;#muuid not found, please specify manually! ;file \plugins\NotesAndReminders\res\resource.rc [Default Note Size] [Width (Pixels)] [Height (Pixels)] [Notes Appearance] [Show Scrollbars] [Show Buttons] [Title Date] [Title Time] [Startup options] [Hide notes at startup] [Add Contact list menu items] [(Requires Miranda restart)] [Reminder options] [Add Reminder closes dialog] [Use MCI to play alert sounds] [Note Transparency (Minimum Win 2k/XP)] [0%] [100%] [Send Reminders through E-mail / SMS :] [Open links with this program instead:] [...] [Reset to defaults] [(Using MCI allows different sounds to be played simultaneously, may not be needed or desired when a custom sound plugin is installed.)] [Trigger On Time && Date:] [Date] [DateTimePicker1] [Time] [Reminder Note:] [None] [Daily] [Weekly] [Monthly] [Repeat Alert Sound] [Use Sound] [&Add Reminder] [&Close] [&View Reminders] [reftime] [After:] [On Time && Date:] [&Remind Again] [&Create Note] [&Dismiss] [Add New] [Edi&t Reminder] [New &Reminder] [&Delete Reminder] [D&elete All Reminders] [&Hide Note] [&Always On Top] [&New Note] [&Delete Note] [Custom...] [Reset] [Paste Title] [Reset Title] [Undo] [&Copy] [&Paste] [C&ut] [C&lear] [&View Notes] [&Bring All To Front] [Edi&t Note] [&Visible] [Always &On Top] [Delete &All Notes] [&Show / Hide Notes] ;file \plugins\NotesAndReminders\src\hotkeys.cpp [MIM_SNMsgWindow] [New Note] [Toggle Notes Visibility] [Bring All Notes to Front] [New Reminder] [StickyNotes] ;file \plugins\NotesAndReminders\src\main.cpp [Are you sure you want to delete all notes?] [Are you sure you want to delete all reminders?] [Delete All Notes] [Show/Hide Notes] [On Top Caption Icon] [Delete All Reminders] [View Reminders] [Not on Top Caption Icon] [Hide Note Icon] [Remove Note Icon] [Reminder Icon] [Bring All to Front] [Play Sound Icon] [View Notes] [Plugins] [Add New Note] [Add New Reminder] [Alerts] [Reminder triggered] [Reminder triggered (Alternative 1)] [Reminder triggered (Alternative 2)] [Notes && Reminders] [New &Note] [Vie&w Notes] [&Delete All Notes] [&Bring All to Front] [RICHED20.DLL] [Miranda could not load the Note & Reminders plugin, RICHED20.DLL is missing. If you are using Windows 95 or WINE please make sure you have riched20.dll installed. Press 'Yes' to continue loading Miranda.] [user32.dll] [kernel32.dll] ;file \plugins\NotesAndReminders\src\notes.cpp [MIM_StickyNote] [Black] [Maroon] [Green] [Olive] [Navy] [Purple] [Teal] [Gray] [Silver] [Red] [Orange] [Lime] [Yellow] [Blue] [Fuchsia] [Aqua] [White] [StickyNote] [Are you sure you want to delete this note?] [ctrldata] [MNU_NOTEPOPUP] [Appearance] [Background Color] [Text Color] [open] [iexplore] [Notes] [Note text] [Date/Title] ;file \plugins\NotesAndReminders\src\options.cpp [Sticky Note Caption] [Small Fonts] [Sticky Note Background Color] [Terminal] [MS Serif] [Sticky Note Body] [Tahoma] [System] [Executable Files\0*.exe\0All Files\0*.*\0\0] [Select Executable] ;file \plugins\NotesAndReminders\src\reminders.cpp [Reminder] [Minutes] [Hours] [Hour] [Day] [Days] [Week] [The specified time is invalid due to begin of daylight saving (summer time).] [The specified time is invalid.] [The specified time offset is invalid.] [&Update Reminder] [Every] [Seconds] [Never] [Default] [Alternative 1] [Alternative 2] [MNU_REMINDERPOPUP] [Reminder text] [Date of activation] [Are you sure you want to delete this reminder?]