#muuid {67848b07-83d2-49e9-8844-7e3de268e304}
;  File: HTTPServer.dll
;  Plugin: HTTPServer
;  Version:
;  Authors: Kennet Nielsen, modified by Vampik, Houdini
[HTTP Web Server plugin for Miranda.]

;file \plugins\HTTPServer\res\resource.rc
Adresse IP 1
Adresse IP 2
[Max downloads]
Download max

[Share name]

[Allowed IP]
IP autorisée
[HTTP Server statistics view]

[Display hidden shares]

[New share]

[Show HTTP server statistics]
Voir les stat. HTTP server
[Set to default]
Par défaut
[External server name]

[This is the link pasted to the message window]

[Write log file]
[Enable / Disable HTTP server]
Activer/désactiver HTTP server
[Main menu items]
Éléments du menu
[Open log]
[Show popups]

[Page keyword]

[URL address]
Adresse URL
[%ExternalIP% variable]
Variable %ExternalIP%
[Transfer limit (Kb/s)]
Limite de transfert (Kb/s)
[No control when Away/NA]
Sans contrôle si Absent/indisponible
[Connection control]

[Index creation]


[Create HTML (compatibility)]
Créer un XML (mode compatible)
[Create XML]
Créer un XML
[Total connection limit]

[Connections per user limit]

[Default download limit]

[&Edit share]

[&Remove share]

[&Open in Browser]
&Ouvrir dans le navigateur
[&Copy link]
&Copier le lien
;file \plugins\HTTPServer\src\Glob.h
[Miranda NG HTTP-Server]

;file \plugins\HTTPServer\src\GuiElements.cpp
[Share Current Directory]

[All files]
Tous les fichiers
[Specify a file to share]

[Failed to share new file]

[Max Downloads]
Download max
[Allowed Mask]

[Real path]
Répertoire complet

[Selected link size is 0]

[Failed to get access to clipboard]

[Failed to get close the clipboard]

[Failed to set clipboard data]

[ListView_GetItem failed]

[No share selected]

[Current IP Address: ]

[Current Address: ]

[IP Adress: ]

[You are browsing from]

[Your external IP was detected as %d.%d.%d.%d\r\nby: %s]

[You need to restart Miranda to change the main menu]

[HTTP Server]
Serveur HTTP
[Failed to CreateServiceFunction MS_SHARE_NEW_FILE]

[Failed to CreateServiceFunction MS_SHOW_STATISTICS_VIEW]

[HTTP Share new file]

[Failed to add contact menu item]

;file \plugins\HTTPServer\src\HttpUser.cpp
[Share removed]

;file \plugins\HTTPServer\src\main.cpp
[Failed to open or create log file]

[Failed to move to the end of the log file]

[Failed to write some part of the log file]

[Failed to open or create file ]

[Failed to write xml header to file ]

[Failed to write xml data to file ]

[Failed to write xml tail to file ]

[Failed to bind to port %s\r\nThis is most likely because another program or service is using this port]

[Disable HTTP server]
Désactiver HTTP server
[Enable HTTP server]
Activer HTTP server