#muuid {73a9615c-7d4e-4555-badb-ee05dc928eff}
;  File: ICQ.dll
;  Plugin: ICQ
;  Version:
;  Authors: 
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\res\resources.rc
[ICQ Number:]
[Create a new ICQ account]
[Enter an authorization request]
[Enter ICQ Password]
[Enter a password for UIN %d:]
[Remember this session password]
[ICQ number:]
[Hint: If you don't enter your password here, Miranda will ask for the password everytime you try to go online.]
[Retrieve a lost password or ICQ number]
[Create a new ICQ account using the ICQ website]
[Connection settings]
[Login Server:]
[Hint: Use port 0 to connect on a random port. Try port 80 or port 443 if you are having problems connecting through a http proxy server.]
[Secure Connection (SSL)]
[Secure (MD5) login]
[Legacy fix (for ICQ Groupware or IServerD only)]
[Send 'Keep-alives' (enable this if you use a proxy server and frequently get disconnected)]
[Ignore concurrent error messages]
[Show connection error messages:]
[ICQ contacts stored on server]
[Manage server's list...]
[Enable server-side contact lists *]
[Add contacts to the server's list when I add them to mine]
[Update my contacts' details from the server *]
[Update contacts' details on the server's list when I change them in mine]
[ICQ avatars]
[Enable avatar support]
[Check avatar validity before saving *]
[Load avatars automatically (like ICQ Lite)]
[You will need to reconnect to the ICQ network for the changes you have made on this page to take effect.]
[You cannot enable/disable the server-side contact list while you are connected to the ICQ network.]
[Note: The options marked with an asterisk have important side-effects or caveats that may not be initially apparent documented in the help.]
[Enable unicode messaging support]
[Send all messages in unicode if possible]
[Use this codepage for Ansi <-> Unicode translation :]
[Make me temporarily visible to contacts I send message to]
[Notify me when a message delivery has failed (recommended)]
[Never use legacy messaging (server acknowledgements)]
[Peer-to-peer Messaging]
[Enable peer-to-peer message connections]
[Passive mode, i.e. do not initiate new connections]
[Extra Features]
[Enable Custom status support for xtraz]
[Enable Custom status support for moods]
[Reset Custom status on status change]
[Auto-retrieve Custom status details]
[Block known Spam Bots]
[Enable AIM contacts support]
[Direct connections]
[Allowing direct connections will expose your IP address but may be necessary for some ICQ features to work properly.]
[Allow direct connections with any user]
[Allow direct connections with users on my contact list]
[Allow direct connections only when I authorize or initiate them]
[Contact List Authorization]
[All users may add me to their Contact List]
[I want to be asked when someone wants to add me to their Contact List]
[Misc Settings]
[Allow others to view my Online / Offline status from the web (Web Aware)]
[Allow others to view my primary e-mail address]
[Only reply to status message requests from users on my contact list]
[Only reply to status message request from visible contacts]
[Some options are greyed out because they can only be changed when you are online.]
[Enable popup support]
[Display errors using popups]
[Display popup when spambot is detected]
[Look && Feel]
[Back Color]
[Text Color]
[Spam detected]
[&Use Windows colors]
[Use system &icons]
[Use default colours]
[External IP:]
[Internal IP:]
[Protocol Version:]
[User Client:]
[Online since:]
[System up since:]
[Idle since:]
[First name:]
[Last name:]
[Marital status:]
[Background info]
[Search online users only]
[Manage ICQ Server Contacts]
[Select contacts to store:]
[Custom Status "%s" Details]
[Closing in %d]
[Retrieving custom status details...]
[&Save changes]
[Confirm Password Change]
[Please re-type your new password:]
[Enter your current password:]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\chan_04close.cpp
[Unable to connect to migrated ICQ communication server]
[Unable to connect to ICQ communication server]
[You could not sign on because the server returned invalid data. Try again.]
[You have been disconnected from the ICQ network because the current server shut down.]
[Connection failed.\nYour ICQ number or password was rejected (%d).]
[Connection failed.\nThe server is temporarily unavailable (%d).]
[Connection failed.\nServer has too many connections from your IP (%d).]
[Connection failed.\nYou have connected too quickly,\nplease wait and retry 10 to 20 minutes later (%d).]
[Connection failed.\nThe server did not accept this client version.]
[The server sent warning, this version is getting old.\nTry to look for a new one.]
[Connection failed.\nYou were rejected by the server for an unknown reason.\nThis can happen if the UIN is already connected.]
[Connection failed.\nSecure (MD5) login is not supported on this account.]
[Connection failed.\nUnknown error during sign on: 0x%02x]
[You have been disconnected from the ICQ network because you logged on from another location using the same ICQ number.]
[Unknown runtime error: 0x%02x]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\fam_01service.cpp
[A server migration has failed because the server returned invalid data. You must reconnect manually.]
