#muuid  {e4058506-6494-4d60-9cf4-40bf545f78bd}
;  File: QuickSearch.dll
;  Module: Quick Search, Quick Search Mod
;  Versions: -
;  URL: http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=260
[Global QuickSearch hotkey]
[Local QuickSearch hotkey]
[Show Offline contacts]
[New column]
[Set Item]
[wParam type:]
[lParam type:]
[Sort by Status]
[Don't Use Tool Window Style]
[Draw Grid]
[integer value]
[Save Item]
[Quick Search]
[Quick search]
[Search on:]
[Quick Search:]
[E-mail Address:]
[Ext IP]
[Last Event]
[Online Since]
[Quick Search Options]
[&Set Item]
[At Start Sort by Status]
[Global scope hotkey:]
[Miranda scope hotkey:]
[Add Item to Main Menu]
[Show Only Users in List]
[Add Button to TopToolBar]
[Additional Options]
[Columns && Data]
[Auto Close mode]
[Not Selected]
[This Plugin allow you to quick search for nickname,firstname, lastname, email, uin in your contact list.And now you may add any setting to display - for exampleusers version of miranda,group or city.]
[This Plugin allow you to quick search for nickname,firstname, lastname, email, uin in your contact list.And now you may add any setting to display - for exampleusers version of miranda,group or city.Press F3 for activate...]
[New Column]
[Save Column]
[Column Up]
[Column Down]
[Delete Column]
[Only Users in List]
[Show Client Icons]
[Item in Main Menu]
[Button on TopToolBar]
[Tool Window Style]
[Global scope hotkey]
[Miranda scope hotkey]
[CSV with headers]
[Skip minimized columns]
[Copy line to CSV]
[Save search pattern]
[QuickSearch error]
[Quick Search Mod]
[Script Editor]
[Normal foreground]
[Odd background]
[Odd foreground]
[Disabled account background]
[Disabled account foreground]
[Deleted account background]
[Deleted account foreground]
[Not-in-list contact background]
[Not-in-list contact foreground]
[C&onvert to Meta]
[Some of selected contacts in different metacontacts already]
[Do you really want to delete selected contacts?]
[One or more contacts in same Meta already. Try to convert anyway?]
[Metacontact background]
[Metacontact foreground]
[SubMetacontact background]
[SubMetacontact foreground]
[%u users found (%u) Online: %u]
[ users found (]
[) Online: ]
[Hidden contact background]
[Hidden contact foreground]
[QuickSearch window hotkey]
[Previous item]
[Next item]
[Open main window]