#muuid {a9e9c114-84b9-434b-a3d5-89921d39ddff} ;============================================================ ; File: BuddyPounce.dll ; Plugin: Buddy pounce ; Version: ; Authors: Jonathan Gordon ;============================================================ [Allows you to send a message to contacts if they change status.] ;file \plugins\BuddyPounce\res\resource.rc [Confirm Pounce send] [Send] [Cancel] [Pounce being sent to] [Buddy Pounce] [The Message:] [Delete Pounce] [Load default Settings] [Setting Value] [Setting text...........] [Settings] [Contact To Send Pounce To] [<< Simple] [Advanced >>] [The Message] [Dialog] [Status] [Use Advanced Dialog] [The Message (characters: )] [Default Settings] [Show Delivery Messages] [These settings are also used when sending a "Simple" pounce] ;file \plugins\BuddyPounce\src\dialog.cpp [Send If My Status Is...] [Send If They Change Status to...] [Reuse Pounce] [Give Up delay] [Confirmation Window] [Send If My Status Is] [Any] [Online] [Away] [NA] [Occupied] [DND] [Free For Chat] [Invisible] [On The Phone] [Out To Lunch] [Send If Their Status changes] [From Offline] [To Online] [To Away] [To NA] [To Occupied] [To DND] [To Free For Chat] [To Invisible] [To On The Phone] [To Out To Lunch] [The Message (%d Characters)] [Couldn't allocate enough memory] [error......] [The Message (0 Characters)] [Reuse this message? (0 to use it once)] [Times] [Give up after... (0 to not give up)] [Days] [Show confirmation window? (0 to not Show)] [Seconds to wait before sending] [Pounce being sent to %s in %d seconds] [Retry] [Message successfully sent to %s] [Message failed to send to %s] ;file \plugins\BuddyPounce\src\main.cpp [&Buddy Pounce] [Message sessions]