[Failed to request offline messages. They may be received next time you log in.]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\fam_03buddy.cpp
[Spambot Detected]
[Contact deleted & further events blocked.]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\fam_04message.cpp
[Incoming URL:]
[You are sending too fast. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x02]
[You are sending too fast. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x03]
[The contact does not support receiving offline messages.]
[The user has logged off. Select 'Retry' to send an offline message.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x04]
[The messaging service is temporarily unavailable. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x05]
[The receiving client does not support this type of message.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x09]
[You sent too long message. The receiving client does not support it.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x0A]
[The SNAC format was rejected by the server.\nSNAC(4.1) Error x0E]
[The user is temporarily unavailable. Wait a while and try again.\r\nSNAC(4.1) Error x13]
[SNAC(4.1) SENDMSG Error (x%02x)]
[Contact "%s" has closed the message window.]
[ICQ Note]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\fam_13servclist.cpp
[Server contact list is unavailable, Miranda will use local contact list.]
[Updating of server contact failed.]
[Adding of privacy item to server list failed.]
[Removing of privacy item from server list failed.]
[Adding of contact to server list failed.]
[Adding of group to server list failed.]
[Removing of contact from server list failed.]
[Updating of group on server list failed.]
[Removing of group from server list failed.]
[Moving of user to another group on server list failed.]
[Renaming of server group failed.]
[Contact "%s" was authorized in the server list.]
[Contact "%s" lost its authorization in the server list.]
[User "%s" was removed from server list.]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\fam_17signon.cpp
[Secure login failed.\nInvalid server response.]
[Secure login failed.\nInvalid key length.]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\icqosc_svcs.cpp
[Are you sure you want to revoke user's authorization (this will remove you from his/her list on some clients) ?]
[** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The message was invalid.]
[** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The message was too long.]
[** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The sender has flooded the server.]
[** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** You are too evil.]
[** Unknown missed message event.]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\icq_avatar.cpp
[Error uploading avatar to server, server temporarily unavailable.]
[Error uploading avatar to server, server refused to accept the image.]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\icq_constants.h
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\icq_fieldnames.cpp
[Antigua and Barbuda]
[Ascension Island]
[Australia, Antarctic Territory]
[Australia, Christmas Island]
[Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands]
[Australia, Norfolk Island]
[Bosnia and Herzegovina]
[British Virgin Islands]
[Burkina Faso]
[Canary Islands]
[Cape Verde Islands]
[Cayman Islands]
[Central African Republic]
[Chile, Republic of]
[Congo, Democratic Republic of (Zaire)]
[Congo, Republic of the]
[Cook Islands]
[Costa Rica]
[Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)]
[Greek, Republic of South Cyprus]
[Czech Republic]
[Diego Garcia]
[Dominican Republic]
[El Salvador]
[Equatorial Guinea]
[Faeroe Islands]
[Falkland Islands]
[French Antilles]
[French Guiana]
[French Polynesia]
[Guam, US Territory of]
[Hong Kong]
[Iran (Islamic Republic of)]
[Korea, North]
[Korea, South]
[Libyan Arab Jamahiriya]
[Macedonia, Republic of]
[Marshall Islands]
[Mayotte Island]
[Micronesia, Federated States of]
[Moldova, Republic of]
[Netherlands Antilles]
[St. Maarten]
[Netherlands (Bonaire Island)]
[Netherlands (Saba Island)]
[Netherlands (St. Eustatius Island)]
[New Caledonia]
[New Zealand]
[Northern Mariana Islands, US Territory of]
[Papua New Guinea]
[Puerto Rico]
[Reunion Island]
[Samoa (USA)]
[Samoa, Western]
[Saint Helena]
[Saint Kitts and Nevis]
[Saint Lucia]
[Saint Pierre and Miquelon]
[Saint Vincent and the Grenadines]
[San Marino]
[Sao Tome and Principe]
[Saudi Arabia]
[Sierra Leone]
[Solomon Islands]
[South Africa]
[Spain, Canary Islands]
[Sri Lanka]
[Syrian Arab Republic]
[Timor, East]
[Trinidad and Tobago]
[Turkey, Republic of Northern Cyprus]
[Turks and Caicos Islands]
[United Arab Emirates]
[United Kingdom]
[Vatican City]
[Virgin Islands (UK)]
[Virgin Islands (USA)]
[Wallis and Futuna Islands]
[Serbia, Republic of]
[Kosovo, Republic of]
[Montenegro, Republic of]
[Audio and Visual]
[Business Services]
[Celebrity Fans]
[Finance and Corporate]
[Health and Beauty]
[Home Automation]
[Household Products]
[ICQ - Help]
[Mail Order Catalog]
[Movies and TV]
[News and Media]
[Pets and Animals]
[Retail Stores]
[Social science]
[Sporting and Athletic]
[Web Design]
[Elementary School]
[High School]
[Past Work Place]
[Past Organization]
[Associated degree]
[Bachelor's degree]
[Master's degree]
[University / College]
[Consumer Goods]
[Corporate Services]
[High Tech]
[Medical & Health Care]
[Non-Profit Organization Management]
[Recreation, Travel & Entertainment]
[Service Industry]
[College Student]
[Community & Social]
[Financial Services]
[High School Student]
[ICQ - Providing Help]
[Non-Government Organization]
[Science & Research]
[University Student]
[Web Building]
[Other Services]
[Alumni Org.]
