#muuid {2d506d46-c94e-4ef8-8537-f11233a80381}
;  File: SeenPlugin.dll
;  Plugin: Last seen
;  Version:
;  Authors: Heiko Schillinger, YB
[Logs when a user was last seen online and which users were online while you were away.]
;file \plugins\SeenPlugin\res\resource.rc
[Last seen options]
[Last seen menu item]
[Show icon]
[User info tab]
[Log to file]
[Log to history]
[Maximum size]
[Variable list]
[Enable Idle support]
[Ignore contacts going offline]
[Enable 'Missed Ones' feature]
[Count times]
[Accounts to watch:]
[Use popups]
[Popup Colors]
[On the phone]
[Out to lunch]
[Free for chat]
[Reset colors]
[Last seen plugin]
[You missed following contacts:]
[Alert when user status changes]
[User Menu]
[View User's Details]
[Send Instant Message]
;file \plugins\SeenPlugin\src\history.cpp
[last seen history]
[Date: %d.%m.%y(%Y) \n Date desc: %W - %w - %E - %e \n Time: %H:%M:%S (%h-%p) \n user: %n - %u \n Status: %s \n IP: %i - %r]
;file \plugins\SeenPlugin\src\main.cpp
[User status change]
[Changed to Online]
[User Logged Off]
[User Logged In]
;file \plugins\SeenPlugin\src\menu.cpp
;file \plugins\SeenPlugin\src\options.cpp
[-- Date --]
[year (4 digits)]
[year (2 digits)]
[name of month]
[short name of month]
[weekday (full)]
[weekday (abbreviated)]
[-- Time --]
[hours (24)]
[hours (12)]
[-- User --]
[Status message]
[Old status]
[external IP]
[internal IP]
[Client info]
[-- Format --]
[line break]
[for empty string]
[instead of]
[Last Seen Variables]
[Last seen]
;file \plugins\SeenPlugin\src\seen.h
[%n is %s (%u)]
[%i(%r)%bWas %o]
[Name:%t%N%bStatus:%t%s%bDay:%t%d.%m.%Y%bTime:%t%H:%M:%S%bPrevious Status:%t%o%b%b%P ID:%t%u%bExternal IP:%t%i%bInternal IP:%t%r%bClient ID: %t%C%b%bStatus Message:%t%T]
;file \plugins\SeenPlugin\src\userinfo.cpp
;file \plugins\SeenPlugin\src\utils.cpp
[<never seen>]
[Not Idle]