#muuid {144e80a2-d198-428b-acbe-9d55dacc7fde} ;============================================================ ; File: Jabber.dll ; Plugin: Jabber protocol ; Version: ; Authors: George Hazan, Maxim Mluhov, Victor Pavlychko, Artem Shpynov, Michael Stepura ;============================================================ [Jabber (XMPP) protocol support for Miranda NG.] Support du protocole Jabber (XMPP) pour Miranda NG. ;file \protocols\JabberG\res\jabber.rc [Edit Note] Modifier la note [Tags:] [Cancel] Annuler [Type:] Type : [User:] Contact : [Domain/Server:] Serveur : [Password:] Passe : [Save password] Enregistrer le passe [Resource:] Ressource : [Register new user] Créer ce compte [Use custom connection host and port:] Utilisez un hôte et un port de connexion personnalisés : [Use Domain Login] [Go] [Search service] Recherche [Roster Editor] [View and modify your server-side contact list.] [Download] Téléchargement [Upload] [Import from file] Importer [Export to file] Exporter [Username:] Identifiant : [Change password] Changer le passe [Priority:] Priorité : [Use hostname as resource] Utilisez le nom de l'ordinateur [List of public servers] Liste des serveurs publics [Port:] Port : [Use SSL] Connexion SSL [Use TLS] Connexion TLS [Unregister] Désenregistrer [Expert] Expert [Manually specify connection host] Choisir un hôte manuellement [Host:] Hôte : [Keep connection alive] Garder la connection active [Automatically delete contacts not in my roster] Supprimer automatiquement les contacts non dans ma liste [User directory:] Adresse utilisateur : [Language for human-readable resources:] Langue pour les ressources lisibles : [File Transfer] Transfert de fichiers [Allow file sending through direct peer-to-peer connection] Envoi de fichier en connexion directe [Specify external address:] Définir une adresse externe [Allow file sending through bytestream proxy server:] [Miscellaneous] Divers [Hint:] Info : [Try to uncheck all checkmarks above if you're experiencing troubles with sending files. But it can cause problems with transfer of large files.] Essayer de tout décocher ci-dessous si vous rencontrez des problèmes avec l'envoi de fichier (surtout dans le cas de gros fichiers). [Jabber Account Registration] Enregistrement d'un compte Jabber [Jabber Form] Formulaire Jabber [Instruction:] Instruction : [Submit] Soumettre [Next] Suivant [Back] Fond [Complete] Terminé [Jabber Password] Mot de passe Jabber [Remember password for this session] Rappeler mot de passe pour cette session [Save password permanently] Enregistrer le mot de passe de façon permanente [Address1:] Adresse1 : [Address2:] Adresse2 : [City:] Ville : [State:] État : [ZIP:] Code postal : [Country:] Pays : [Full name:] Nom complet : [Nickname:] Pseudo : [First name:] Prénom : [Middle:] Altern : [Last name:] Nom : [Date of birth:] Anniversaire : [YYYY-MM-DD] AAAA-MM-DD [Gender:] Sexe : [Occupation:] Profession : [Homepage:] Page web : [Company:] Entreprise : [Department:] Département : [Title:] Titre : [E-mail:] Courriel : [Phone:] Téléphone : [Jabber vCard: Add Email Address] Détails Jabber : Ajout d'un courriel [Email address:] Courriel : [Home] Domicile [Work] Travail [Internet] Internet [X400] X400 [Jabber vCard: Add Phone Number] Détails Jabber : Ajout d'un téléphone [Phone number:] Téléphone : [Voice] Voix [Fax] Fax [Pager] Pagineur [Text/Messaging] Texte/Messagerie [Cellular] Portable [Video] Video [BBS] BBS [Modem] Modem [ISDN] ISDN [PCS] PCS [Load] Charger [Save] Sauver [Delete] Effacer [Description:] Description : [Change Password] Changer le mot de passe [Current Password:] Passe actuel : [New Password:] Nouveau passe : [Confirm New Password:] Vérifier le passe : [Jabber Multi-User Conference] Conférence Jabber multi-utilisateur [Create or join existing conference room.] Créer ou rejoindre une salle de conférence existante. [Conference server:] Serveur du chat : [Room:] Salon : [Recently visited chatrooms:] Salle de conférence visitées récemment : [Bookmarks] Favoris [JID List] Liste des JID [Apply Filter] Appliquer le filtre [Reset Filter] Réinitialiser le filtre [Send group chat invitation] Envoyer des invitations de groupe de chat [Other JID:] Autre ID : [Add] Ajouter [Invitation reason:] Raison d'invitation : [&Invite] &Inviter [Incoming group chat invitation] Invitation à un groupe de discussion [You are invited to conference room by] Vous êtes invités à la salle de conférence par [with following reason:] avec la raison suivante : [&Accept] &Accepter [Server side bookmarks] Favoris côté serveur [Store conference rooms and web links on server.] Conserver les salles de conférence et les liens Web sur le serveur. [Remove] Retirer [Edit] Éditer [Close] Fermer [Bookmark Details] Détails du favori [Bookmark Type] Type du favori [Conference] Chat [Transport] Transport [URL] Lien [Auto-join (Automatically join Bookmarks must be enabled in Miranda options)] Auto-join (joindre