[Charity Org.]
[Club/Social Org.]
[Community Org.]
[Cultural Org.]
[Fan Clubs]
[Hobbyists Org.]
[International Org.]
[Nature and Environment Org.]
[Professional Org.]
[Scientific/Technical Org.]
[Self Improvement Group]
[Spiritual/Religious Org.]
[Sports Org.]
[Support Org.]
[Trade and Business Org.]
[Volunteer Org.]
[Close relationships]
[Open relationship]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\icq_filerequests.cpp
[No description given]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\icq_filetransfer.cpp
[Your file transfer has been aborted because one of the files that you selected to send is no longer readable from the disk. You may have deleted or moved it.]
[Your file receive has been aborted because Miranda could not open the destination file in order to write to it. You may be trying to save to a read-only folder.]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\icq_menu.cpp
[Request authorization]
[Grant authorization]
[Revoke authorization]
[Add to server list]
[Show custom status details]
[Open ICQ profile]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\icq_opts.cpp
[Display all problems]
[Display problems causing possible loss of data]
[Display explanations for disconnection]
[Display problems requiring user intervention]
[Do not display any problems (not recommended)]
[Simplified Chinese]
[Traditional Chinese]
[Central European]
[Latin I]
[Korean (Johab)]
[System default codepage]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\icq_popups.cpp
[Popup Title]
[Sample Note]
[Sample Warning]
[Sample Error]
[Sample Fatal]
[Sample Spambot]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\icq_proto.cpp
[%s server connection]
[%s client-to-client connections]
[User ID]
[You have not entered a ICQ number.\nConfigure this in Options->Network->ICQ and try again.]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\icq_server.cpp
[Unable to connect to ICQ login server, SSL could not be negotiated]
[Unable to connect to ICQ login server]
[Miranda was unable to allocate a port to listen for direct peer-to-peer connections between clients. You will be able to use most of the ICQ network without problems but you may be unable to send or receive files.\n\nIf you have a firewall this may be blocking Miranda, in which case you should configure your firewall to leave some ports open and tell Miranda which ports to use in M->Options->ICQ->Network.]
[Connection failed.\nLogin sequence failed for unknown reason.\nTry again later.]
[Your connection with the ICQ server was abortively closed]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\icq_servlist.cpp
[The contact's information was too big and was truncated.]
[Failed to create the correct sub-group, the using closest parent group.]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\icq_uploadui.cpp
[Select contacts you want to store on server.]
[Server rate warning -> slowing down the process.]
[Adding group "%s"...]
[Uploading %s...]
[No upload group available]
[Deleting %s...]
[Moving %s to group "%s"...]
[Adding %s to visible list...]
[Adding %s to invisible list...]
[Deleting %s from visible list...]
[Deleting %s from invisible list...]
[Cleaning groups]
[Updating group "%s"...]
[Deleting group "%s"...]
[All operations complete]
[You have to be online to sychronize the server-list !]
[** All contacts **]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\icq_xstatus.cpp
[Taking a bath]
[Drinking beer]
[Watching TV]
[Listening to music]
[Having fun]
[On the phone]
[Feeling sick]
[I'm high]
[On WC]
[To be or not to be]
[Watching pro7 on TV]
[Hot Dog]
[Rock On]
[St. Patrick]
[Pink Lady]
[Up yours]
[Crazy Professor]
[Feeling Good]
[Oink Oink]
[Broken hearted]
[Free for Chat]
[On my mobile]
[Double Rainbow]
[Cupid shot me]
[%s Custom Status]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\icq_xtraz.cpp
[Greeting card:]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\init.cpp
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\log.cpp
[ICQ Warning]
[ICQ Error]
[ICQ Fatal]
[The server did not respond to the connection attempt within a reasonable time, it may be temporarily down. Try again later.]
[The connection with the server was abortively closed during the connection attempt. You may have lost your local network connection.]
[Miranda was unable to resolve the name of a server to its numeric address. This is most likely caused by a catastrophic loss of your network connection (for example, your modem has disconnected), but if you are behind a proxy, you may need to use the 'Resolve hostnames through proxy' option in M->Options->Network.]
[Miranda was unable to make a connection with a server. It is likely that the server is down, in which case you should wait for a while and try again later.]
