#muuid {68c36842-3d95-4f4a-ab81-014d6593863b} ;langpack template for Flags ;file \plugins\CountryFlags\res\resource.rc [Country Flags] [Show country flag as &status icon on message window] [Show country flag as &extra image on contact list] [In following contact list &column:] [Use &unknown flag if the country can not be determined] [Use &IP-to-country database for country detection] ;file \plugins\CountryFlags\src\extraimg.cpp [Contact List] ;file \plugins\CountryFlags\src\ip2country.cpp [BIN] [Looking for 'ip-to-country.csv' in current directory.\n"\r\n "It will be converted into 'ip-to-country.bin'.\n"\r\n "See debug output for more details.\n"\r\n "This process may take very long.] [Bin Converter] [Done!\n'ip-to-country.bin' has been created in current directory.]