#muuid {60558872-2aab-45aa-888d-097691c9b683} ;============================================================ ; File: Sessions.dll ; Plugin: Sessions ; Version: ; Authors: MaD_CLuSTeR ;============================================================ [Sessions Manager for Miranda NG.] ;file \plugins\Sessions\res\Sessions.rc [Action on Startup] [Open Sessions Manager dialog] [Open dialog if last session present] [Restore Last Session] [Do nothing] [Startup delay] [ms] [User Sessions Management] [Edit] [Delete] [Save] [Action on Exit] [Ask] [Save Current Session] [Save only last] [sessions] [Misc] [Exclude hidden contacts from session on exit] [Warn, when some of LastSession contacts are hidden] [Show other warnings ("session already opened", etc.)] [Crash Recovery mode] [Restore Session] [&Restore Session] [&Cancel] [Choose session to restore from the list:] [Del] [Save Session] [&Save Session] [Enter session name:] [Save and Close] [Sessions Manager] [Cancel] [Save your current session?] ;file \plugins\Sessions\Src\LoadSessions.cpp [No sessions to open] [Last Sessions is empty] [No contacts to open] [This Session already opened] [This Session already opened (but probably hidden).\nDo you want to show hidden contacts?] ;file \plugins\Sessions\Src\Main.cpp [Open Sessions Manager] [Show Favorite Sessions Menu] [Sessions] [Restore last Session] [Close Session] [Save session...] [Load session...] [Close session] [Load last session] [Favorite Session] [Not favorite Session] [Load Session] [Load last Session] ;file \plugins\Sessions\Src\Options.cpp [View] [Do you want to save changes?] [Message sessions] ;file \plugins\Sessions\Src\SaveSessions.cpp [More contacts] [Session name is empty, enter the name and try again] [Current session is empty!] ;file \plugins\Sessions\Src\Utils.cpp [Session Before Last Crash]