#muuid {144e80a2-d198-428b-acbe-9d55dacc7fde}
;  File: Jabber.dll
;  Plugin: Jabber protocol
;  Version:
;  Authors: George Hazan, Maxim Mluhov, Victor Pavlychko, Artem Shpynov, Michael Stepura
[Authorization request]
Authorisation request
[If you wish to confirm this request, please click authorize. Otherwise, press deny to reject it.]
If you wish to confirm this request, please click authorise. Otherwise, press deny to reject it.
[Supports stream initiation (e.g., for filetransfers)]
Supports stream initiation (e.g. for filetransfers)
[Can request and respond to events relating to the delivery, display, and composition of messages]
Can request and respond to events relating to the delivery, display and composition of messages
[Browse all favorites]
Browse all favourites
[Remove all favorites]
Remove all favourites
[Add to favorites]
Add to favourites
[Request authorization]
Request authorisation
[Grant authorization]
Grant authorisation
[Revoke authorization]
Revoke authorisation
[Send messages slower, but with full acknowledgment]
Send messages slower, but with full acknowledgement
[Automatically add contact when accept authorization]
Automatically add contact when accept authorisation
[Automatically accept authorization requests]
Automatically accept authorisation requests
[Only JPG, GIF, and BMP image files smaller than 40 KB are supported.]
Only JPG, GIF and BMP image files smaller than 40 KB are supported.
[Whether to automatically authorize subscription requests]
Whether to automatically authorise subscription requests
[Last name, surname, or family name of the user]
Last name, surname or family name of the user
[Whether allowed to log messages (i.e., whether Off-The-Record mode is required)]
Whether allowed to log messages (i.e. whether Off-The-Record mode is required)