automatiquement les favoris doit être activée dans les options de Miranda) [Room JID/ URL:] Salon/URL : [Bookmark Name:] Nom du favori : [Privacy Lists] Listes confidentielle [Flexible way to configure visibility and more.] Manière flexible de configurer la visibilité et plus. [Lists:] Listes : [Rules:] Règles : [Simple Mode] Mode simple [Advanced Mode] Mode avancé [Add list... (Ins)] Ajouter la liste... (Ins) [Activate (Space)] Activer (Space) [Set as default (Ctrl+Space)] [Remove list (Del)] Supprimer la liste (Del) [Add rule (Ins)] Ajouter une règle (Ins) [Edit rule... (F2)] Modifier la règle... (F2) [Move rule up (Alt+Up)] [Move rule down (Alt+Down)] [Remove rule (Del)] Supprimer la règle (Del) [Privacy rule] Règle [If:] Si : [Then:] et : [following stanza types:] [Messages] Messages [Queries] Recherches [Incoming presence] [Outgoing presence] [New privacy list name:] Nom de la nouvelle liste : [Enter the name of the new list:] Nom de la nouvelle liste : [Service Discovery] [View as tree] [View as list] [Favorites] Favoris [Refresh] Actualiser [JID:] JID : [Node:] [Account type:] Type de compte : [Login server:] [Register account now] Enregistrer le compte [Jabber Account Information:] Informations sur le compte Jabber : [Member Information] [Role:] [Set role] [Affiliation:] [Set affiliation] [Status message:] Message d'état : [Chat options] [Alternate nick:] [Custom messages] [Quit:] Quitter : [Slap:] [Authorization request] Demande d'autorisation [Accept or reject incoming request] [Someone (maybe you) has requested the following file:] [Request was sent from JID:] [The transaction identifier is:] [Request method is:] [If you wish to confirm this request, please click authorize. Otherwise, press deny to reject it.] [Authorize] Autoriser [Deny] Refuser [Dialog] Dialogue [Jabber Notebook] [Store notes on server and access them from anywhere.] [Bots Challenge Test] [XML Console] [Reset log] [Send] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber.cpp [Jabber Link Protocol] Raccourci du protocole Jabber [Frame title] [Frame text] [Fatal error, image services not found. Jabber Protocol will be disabled.] [Jabber Activity] [Jabber Mood] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_adhoc.cpp [Error %s %s] Erreur %s %s [Select Command] Choississez une commande [Not supported] Non supporté [Done] Terminé [In progress. Please Wait...] En cours... Veuillez patienter... [Execute] Exécuter [Requesting command list. Please wait...] Demande de la liste de commande. Veuillez patienter... [Jabber Ad-Hoc commands at %s] [Sending Ad-Hoc command to %s] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_agent.cpp [Jabber Agent Registration] Enregistrement des Services Jabber [No message] Pas de message [Register] Enregistrer [Please wait...] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_bookmarks.cpp [Bookmark Name] Nom du favori [Address (JID or URL)] Adresse (JID ou URL) [Nickname] Pseudo [Conferences] Conférences [Links] Liens ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_byte.cpp [Bytestream Proxy not available] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_caps.cpp [Supports Service Discovery info] [Supports Service Discovery items list] [Can inform about its Jabber capabilities] [Supports stream initiation (e.g., for filetransfers)] [Supports stream initiation for file transfers] [Supports file transfers via SOCKS5 Bytestreams] [Supports file transfers via In-Band Bytestreams] [Supports file transfers via Out-of-Band Bytestreams] [Supports execution of Ad-Hoc commands] [Supports in-band registration] [Supports multi-user chat] [Can report chat state in a chat session] [Can report information about the last activity of the user] [Can report own version information] [Can report local time of the user] [Can send and receive ping requests] [Supports data forms] [Can request and respond to events relating to the delivery, display, and composition of messages] [Supports vCard] [Supports iq-based avatars] [Supports XHTML formatting of chat messages] [Supports Jabber Browsing] [Can negotiate options for specific features] [Can request advanced processing of message stanzas] [Can report information about user moods] [Receives information about user moods] [Supports generic publish-subscribe functionality] [Supports SecureIM plugin for Miranda NG] [Supports OTR (Off-the-Record Messaging)] [Supports New_GPG plugin for Miranda NG] [Blocks packets from other users/groupchats using Privacy lists] [Supports Message Receipts] [Can report information about the music to which a user is listening] [Receives information about the music to which a user is listening] [Supports private XML Storage (for bookmarks and other)] [Supports attention requests ('nudge')] [Supports chat history retrieving] [Supports chat history management] [Can report information about user activity] [Receives information about user activity] [Supports Miranda NG