#muuid {82181510-5dfa-49d7-b469-33871e2ae8b5}
;  File: TrafficCounter.dll
;  Plugin: Traffic counter
;  Version:
;  Authors: Ghost, Mironych
[Adding traffic and time counters.]
;file \plugins\TrafficCounter\res\resource.rc
[Selected totals]
[Clear statistics]
[Notify me on every]
[Background colour:]
[Text colour:]
[Reset to default]
[Popup timeout]
[From PopUp plugin]
[Show now]
[Space between lines:]
[Counters format string:]
[Tooltip format string:]
[Display traffic for current]
;file \plugins\TrafficCounter\src\options.cpp
[Account name]
[Current traffic]
[Total traffic]
[Current online]
[Total online]
[Draw frame as skin element]
[Show tooltip in traffic window]
["Toggle traffic counter" in main menu]
[Visible accounts/]
[Summary traffic for visible accounts]
[Overall traffic]
[Hide now]
[Traffic counter]
;file \plugins\TrafficCounter\src\statistics.cpp
[Now traffic statistics for selected accounts will be cleared.\nContinue?]
[Couldn't read statistics file]
[Traffic Counter]
;file \plugins\TrafficCounter\src\TrafficCounter.cpp
[Hide traffic window]
[Clear the current (Now:) value]
[Toggle traffic counter]
[Traffic counter notification]
[%d kilobytes sent]
[%d kilobytes received]