#muuid {a82baeb3-a33c-4036-b837-7803a5b6c2ab} ;============================================================ ; File: MyDetails.dll ; Plugin: My details ; Version: ; Authors: Ricardo Pescuma Domenecci, Drugwash ;============================================================ [Shows and allows you to edit your details for all protocols.] ;file \plugins\MyDetails\res\resource.rc [Set my nickname] [Nickname:] [Cancel] [General] [RTL] [Align text to right] [Auto-resize frame] [Use contact list smileys] [Replace smileys] [Resize smileys] [Global on...] [...avatar] [...nickname] [...status] [...status message] [Account] [Show account name] [Show account cycle button] [Cycle through accounts every:] [seconds] [Avatar] [Custom size:] [pixels] [Allow it to grow] [Draw border] [Round corners] [Custom corner size:] [Use free space (under avatar) to other texts] [Frame options] [Top:] [Bottom:] [Left:] [Right:] [Set my status message for all status] [Status message:] [&Offline] [On&line] [&Away] [&NA] [Occ&upied] [&DND] [&Free for chat] [&Invisible] [On the &phone] [Out to &lunch] [Set my avatar...] [Set my nickname...] [Set my status message...] [Enable listening to] [Show next account] [Show previous account] [Cycle through accounts] [Don't cycle through accounts] ;file \plugins\MyDetails\src\data.cpp [<no status name>] ;file \plugins\MyDetails\src\frame.cpp [Nickname] [Status] [Status message] [Listening to] [My details] [Background] [Avatar border] [Show my details] [Enable listening to for %s] [Set my avatar for %s...] [Set my nickname for %s...] [Set my status message for %s...] [Hide my details] ;file \plugins\MyDetails\src\mydetails.cpp [Previous account] [Next account] [Set my nickname for %s] [Set my status message for %s] [Contact list] ;file \plugins\MyDetails\src\options.cpp