notes extension] [Supports Jingle] [Supports Roster Exchange] [Supports direct chat invitations (XEP-0249)] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_captcha.cpp [Enter the text you see] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_chat.cpp [None] Aucun [Member] Membre [Admin] [Owner] Propriétaire [Visitor] Visiteur [Participant] [Moderator] Modérateur [Visitors] Visiteurs [Participants] [Moderators] Modérateurs [Owners] [User %s is now banned.] [User %s changed status to %s with message: %s] [User %s changed status to %s] [Room configuration was changed.] [Outcast] [Affiliation of %s was changed to '%s'.] [Role of %s was changed to '%s'.] [because room is now members-only] [user banned] [Change &nickname] [&Invite a user] [&Roles] [&Participant list] [&Moderator list] [&Affiliations] [&Member list] [&Admin list] [&Owner list] [Outcast list (&ban)] [&Room options] [View/change &topic] [Add to &bookmarks] [&Configure...] [&Destroy room] [Lin&ks] [Copy room &JID] [Copy room topic] [&Send presence] [Online] En ligne [Away] Absent [NA] Indisponible [DND] Ne pas déranger [Free for chat] OK pour un chat [&Leave chat session] [&Slap] [&User details] &Détails contact [Member &info] [User &details] &Détails du contact [&Add to roster] [&Copy to clipboard] Copier [Invite to room] [Set &role] [&Visitor] [&Participant] [&Moderator] [Set &affiliation] [&None] [&Member] [&Admin] [&Owner] [Outcast (&ban)] [&Kick] [Copy &nickname] [Copy real &JID] [Copy in-room JID] [Real &JID: %s] [Invite Users to\n%s] [%s (not on roster)] [%s from\n%s] %s de\n%s [Real JID not available] [Reason to kick %s] [Reason to ban %s] [Invite %s to %s] [Set topic for %s] [Change nickname in %s] [Reason to destroy %s] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_console.cpp [Can't send data while you are offline.] [Jabber Error] Erreur Jabber [Outgoing XML parsing error] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_disco.cpp [request timeout.] [Node hierarchy] [Node] [Navigate] [Browse all favorites] [Remove all favorites] Effacer tous les favoris [Registered transports] [Browse local transports] [Browse chatrooms] [Contact Menu...] Menu du contact... [View vCard] Voir la vCard [Join chatroom] [Refresh Info] [Refresh Children] [Add to favorites] Ajouter aux favoris [Add to roster] Ajouter [Bookmark chatroom] [Add search directory] [Use this proxy] [Commands...] Commandes... [Logon] [Logoff] [Copy JID] Copier le JID [Copy node name] [Copy node information] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_disco.h [Identities] [category] catégorie [type] [Category] Catégorie [Type] [Supported features] [Info request error] [Items request error] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_filterlist.cpp [Set filter...] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_groupchat.cpp [Failed to retrieve room list from server.] [No rooms available on server.] [Room list request timed out.] [<no nick>] <aucun pseudo> [Loading...] Chargement... [Please wait for room list to download.] [Please specify group chat directory first.] [Bookmarks...] Favoris... [Change nickname in <%s>] [has set the subject to:] [Group chat invitation to\n%s] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_icolib.cpp [Status icons] Icônes d'état [transport] transport [Notes] Notes [Multi-User Conference] [Agents list] [Transports] [Personal vCard] Détails personnels [Convert to room] [Login/logout] [Resolve nicks] [Send note] [AdHoc Command] [OpenID Request] [Discovery succeeded] [Discovery failed] [Discovery in progress] [Apply filter] Appliquer le filtre [Reset filter] Réinitialiser le filtre [Navigate home] [Refresh node] [Browse node] [RSS service] Service RSS [Server] Serveur [Storage service] [Weather service] [Generic privacy list] [Active privacy list] [Default privacy list] [Move up] [Move down] [Allow Messages] [Allow Presences (in)] [Allow Presences (out)] [Allow Queries] [Deny Messages] [Deny Presences (in)] [Deny Presences (out)] [Deny Queries] [Protocols] Protocoles [Dialogs] [Discovery] [Privacy] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_iqid.cpp [Authentication failed for %s.] [Jabber Authentication] Authentification Jabber [Registration successful] Enregistrement réussi [Password is successfully changed. Don't forget to update your password in the Jabber protocol option.] Mot de passe changé avec succès. Pensez à mettre à jour votre mot de passe dans les options de Jabber. [Password cannot be changed.] Mot de passe inchangeable. [Jabber Bookmarks Error] Erreur de favori Jabber ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_iqid_muc.cpp [%s, %d items (%s)] %s, %d éléments (%s) [Voice List] [Member List] Liste des membres [Moderator List] Liste des Modérateurs [Ban List] Liste des Ban [Admin List] Liste des admins [Owner List] [Reason to ban] Raison du ban [Removing %s?] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_iq_handlers.cpp [Http authentication request received] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_menu.cpp [Jabber account chooser] [Request authorization] Demander l'autorisation [Grant authorization] Accorder l'autorisation [Revoke authorization] Enlever l'autorisation [Convert] [Add to Bookmarks] Ajouter aux favoris [Commands] Commandes [Send Note] [Send Presence] [Jabber Resource] [Last Active] Dernière activité [Server's Choice] [&Convert to Contact] &Convertir en contact [&Convert to Chat Room] &Convertir en salon [Services...] Services... [Registered Transports] [Local Server Transports] [Create/Join group chat] [Roster editor] [Resource priority] [Increase priority by %d] [Decrease priority by %d] [Resource priority [%d]] [Join conference] [Open bookmarks] [Privacy lists] Listes confidentielle [Service discovery] [Last active (%s)] [No activity yet, use server's choice] [Highest priority (server's choice)] Haute priorité (choix du serveur) [Status Message] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_message_handlers.cpp ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_misc.cpp [CHAT plugin is required for conferences. Install it before chatting] [To] Vers [From] De [Both] les 2 [Errors] Erreurs ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_notes.cpp [Incoming note from %s] [Send note to %s] [From: %s] De : %s [All tags] [Notes are not saved, close this window without uploading data to server?] [Are you sure?] Etes-vous sûr? [Incoming note] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_opt.cpp [Afar] [Abkhazian] Abkhaze [Afrikaans] Afrikaans [Akan] [Albanian] Albanais [Amharic] Amharique [Arabic] Arabe [Aragonese] Aragonais [Armenian] [Assamese] Assamais [Avaric] Avar [Avestan] Avestique [Aymara] [Azerbaijani] [Bashkir] Bachkir [Bambara] [Basque] Basque [Belarusian] Biélorusse [Bengali] [Bihari] [Bislama] Bichelamar [Bosnian] [Breton] Breton [Bulgarian] Bulgare [Burmese] Birman [Catalan; Valencian] Catalan; Valence [Chamorro] [Chechen] Tchétchène [Chinese] Chinois [Church Slavic; Old Slavonic] Église slaves; paléoslave [Chuvash] Tchouvache [Cornish] Cornique [Corsican] Corse [Cree] [Czech] Tchèque [Danish] Danois [Divehi; Dhivehi; Maldivian] Divehi; Divehi, Maldivien [Dutch; Flemish] Néerlandais; Flamand [Dzongkha] Boutani [English] Anglais [Esperanto] Esperanto [Estonian] Estonien [Ewe] Éwé [Faroese] Féroé [Fijian] Fidjien [Finnish] Finnois [French] Français [Western Frisian] Frison occidental [Fulah] Peul [Georgian] Géorgien [German] Allemand [Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic] [Irish] Irlandais [Galician] [Manx] [Greek, Modern (1453-)] Grec moderne [Guarani] [Gujarati] [Haitian; Haitian Creole] [Hausa] [Hebrew] Hébreux [Herero] [Hindi] Hindi [Hiri Motu] Hiri Motu [Hungarian] Hongrois [Igbo] [Icelandic] Islandais [Ido] [Sichuan Yi] [Inuktitut] [Interlingue] [Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)] [Indonesian] Indonésien [Inupiaq] [Italian] Italien [Javanese] Javanais [Japanese] Japonais [Kalaallisut; Greenlandic] [Kannada] [Kashmiri] [Kanuri] [Kazakh] [Central Khmer] [Kikuyu; Gikuyu] [Kinyarwanda] [Kirghiz; Kyrgyz] [Komi] [Kongo] Kongo [Korean] Coréen [Kuanyama; Kwanyama] [Kurdish] Kurde [Lao] [Latin] Latin [Latvian] Letton [Limburgan; Limburger; Limburgish] [Lingala] [Lithuanian] Lituanien [Luxembourgish; Letzeburgesch] Luxembourgeois [Luba-Katanga] [Ganda] [Macedonian] Macédonien [Marshallese] [Malayalam] Malayalam [Maori] Maori [Marathi] Marathi [Malay] Malais [Malagasy] Malgache [Maltese] [Moldavian] Moldave [Mongolian] Mongol [Nauru] Nauru [Navajo; Navaho] Navajo [Ndebele, South; South Ndebele] [Ndebele, North; North Ndebele] [Ndonga] [Nepali] Népalais [Norwegian Nynorsk; Nynorsk, Norwegian] Norvégien [Bokmaal, Norwegian; Norwegian Bokmaal] [Norwegian] Norvégien [Chichewa; Chewa; Nyanja] [Occitan (post 1500); Provencal] Occitan [Ojibwa] [Oriya] [Oromo] Oromo [Ossetian; Ossetic] [Panjabi; Punjabi] [Persian] Perse [Pali] [Polish] Polonais [Portuguese] Portugais [Pushto] [Quechua] [Romansh] [Romanian] Roumain [Rundi] [Russian] Russe [Sango] [Sanskrit] [Serbian] Serbe [Croatian] Croate [Sinhala; Sinhalese] [Slovak] Slovaque [Slovenian] Slovène [Northern Sami] Same du Nord [Samoan] [Shona] [Sindhi] [Somali] Somali [Sotho, Southern] [Spanish; Castilian] Espagnol; Castillan [Sardinian] Sarde [Swati] [Sundanese] Soundanais [Swahili] [Swedish] Suédois [Tahitian] Tahitien [Tamil] [Tatar] [Telugu] [Tajik] [Tagalog] [Thai] Thaïlandais [Tibetan] Tibétain [Tigrinya] [Tonga (Tonga Islands)] [Tswana] [Tsonga] [Turkmen] Turkmène [Turkish] Turque [Twi] [Uighur; Uyghur] [Ukrainian] Ukrainien [Urdu] [Uzbek] Ouzbek [Venda] [Vietnamese] Vietnamien [Volapuk] Volapuk [Welsh] [Walloon] [Wolof] [Xhosa] [Yiddish] Yiddish [Yoruba] [Zhuang; Chuang] [Zulu] Zoulou [These changes will take effect the next time you connect to the Jabber network.] Ces changements ne prendront effet qu'à