#muuid {56cc3f29-ccbf-4546-a8ba-9856248a412a}
;  File: NewsAggregator.dll
;  Plugin: News aggregator
;  Version:
;  Authors: Mataes, FREAK_THEMIGHTY
[RSS/Atom news aggregator.]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Res\Resource.rc
[Retrieve news at startup]
[General Settings]
[Check every]
[Check Feed]
[Use &authentication]
[Display news using the following format:]
[All item's tags are valid. Put them between #. Example: #<author>#]
[0 - check manually]
[Feed name]
[This feed seems to need authentication. Please fill username and password fields:]
[Available feeds:]
[Feeds to be exported:]
[Import from:]
[Feeds to be imported:]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Authentication.cpp
[Enter your username]
[Enter your password]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\CheckFeed.cpp
[%s\nis a valid feed's address.]
[News Aggregator]
[%s\nis not a valid feed's address.]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\ExportImport.cpp
[Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s).]
[Imported %d feed(s).]
[OPML files]
[Not valid import file.]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Icons.cpp
[Protocol icon]
[Check All Feeds]
[Add Feed]
[Import Feeds]
[Export Feeds]
[Auto Update Enabled]
[Auto Update Disabled]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Menus.cpp
[Check feed]
[Change feed]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Options.cpp
[Enter Feed name]
[Enter Feed URL]
[Enter checking interval]
[Enter message format]
[The title of the item.]
[The item synopsis.]
[The URL of the item.]
[Email address of the author of the item.]
[URL of a page for comments relating to the item.]
[A string that uniquely identifies the item.]
[Specify one or more categories that the item belongs to.]
[Feed Tag Help]
[Are you sure?]
[Tags Mask Reset]
[Change Feed]
[Contact deleting]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Services.cpp
[Enable/disable auto update]
;file \plugins\NewsAggregator\Src\Utils.cpp
[NewsAggregator HTTP connection]