[Your proxy rejected the user name and password that you provided. Please check them in M->Options->Network.]
[The server to which you are trying to connect does not exist. Check your spelling in M->Options->Network->ICQ.]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\oscar_filetransfer.cpp
[%d Files]
[The file transfer was aborted by the other user.]
[The file transfer failed: Proxy error]
[The file transfer failed: Invalid request]
[The file transfer failed: Proxy unavailable]
[Failed to Initialize File Transfer. No valid files were specified.]
[The files are too big to be sent at once. Files bigger than 4GB can be sent only separately.]
[Failed to Initialize File Transfer. Unable to bind local port and File proxy unavailable.]
[Connection lost during file transfer.]
[File transfer negotiation failed for unknown reason.]
[The checksum of file "%s" does not match, the file is probably damaged.]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\utilities.cpp
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\changeinfo\constants.cpp
[GMT-12:00 Eniwetok; Kwajalein]
[GMT-11:00 Midway Island; Samoa]
[GMT-10:00 Hawaii]
[GMT-9:00 Alaska]
[GMT-8:00 Pacific Time; Tijuana]
[GMT-7:00 Arizona; Mountain Time]
[GMT-6:00 Central Time; Central America; Saskatchewan]
[GMT-5:00 Eastern Time; Bogota; Lima; Quito]
[GMT-4:00 Atlantic Time; Santiago; Caracas; La Paz]
[GMT-3:30 Newfoundland]
[GMT-3:00 Greenland; Buenos Aires; Georgetown]
[GMT-2:00 Mid-Atlantic]
[GMT-1:00 Cape Verde Islands; Azores]
[GMT+0:00 London; Dublin; Edinburgh; Lisbon; Casablanca]
[GMT+1:00 Central European Time; West Central Africa; Warsaw]
[GMT+2:00 Jerusalem; Helsinki; Harare; Cairo; Bucharest; Athens]
[GMT+3:00 Moscow; St. Petersburg; Nairobi; Kuwait; Baghdad]
[GMT+3:30 Tehran]
[GMT+4:00 Baku; Tbilisi; Yerevan; Abu Dhabi; Muscat]
[GMT+4:30 Kabul]
[GMT+5:00 Calcutta; Chennai; Mumbai; New Delhi; Ekaterinburg]
[GMT+6:00 Astana; Dhaka; Almaty; Novosibirsk; Sri Jayawardenepura]
[GMT+6:30 Rangoon]
[GMT+7:00 Bankok; Hanoi; Jakarta; Krasnoyarsk]
[GMT+8:00 Perth; Taipei; Singapore; Hong Kong; Beijing]
[GMT+9:00 Tokyo; Osaka; Seoul; Sapporo; Yakutsk]
[GMT+9:30 Darwin; Adelaide]
[GMT+10:00 East Australia; Guam; Vladivostok]
[GMT+11:00 Magadan; Solomon Is.; New Caledonia]
[GMT+12:00 Auckland; Wellington; Fiji; Kamchatka; Marshall Is.]
[First name]
[Last name]
[Primary e-mail]
[Secondary e-mail]
[Tertiary e-mail]
[Phone number]
[Fax number]
[Cellular number]
[Personal Detail]
[Year of birth]
[Month of birth]
[Day of birth]
[Marital Status]
[Spoken language 1]
[Spoken language 2]
[Spoken language 3]
[Originally from]
[Graduation Year]
[Company name]
[Company homepage]
[Company street]
[Company city]
[Company state]
[Company phone]
[Company fax]
[Company ZIP/postcode]
[Company country]
[Company department]
[Company position]
[Company industry]
[Personal Interests]
[Interest category 1]
[Interest areas 1]
[Interest category 2]
[Interest areas 2]
[Interest category 3]
[Interest areas 3]
[Interest category 4]
[Interest areas 4]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\changeinfo\db.cpp
[The password does not match your current password. Check Caps Lock and try again.]
[Change ICQ Details]
[The password does not match the password you originally entered. Check Caps Lock and try again.]
[The ICQ server does not support passwords longer than 8 characters. Please use a shorter password.]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\changeinfo\dlgproc.cpp
[<unremovable once applied>]
[Unknown value]
[You've made some changes to your ICQ details but it has not been saved to the server. Are you sure you want to close this dialog?]
[Upload in progress...]
[Upload complete]
[Upload FAILED]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\changeinfo\upload.cpp
[You are not currently connected to the ICQ network. You must be online in order to update your information on the server.]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\UI\askauthentication.cpp
[Please authorize me to add you to my contact list.]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\UI\loginpassword.cpp
[Enter a password for UIN %u:]
;file \protocols\IcqOscarJ\src\UI\userinfotab.cpp
[ (DC Established)]
[<not specified>]
[Member since:]
[%s Details]