la prochaine connexion au réseau Jabber. [Jabber Protocol Option] Options du protocole Jabber [Confirm password] Confirmez le mot de passe [Passwords do not match.] [This operation will kill your account, roster and all other information stored at the server. Are you ready to do that?] [Account removal warning] Avertissement d'effacement de comtpe [You can change your password only when you are online] [You must be online] [Messaging] Envoi de message [Send messages slower, but with full acknowledgment] [Enable avatars] [Log chat state changes] [Log presence subscription state changes] [Log presence errors] [Enable user moods receiving] [Enable user tunes receiving] [Enable user activity receiving] [Receive notes] [Automatically save received notes] [Enable server-side history] [Server options] Options du serveur [Disable SASL authentication (for old servers)] Désactiver l'authentification SASL (pour les anciens serveurs) [Enable stream compression (if possible)] Activer la compression du Stream (si disponible) [Other] Autre [Enable remote controlling (from another resource of same JID only)] [Show transport agents on contact list] Voir les services de transports dans ma liste de contact [Automatically add contact when accept authorization] Ajouter auto. un contact après une autorisation acceptée [Automatically accept authorization requests] [Fix incorrect timestamps in incoming messages] [Disable frame] [Enable XMPP link processing (requires Association Manager)] [Keep contacts assigned to local groups (ignore roster group)] [Security] Sécurité [Allow servers to request version (XEP-0092)] [Show information about operating system in version replies] [Accept only in band incoming filetransfers (don't disclose own IP)] [Accept HTTP Authentication requests (XEP-0070)] [General] Général [Autoaccept multiuser chat invitations] Accepter automatiquement les invitations des utilisateurs d'une conférence [Automatically join bookmarks on login] [Automatically join conferences on login] Rejoindre automatiquement une conférence à la connexion [Hide conference windows at startup] [Do not show multiuser chat invitations] [Log events] [Ban notifications] [Room configuration changes] [Affiliation changes] [Role changes] [Status changes] Changements d'état [Don't notify history messages] [JID] JID [Group] Groupe [Subscription] [Uploading...] Mise à jour... [Downloading...] Télécharge... [XML for MS Excel (UTF-8 encoded)] [Connecting...] Connexion en cours... [Network] Réseau [Account] Compte [Advanced] Avancé [Public XMPP Network] Réseau XMPP publique [Secure XMPP Network] Réseau XMPP sécurisé [Secure XMPP Network (old style)] [Google Talk!] Google Talk! [LiveJournal Talk] [Odnoklassniki] [Some changes will take effect the next time you connect to the Jabber network.] Certaines modifications prendront effet la prochaine fois que vous vous connecterez au réseau Jabber. ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_password.cpp [Set New Password for %s@%S] [New password does not match.] Nouveau passe non fonctionnel [Current password is incorrect.] Le passe actuel est incorrect. ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_privacy.cpp [Sending request, please wait...] [Warning: privacy lists were changed on server.] [Error occurred while applying changes] [Privacy lists successfully saved] [Privacy list %s set as active] [Active privacy list successfully declined] [Error occurred while setting active list] [Privacy list %s set as default] [Default privacy list successfully declined] [Error occurred while setting default list] [Allow] Autoriser [Simple mode] Mode simple [Advanced mode] Mode avancé [Add JID] [Activate] Activer [Set default] [Edit rule] Éditer la règle [Add rule] Ajouter une règle [Delete rule] Effacer la règle [Move rule up] [Move rule down] [Add list...] [Remove list] Effacer [** Default **] ** Par défaut ** [** Subscription: both **] [** Subscription: to **] [** Subscription: from **] [** Subscription: none **] [<none>] <aucun> [Message] Message [Presence (in)] [Presence (out)] [Query] [List has no rules, empty lists will be deleted then changes applied] [allow ] autoriser\s [deny ] [all.] tous. [messages] Messages [ and ] et\s [incoming presences] [outgoing presences] [queries] recherches [Else ] Sinon\s [If Jabber ID is '] [ (nickname: ] [If group is '] Si le groupe est ' [If subscription is '] [then ] puis\s [ (act., def.)] [ (active)] [ (default)] (par défaut) [Ready.] Prêt. [Privacy lists are not saved, discard any changes and exit?] [Please save list before activating] [First, save the list] [Please save list before you make it the default list] [No list selected] Aucune liste sélectionnée [Can't remove active or default list] [Sorry] Désolé [Unable to save list because you are currently offline.] [List Editor...] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_proto.cpp [No compatible file transfer mechanism exists] [Protocol is offline or no JID] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_rc.cpp [Command completed successfully] [Error occurred during processing command] [Set status] [Set options] [Forward unread messages] [Leave group chats] [Lock workstation] [Quit Miranda NG] Quitter Miranda-IM [Change Status] Changerl'état [Choose the status and status message] [Status] État [Extended Away (N/A)] [Do Not Disturb] Ne pas déranger [Invisible] Invisible [Offline] Hors ligne [Priority] [Status message] [Change global status] [Set Options] [Set the desired options] [Automatically Accept File Transfers] [Play sounds] Jouer des sons [Disable remote controlling (check twice what you are doing)] [There is no messages to forward] [Forward options] [%d message(s) to be forwarded] %d message(s) à envoyer [Mark messages as read] [%d message(s) forwarded] %d message(s) ont été envoyé [Workstation successfully locked] [Error %d occurred during workstation lock] [Confirmation needed] [Please confirm Miranda NG shutdown] Veuillez confirmer la fermeture de Miranda NG [There is no group chats to leave] [Choose the group chats you want to leave] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_search.cpp [Error %s %s\r\nPlease select other server] Erreur %s %s\r\nVeuiller choisir un autre serveur [Error: unknown reply received\r\nPlease select other server] Erreur : réponse inconnue\r\nVeuillez sélectionner un autre serveur [Error %s %s\r\nTry to specify more detailed] Erreur %s %s\r\nVeuillez indiquer plus de renseignement [Search error] Erreur dans la recherche [Select/type search service URL above and press <Go>] [Please wait...\r\nConnecting search server...] Veuillez patienter...\r\nConnexion en cours au serveur des recherches... [You have to be connected to server] Vosu êtes connecté au serveur ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_svc.cpp [closed chat session] session chat fermée [sent subscription request] [approved subscription request] [declined subscription] [sent error presence] [sent unknown presence type] [Nick:] Pseudo : [Status:] État : [Real JID:] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_thread.cpp [Enter password for %s] Entrez le mot de passe pour %s [Error: Not enough memory] Erreur : Mémoire insuffisante [Error: Cannot connect to the server] Erreur : Connexion impossible au Serveur [Error: Connection lost] Erreur : Connexion perdue [Requesting registration instruction...] [Authentication failed for %s@%S.] [Message redirected from: %s\r\n%s] [Sending registration information...] Envoi des infos d'enregistrement... ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_userinfo.cpp [Resource] [<not specified>] <non spécifié> [Software] Logiciel [Version] Version [System] Système [unknown] Inconnu [Idle since] Inactif depuis [Client capabilities] Capacités du client [Software information] [Operating system] Système d'exploitation [Operating system version] Version du système d'exploitation [Software version] Version du logiciel [Miranda core version] [Mood] [Activity] [Tune] [both] les 2 [to] Vers [from] de [none] Aucun [Last logoff time] [Uptime] [Logoff message] [<no information available>] <aucune information disponible> [Last active resource] [Please switch online to see more details.] [Copy] Copier [Copy only this value] [format] Format [Unknown format] Format inconnu [<Photo not available while offline>] <Photo non disponible si déconnecté> [<No photo>] <pas de photo> [Photo] Photo ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_util.cpp [Redirect] Redirection [Bad request] Mauvaise requête [Unauthorized] Non autorisé [Payment required] Paiement requis [Forbidden] Interdit [Not found] Non trouvé [Not allowed] Non disponible [Not acceptable] Non acceptable [Registration required] Enregistrement requis [Request timeout] Délai de requête dépassé [Conflict] Conflit [Internal server error] Erreur du serveur interne [Not implemented] Non implementé [Remote server error] Erreur du serveur distant [Service unavailable] Service indisponible [Remote server timeout] Délai du serveur distant dépassé [Unknown error] Erreur inconnue [Error] Erreur [Unknown error message] Erreur de message inconnu [Advanced Status] [Set mood...] [Set activity...] