#muuid {DA0B09F5-9C66-488C-AE37-8A5F191C9079} ;file \plugins\HistoryLinkListPlus\res\linklist.rc [Close] [Search for:] [Search] [Message direction] [Message types] [All directions] [Incoming only] [Outgoing only] [All types] [Mail addresses only] [Web addresses only] [Deep search] [Static] [Colour Select] [Incoming messages] [Plugin Default] [Preview] [Outgoing messages] [Backgroundcolour] [Use Miranda Settings] [Textcolour] [General Settings] [Open links always in a new window] [Update list on new events] [Show whole Message on 'mouse over' event] [Save window position individually for each contact] [Show...] [Date] [Parting line] [Timestamp] [Direction] [Type] [&Save] [&Close] [&Outgoing Messages Only] [&Incoming Messages Only] [&Webaddresses Only] [&Mail-Addresses Only] [&Clear Search Results] [&Search] [Open] [Open in new Window] [Copy to Clipboard] [Show Message] ;file \plugins\HistoryLinkListPlus\src\linklist.cpp [RICHED32.DLL] [Unable to load the Rich Edit control!] [Error] [&Create Linklist] [Progressbar] [History] [History Linklist] [Processing history...] [Could not create window!] [Could not allocate memory!] [There are no links in history!] ;file \plugins\HistoryLinkListPlus\src\linklist_dlg.cpp [%s [%s]] [Linklist Plugin] [mailto:] [%s: %s] ;file \plugins\HistoryLinkListPlus\src\linklist_fct.cpp [http://] [ftp://] [https://] [www.] [ftp.] [icq#] [gopher://] [news://] [file://] [\\\\] [.com/] [.net/] [.org/] [.co.uk] [.ru] [d-t] [Arial] [%s '%s': %d\n\n] [Matches for searchtext] [Courier] [Processing list...] [\n\n] [[mail]] [[URL ]] [[file]] [[UNK ]] [%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n] [[in ]] [[out]] [No messages found!\nPlease change current filter options.] [___________________________________________\n] [\n[in ] ] [URL ] [08:15 http://miranda-ng.org\n] [http://miranda-ng.org\n] [[out] ] [08:16 http://miranda-ng.org\n] [%s: %s %s] [*.rtf] [RTF File\0*.rtf\0All Files\0*.*\0\0] [Save RTF File]