] [|QQ2003*|TM 3.*] [TM 3.x, QQ 2003] [QQ2004*] [QQ 2004] [|QQ2005*|TM2005*] [TM/QQ 2005] [|QQ2006*|TM2006*] [TM/QQ 2006] [|QQ2007*|TM2007*] [TM/QQ 2007] [|QQ2008*|TM2008*] [TM/QQ 2008] [|QQ2009*|TM2009*] [TM/QQ 2009] [|QQ2010*|TM2010*] [TM/QQ 2010] [|QQ2011*|TM2011*] [TM/QQ 2011] [Tlen Protocol 7] [Tlen 5.x] [Tlen Protocol 10] [Tlen 6.x] [Tlen Protocol 16] [Tlen 7.x] [*Weather*] [|*Win32*|*windows*|* WM *|wmagent*|*Vista*] [on Windows] [|* Mac *|*IPhone*] [on MacOS] [*Linux*] [on Linux] [*Flash*] [on Flash] [|*Java*|jagent*|ICQ2Go!*] [on Java] [|*Symbian*|sagent*] [on Symbian] [|* Android*|*/Android*] [on Android] [*[*debug*]*] [[Debug]] [|*[*home*]*|*[*���*]*] [[Home]] [|*[*work*]*|*[*������*]*] [[Work]] [|*[*office*]*|*[*����*]*] [[Office]] [|*[*mobile*]*|*[*pda*]*] [[Mobile]] [|*[*note*]*|*[*portable*]*|*[*usb*]*] [|*[*laptop*]*|*[*flash*]*] [[Portable]] [*Secure*IM*] [+SecureIM] [*SimpPro*] [+SimpPro] [*SimpLite*] [+SimpLite] [*IMSecure*] [+IMSecure] ;file E:\Sources\myranda\plugins\FingerPrintModPlus\src\options.cpp [Customize] [Fingerprint]