#muuid {49bd9f2a-3111-4eb9-87e3-71e69cd97f7c} ;============================================================ ; File: QuickSearch.dll ; Plugin: Quick Search ; Version: ; Authors: Bethoven, Awkward ;============================================================ [This plugin allows you to quick search for nickname, firstname, lastname, email, uin in your contact list.] ;file \plugins\QuickSearch\res\resource.rc [Reload] [New] [Up] [Down] [Delete] [Default] [Settings] [Title:] [Type:] [Data type:] [Module:] [Setting:] [Info type:] [Save] [Tool Window Style] [Draw Grid] [Save search pattern] [Auto Close mode] [Sort by Status] [Show Client Icons] [Additional Options] [Refresh] [Show Offline contacts] [Colorize] ;file \plugins\QuickSearch\src\main.cpp [Quick Search] [Open Quick Search window] [New Column] [Column Up] [Column Down] [Delete Column] [Male] [Female] [Normal background] [Normal foreground] [Odd background] [Odd foreground] [Disabled account background] [Disabled account foreground] [Deleted account background] [Deleted account foreground] [Hidden contact background] [Hidden contact foreground] [Metacontact background] [Metacontact foreground] [Subcontact background] [Subcontact foreground] ;file \plugins\QuickSearch\src\options.cpp [Script] [Service] [Contact info] [Other] [Metacontact] [Title] [Module/Info type] [Setting] [Database setting] [Byte] [Word] [Dword] [Signed] [Hexadecimal] [String] [Timestamp] [Last seen] [Last event] [Event count] [Display name] [Account name] [New column] [Contacts] ;file \plugins\QuickSearch\src\utils.cpp [Account] [Gender] [UserID] [Nickname] [First name] [Last name] [Group] [Container] [Email] [Client ID] [Online since] [Contact add time] [Nick] [Custom nick] [City] [State] [Country] [Phone] [Homepage] [About] [Age] [First name/Last name] [Unique ID] [Fax] [Cellular] [Time zone] [My notes] [Birth day] [Birth month] [Birth year] [Street] [ZIP code] [Language #1] [Language #2] [Language #3] [Company name] [Company department] [Company position] [Company street] [Company city] [Company state] [Company ZIP] [Company country] [Company homepage] [Display ID] ;file \plugins\QuickSearch\src\window.cpp [Unknown] [Stay on Top] ;file \plugins\QuickSearch\src\window_misc.cpp [Do you really want to delete selected contacts?] [Warning] [%i users found (%i) Online: %i] [deleted] [disabled] [active] [Online] [All] [Editing of column %s] [Enter new cell value] [Change setting through QS] [Selected %d contacts] [&Delete] [&Copy] [C&onvert to Meta] [Attach to &Tab container] [&Move to Group] [Some of selected contacts in different metacontacts already] [One or more contacts already belong to the same metacontact. Try to convert anyway?]