#muuid {9584da04-fb4f-40c1-9325-e4f9caafcb5d}
;  File: actman.dll
;  Plugin: Action Manager
;  Version:
;  Authors: Awkward
[Plugin for manage hotkeys to open contact window, insert text, run program and call services]
[No description]
[Append data to file?]
[Open contact window]
[Call service]
[Execute program]
[Insert text]
[Link to action]
[Choose contact]
[Keep handle only]
[Active accounts only]
[Dropdown list format]
[Apply format]
[You can use %name%, %uid%, %account% and %group% macros]
[Select contact to open its window]
[Result action]
[Show in popup]
[Show in messagebox]
[Insert into message]
[Service result]
[Free memory]
[Signed value]
[wParam type]
[lParam type]
[number value]
[ANSI string]
[Unicode string]
[current contact]
[last result]
[Service name]
[Use Variables]
[Don't use Variables]
[Miranda service help]
['<proto>' in service name will be replaced by protocol name for contact handle in parameter]
[Manage Jabber Bookmarks]
[Free for Chat]
[On the Phone]
[Out to Lunch]
[int 0, if successful]
[Set status message]
[Set protocol status]
[Taking a bath]
[Drinking beer]
[Watching TV]
[Listening to music]
[Having fun]
[On the phone]
[Feeling sick]
[I'm high]
[On WC]
[To be or not to be]
[Watching pro7 on TV]
[Sets owner current custom status]
[Display XStatus detail]
[int hMenu handle]
[Built the context menu for a specific contact. Menu should be DestroyMenu()ed after done]
[Show All Users]
[Show only Online Users]
[Toggle status]
[Change 'hide offline contacts' option value]
[Set global status]
[Switch contact list status]
[Hide All Titlebars]
[Show All Frames]
[Show All Titlebars]
[Closes Miranda]
[Show or hide netlog console window]
[int Value]
[Returns contact amount, excluding user account]
[Ansi Text]
[Removes all settings for the specified module]
[int 0]
[Import settings/contacts from file]
[Opens or activate database editor]
[Opens or activate user search dialog]
[displays File Transfer window]
[on Desktop]
[parent window handle]
[Show "About..." window]
[Open bug report page]
[Open support (originaly - Miranda wiki) page]
[Go to Miranda Homepage]
[Shows contact history or (wParam=0) system history]
[Erases contact's history. hContact can be NULL(0) to empty system history]
[Show Global history search window. If already opened, bring it to front.]
[Ignore all]
[Ignore messages]
[Ignore URLs]
[Ignore files]
[Ignore User Online]
[Ignore requests]
[Ignore 'You were added']
[Ignore Contact]
[Unignore Contact]
[restart in default profile or profile manager]
[restart with current profile]
[Restarts Miranda]
[Station name]
[wParam is Handle]
[wParam is Ansi station name]
[wParam is Unicode station name]
[Starting or stopping radio station]
[Stop cycle]
[Start cycle]
[Start/stops the cycling throught protocols]
[All protocols]
[signed -2 if proto can't set this, -1 on protocol not found, else 0]
[Shows a dialog to set the avatar for all possible protocols]
[Shows the next protocol in the frame]
[Shows the previous protocol in the frame]
[Opens the options dialog, optionally at the specified page]
[Open Options dialog]
[Check for updates]
[with confirmation]
[without confirmation]
[Empty updater download folder]
[Enables or disables Popup windows]
[YAPP or Popup]
[Popup window]
[YAPP only]
[Unicode Text]
[result of protocol service call]
[send a general request through the protocol chain for a contact]
[displays the Account Manager]
[Show the dialog to select the contact]
[filter text]
[wParam is unicode]
[wParam is Ansi]
[Plays sound added through Skin/Sounds/AddNew. If sound not found, standard Windows sound plays]
[Send Email to contact]
[Returns the received files folder for a contact]
[Open contact received file directory]
[Send file to contact.]
[Opens message window for contact with handle in wparam]
[remove all temporary contacts from db]
[Call avatar option dialog for contact]
[Avatar service (AVS.dll)]
[Set (and optionally protect) a local contact picture for the given hContact. If lParam = NIL, the service will open a file selection dialog.]
[Shows contact property window.]