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_vcard.cpp [Male] Homme [Female] Femme [Only JPG, GIF, and BMP image files smaller than 40 KB are supported.] Seules les images JPG, GIF, et BMP de moins de 40ko sont supportées. [Jabber vCard] Détails Jabber [Jabber vCard: Edit Email Address] Détails Jabber : Éditer l'adresse électronique [Jabber vCard: Edit Phone Number] Détails Jabber : Éditer le numéro de téléphone [Contacts] Contacts [Note] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_ws.cpp [%s connection] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\jabber_xstatus.cpp [Afraid] Effrayé [Amazed] Stupéfait [Amorous] Amoureux [Angry] En colère [Annoyed] Contrarié [Anxious] Anxieux [Aroused] Éveillé [Ashamed] Honteux [Bored] S'ennuie [Brave] Courageux [Calm] Calme [Cautious] Prudent [Cold] Froid [Confident] Confiant [Confused] Désorienté [Contemplative] Contemplatif [Contented] Satisfait [Cranky] Excentrique [Crazy] Fou [Creative] Créatif [Curious] Curieux [Dejected] Découragé [Depressed] Déprimé [Disappointed] Désappointé [Disgusted] Dégoûté [Dismayed] Consterné [Distracted] Distret [Embarrassed] Embarrassé [Envious] Envieux [Excited] Éxcité [Flirtatious] Charmeur [Frustrated] Frusté [Grateful] Reconnaissant [Grieving] En deuil [Grumpy] Grincheux [Guilty] Coupable [Happy] Heureux [Hopeful] Optimiste [Hot] Chaud [Humbled] Humble [Humiliated] Humilié [Hungry] Affamé [Hurt] Blessé [Impressed] Impressionné [In awe] Craintif [In love] Amoureux [Indignant] Indigné [Interested] Intéressé [Intoxicated] Intoxcité [Invincible] Invincible [Jealous] Jaloux [Lonely] Seul [Lost] Perdu [Lucky] Chanceux [Mean] Méchant [Moody] Mal luné [Nervous] Nerveux [Neutral] Neutre [Offended] Offensé [Outraged] Outré [Playful] Espiègle [Proud] Fier [Relaxed] Décontracté [Relieved] Soulagé [Remorseful] Plein de remords [Restless] Agité [Sad] Triste [Sarcastic] Sarcastique [Satisfied] Satisfait [Serious] Sérieux [Shocked] Choqué [Shy] Timide [Sick] Malade [Sleepy] Somnolent [Spontaneous] Spontané [Stressed] Stressé [Strong] Fort [Surprised] Surpris [Thankful] Reconnaissant [Thirsty] Assoiffé [Tired] Fatigué [Undefined] Non défini [Weak] Faible [Worried] Inquiet [Mood: %s] [Set Mood] [Doing chores] [buying groceries] [cleaning] [cooking] cuisine [doing maintenance] [doing the dishes] fait la vaisselle [doing the laundry] [gardening] jardine [running an errand] [walking the dog] [Drinking] [having a beer] [having coffee] [having tea] [Eating] Mange [having a snack] [having breakfast] [having dinner] [having lunch] [Exercising] [cycling] [dancing] [hiking] [jogging] [playing sports] [running] [skiing] [swimming] nage [working out] [Grooming] [at the spa] au spa [brushing teeth] [getting a haircut] [shaving] [taking a bath] prend un bain [taking a shower] prend une douche [Having appointment] [Inactive] Inactive [day off] [hanging out] [hiding] [on vacation] en vacances [praying] [scheduled holiday] [sleeping] [thinking] Pensif [Relaxing] [fishing] pêche [gaming] Joue [going out] [partying] [reading] [rehearsing] [shopping] Fait les courses [smoking] fume [socializing] [sunbathing] [watching TV] Regarde la télé [watching a movie] regarde un film [Talking] discute [in real life] [on the phone] Au téléphone [on video phone] [Traveling] [commuting] [driving] [in a car] dans un véhicule [on a bus] dans le bus [on a plane] en avion [on a train] Dans le train [on a trip] en voyage [walking] marche [Working] travail [coding] [in a meeting] en réunion [studying] Étudie [writing] écrit [Activity: %s] Activité : %s [Set Activity] Definir [Listening To] Écoute [Moods] [Activities] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\stdafx.h [I'm happy Miranda NG user. Get it at http://miranda-ng.org/.] [/me slaps %s around a bit with a large trout] ;file \protocols\JabberG\src\obsoleted\jabber_form2.cpp [One or more addresses for communication related to abusive traffic] [One or more addresses for customer feedback] [One or more addresses for communication related to sales and marketing] [One or more addresses for communication related to security concerns] [One or more addresses for customer support] [The Jabber ID of a single entity to which an operation applies] [The Jabber ID of one or more entities to which an operation applies] [The Jabber IDs associated with active sessions] [The number of online entities that are active] [A list of entities with administrative privileges] [The text of an announcement to be sent to active users or all users] [A list of entities with whom communication is blocked] [The number of seconds to delay before applying a change] [The Jabber IDs that have been disabled] [The number of disabled entities] [The email address for a user] [The given (first) name of a user] [The number of online entities that are idle] [The IP addresses of an account's online sessions] [The last login time (per XEP-0082) of a user] [The number of logins per minute for an account] [The maximum number of items associated with a search or list] [The text of a message of the day] [The names of an account's online sessions] [The Jabber IDs associated with online users] [The number of online entities] [The password for an account] [Password verification] Vérification du mot de passe [A list of registered entities] [The number of registered entities] [Number of roster items for an account] [The number of stanzas being sent per second by an account] [The family (last) name of a user] [The text of a welcome message] Le texte du message de bienvenue [A list of entities with whom communication is allowed] [First Name] Prénom [Last Name] Nom [Desired Nickname] [Your URL] Votre URL [Email Address] Courriel [FAQ Entry] [Whether to allow occupants to invite others] [Whether to allow occupants to change subject] [Whether to enable logging of room conversations] [Natural language for room discussions] [Maximum number of room occupants] [Whether to make room members-only] [Whether to make room moderated] [Whether a password is required to enter] [Whether to make room persistent] [Roles for which presence is broadcast] [Whether to allow public searching for room] [Full list of room admins] [Short description of room] [Natural-language room name] [Full list of room owners] [The room password] [Affiliations that may discover real JIDs of occupants] [Precondition: node configuration with the specified access model] [Whether to allow the subscription] [The SubID of the subscription] [The NodeID of the relevant node] [The address (JID) of the subscriber] [Whether an entity wants to receive or disable notifications] [Whether an entity wants to receive digests (aggregations) of notifications or all notifications individually] [The minimum number of milliseconds between sending any two notification digests] [The date and time at which a leased subscription will end or has ended] [Whether an entity wants to receive an XMPP message body in addition to the payload format] [The presence states for which an entity wants to receive notifications] [Who may subscribe and retrieve items] [The URL of an XSL transformation which can be applied to payloads in order to generate an appropriate message body element.] [The collection with which a node is affiliated] [The URL of an XSL transformation which can be applied to the payload format in order to generate a valid Data Forms result that the client could display using a generic Data Forms rendering engine] [Whether to deliver payloads with event notifications] [Whether owners or publisher should receive replies to items] [Who may associate leaf nodes with a collection] [The list of JIDs that may associated leaf nodes with a collection] [The child nodes (leaf or collection) associated with a collection] [The maximum number of child nodes that can be associated with a collection] [The maximum number of items to persist] [The maximum payload size in bytes] [Whether the node is a leaf (default) or a collection] [Whether to notify subscribers when the node configuration changes] [Whether to notify subscribers when the node is deleted] [Whether to notify subscribers when items are removed from the node] [Whether to persist items to storage] [Whether to deliver notifications to available users only] [The publisher model] [The specific multi-user chat rooms to specify for replyroom] [The specific JID(s) to specify for replyto] [The roster group(s) allowed to subscribe and retrieve items] [Whether to send items to new subscribers] [Whether to allow subscriptions] [A friendly name for the node] [The type of node data, usually specified by the namespace of the payload (if any); MAY be list-single rather than text-single] [The JIDs of those to contact with questions] [The date and time when the node was created] [The JID of the node creator] [A description of the node] [The default language of the node] [The number of subscribers to the node] [The JIDs of those with an affiliation of owner] [The JIDs of those with an affiliation of publisher] [The name of the node] [Payload type] [Whether to automatically authorize subscription requests] [Whether to automatically accept file transfers] [Whether to automatically open new messages] [Whether to automatically go offline when idle] [Whether to play sounds] [A list of pending file transfers] [A list of joined group chat rooms] [A presence or availability status] [The status message text] [The new priority for the client] [Account name associated with the user] [Familiar name of the user] [Password or secret for the user] [Full name of the user] [First name or given name of the user] [Last name, surname, or family name of the user] [Email address of the user] Courriel de l'utilisateur [Street portion of a physical or mailing address] [Locality portion of a physical or mailing address] [Region portion of a physical or mailing address] [Postal code portion of a physical or mailing address] [Family Name] [Whether to accept the invitation] [Another resource with which to continue the session] [Disclosure of content, decryption keys or identities] [Whether may send Chat State Notifications per XEP-0085] [Whether allowed to use XHTML-IM formatting per XEP-0071] [Primary written language of the chat (each value appears in order of preference and conforms to RFC 4646 and the IANA registry)] [Whether allowed to log messages (i.e., whether Off-The-Record mode is required)] [Whether to renegotiate the session] [Minimum security level] [Whether to terminate the session] [Whether to enable Message Receipts per XEP-0184]