;#muuid not found, please specify manually!
;langpack template for New_GPG
;file E:\Sources\myranda\plugins\New_GPG\res\new_gpg.rc
[Load from file]
[Select existing]
[Turn on encryption]
[Import key from keyserver]
[Generate key]
[Select key for use]
[Key password:]
[Load other]
[Delete key]
[Generate and use random key]
[key id: ]
[Home directory:]
[GnuPG binary:]
[Turn on key autoexchange]
[Import key]
[Accept and enable encryption]
[Key type:]
[Key length:]
[Real name:]
[Expire date:]
[ex.: 2010-08-15]
[From 1024 to 4096]
[It can take a long time, be patient]
[0 - does not expire]
[Save password to database]
[Default password]
[Select keyserver for key search:]
[Export PubKey]
[Select own key]
[Turn on debug log]
[Use jabber api on Miranda IM >= 0.9 (recomended)]
[Default key]
[Encrypt file transfers]
[Automatic key exchange]
[Copy own key]
[Add tags to encoded and decoded messages]
[Incomming message tags:]
[Outgoing message tags:]
[Strip all tags in outgoing messages]
[Turn on presence signing (Jabber)]
;file E:\Sources\myranda\plugins\New_GPG\src\gpg_wrapper.cpp
[" --homedir "]
[--display-charset utf-8 ]
[-z 9 ]
;file E:\Sources\myranda\plugins\New_GPG\src\icons.cpp
;file E:\Sources\myranda\plugins\New_GPG\src\init.cpp
[GPG Turn off encryption]
[GPG Turn on encryption]
[GPG encryption status]
[Load GPG public key]
[Toggle GPG encryption]
[Send public key]
[Export GPG Public keys from all users]
[Import GPG Public keys from all users]
;file E:\Sources\myranda\plugins\New_GPG\src\log.cpp
;file E:\Sources\myranda\plugins\New_GPG\src\main.cpp
[Set own key]
[Key ID]
[Creation date]
[Key length]
[--batch --list-secret-keys]
[key id]
[not set]
[--batch -a --export ]
[Default private key id]
[--batch --fingerprint ]
[--batch --delete-secret-and-public-key --fingerprint ]
[Failed to open file]
[--batch --yes --gen-key "]
[Generating new random key, please wait]
[gpg binary found in miranda folder, but english locale does not exists.\nit's highly recommended to place \\gnupg.nls\\en@quot.mo in gnupg folder under miranda root.\nwithout this file you may expirense many problem with gpg output on non english systems.\nand plugin may completely do not work.\nyou have beed warned.]
[wrong gpg binary location found in system.\nplease choose another location]
[This is not gnupg binary !\nrecommended to use GnuPG v1.x.x with this plugn.]
[Unsupported gnupg version found, use at you own risk!\nrecommended to use GnuPG v1.x.x with this plugn.]
[Your GPG version is supported. The language file was found.\nGPG plugin should work fine.\nPress OK to continue.]
[Choose gpg.exe]
[EXE Executables]
[Set home diractory]
[gpg binary does not exists.\nplease choose another location]
[please choose gpg binary location]
[please set keyring's home directory]
[There is existing key for contact, would you like to replace with new key ?]
[New public key was received, do you want to import it?]
[Received key from ]
[Key Generation dialog]
[You must set encryption algorythm first]
[Key length must be of length from 1024 to 4096 bits]
[Invalid date]
[Name must contain at least 5 characters]
[Name cannot contain '(' or ]
[Invalid Email]
[Generating new key, please wait...]
[Expiration date]
[--batch --list-keys]
[Failed to export public key.]
[ --keyserver "]
[" --recv-keys ]
[GPG binary is set and valid (this is good).\n]
[GPG binary unset or invalid (plugin will not work).\n]
[Home dir write access granted (this is good).\n]
[Home dir have not write access (plugin most probably will not work).\n]
[Temp dir write access granted (this is good).\n]
[Temp dir have not write access (plugin should work, but may have some problems, filetransfers will not work).]
[\nGPG will be disabled until you solve this problems]
[GPG plugin problems]
[Your secret key whith id: ]
[You have not set public key for gpg, it's recommended to do it.\nDo you want to do it now ?]
[Own public key warning]
[ deleted from gpg secret keyring\nDo you want to set another key ?]
[Own secret key warning]
[Do you want load key for all subcontacts ?]
[Metacontact detected]
[ --batch ]
[ --import "]
;file E:\Sources\myranda\plugins\New_GPG\src\messages.cpp
[-----END PGP MESSAGE-----]
[We received encrypted message from contact with encryption turned off.\nDo you want turn on encryption for this contact ?]
[Do you want try to decrypt encrypted message ?]
[--batch ]
[--passphrase "]
[--output "]
[ -d -a "]
[-----PGP KEY RESPONSE-----]
[--comment "" --no-version ]
[--trust-model always ]
[--batch --yes -e -a -t -r ]
[We trying to encrypt with untrusted key, do you want to trust this key permanently ?]
[Something wrong, gpg does not understand us, aborting encryption.]
;file E:\Sources\myranda\plugins\New_GPG\src\options.cpp
[GnuPG Variables]
[This key not used by any contact, do you want to remove it from public keyring ?]
[Key info]
[ --batch --yes --delete-key ]
[we have secret key for this public key, do not removing from GPG keyring]
[Key removed from GPG keyring]
[Do you want to remove key from entire metacontact (all subcontacts) ?]
[Export public key]
[.asc pubkey file]
[Failed to alocate memory]
[Set log file]
[LOG files]
[Load Public GPG Key for ]
[Turn off encryption]
[ --export -a ]
[ found in prescense, and exists in keyring.)]
[Load Public GPG Key (Key ID: ]
[ found in prescense.)]
[This is not public or private key]
[Key already in scret key ring.]
[Set file containing GPG public key]
[GPG public key file]
[Where is no public or private key.]
;file E:\Sources\myranda\plugins\New_GPG\src\utilities.cpp
[Do you want to toggle encryption for all subcontacts ?]
[ -o ]
[Target file exists, do you want to replace it ?]
[ -d "]
[--batch --yes -r ]
[ --trust-model always ]
[ -o "]
[ -e "]
[This message is encrypted.]
[Version: ]
[Comment: ]
[Encoding: ]
[--local-user ]
[ --default-key ]
[ --batch --yes -a -s "]
[-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n\n]
[\n-----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n]
[ --verify -a "]
[Indicates that gpg installed and configured to public key auto exchange (currently implemented in new_gpg Miranda IM plugin)]
[Choose file to export public keys]
[Any file]
[Keys export result]
[Choose file to import keys from]
[Keys import result]