[Open URL in current window]
[Open URL in default browser]
[With formating]
[Don't use formating]
[Returns a string containing the versioninfo post]
[Show or save (call default action) Modules version Info]
[log filename]
[report filename]
[int 0, if unsuccessful]
[Create report from log and run it (if option is set). If wParam or lParam is empty then file names from options are used.]
[Show popup or Info window with current music information.]
[WhenWasIt Birthday Reminder (whenwasit.dll)]
[display birthdays window]
[Structure editor]
[Data align]
[2 bytes]
[4 bytes]
[8 bytes]
[Byte Array]
[Word Array]
[Pointer to bytes]
[Pointer to words]
[Last result]
[Data length]
[Structure help]
[Process options]
[Process time, ms]
[Current path]
[Window option]
[Start normal]
[Start hidden]
[Start minimized]
[Start maximized]
[Text <last> replacing\r\nby last result\r\n\r\nText <param> replacing\r\nby parameter]
[Program path]
[Program args]
[Copy to]
[Paste from]
[Message window]
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^a - in the end: autosend\r\n^f(name\[,str\])\r\n     paste line from text file.\r\n     brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
[Text to insert]
[Result as integer]
[Other Action groups]
[not defined]
[You can select another group from combobox, then it will be executed, after that current action group will be continued.]
[Own settings]
[Message title]
[Message text]
[Keep last result]
[Text <last> replacing\r\nby last result\r\n\r\nReturns:\r\n--------\r\nOK\t= 1\r\nCANCEL\t= 2\r\nABORT\t= 3\r\nRETRY\t= 4\r\nIGNORE\t= 5\r\nYES\t= 6\r\nNO\t= 7\r\nCLOSE\t= 8]
[OK, Cancel]
[Abort, Retry, Ignore]
[Yes, No, Cancel]
[Yes, No]
[Retry, Cancel]
[Task sample]
[Starting after]
[Starting from]
[Start immediately]
[Repeat, times]
[Break on non-zero result]
[Send event on start time]
[Send event just once]
[hook sample]
[Action group list was changed: some was added or deleted]
[Double click on the contact list]
[The context menu for a contact is about to be built]
[New contact added to database]
[Contact deleting]
[Use Actions]
[Action list]
[Where to use]
[TabSRMM toolbar]
[Core Hotkey]
[Main menu]
[Contact menu]
[Tray menu]
[Protocol menus]
[Status menu]
[2 state button/item]
[Save button/item state]
[Contact related]
[Normal button tooltip]
[Pressed button tooltip]
[Root popup:]
[Menu item name:]
[Show only if variables return 1]
[Choose action]
[Yes to &All]
[N&o to All]
[Action "$" exists, do you want to rewrite it?]
[Use Byte array/pointer for ANSI strings\n\Use Word array/pointer for Unicode strings\n\n\$## replaces by byte with hex value ##\n\$#### replaces by word with hex value #### (for Unicode strings only)\n\n\All data length calculating in bytes]
[Packed structure]
[Registered actions]
; Actman30
[No Description]
[Function call]
[Function name]
[DLL name]
[Call type]
[Number of arguments]
[Wide String]
[DLL Handle Cache]
[Keep to end]
[Close immediately]
[Close for macro]
[Choose Contact]
[Get from active window]
[Keep old result]
[Same thread]
[Do not wait until the end of execution]
[Result type]
[> greater]
[< lesser]
[= equ]
[& and]
[Case sensitive]
[Opposite order]
[starts with]
[ends with]
[Process script after]
[^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n     paste line from text file.\r\n     brackets contents must be w/o spaces]
[Right justified text]
[Save value]
[LastResult to ]
[LastResult from]
[Slot 0]
[Slot 1]
[Slot 2]
[Slot 3]
[Slot 4]
[Slot 5]
[Slot 6]
[Slot 7]
[Slot 8]
[Slot 9]
[Contact list]
[Contact list format]
[You can use %name%, %uid%, %account% and %group% substitutes]
[Service list format]
[value (name)]
[name 'value']
[Current Macro]
[Select for FirstRun]
[Double click on the CList]
; these lines are not present in the sources, but they are present in compiled plugin
[Text Editor]
[Wrap Text]