#muuid {a5bb1b7a-b7cd-4cbb-a7db-ceb4eb71da49} ;============================================================ ; File: KeepStatus.dll ; Plugin: Keep status ; Version: ; Authors: P Boon ;============================================================ [KeepStatus, A connection checker, for use with (or without) StartupStatus and/or AdvancedAutoAway.] ;file \Plugins\StatusPlugins\resource.rc [Check connection] [Max. retries] [Account connection] [Delay between retries (secs)] [Show popups] [General] Général [Accounts to check] [Dial-Up] [Don't reconnect if no internet connection seems available] [Continuously check for internet connection] [Do so by pinging host] [Confirm status] [Close] Fermer [Cancel] Annuler [Profile] Profil [Message] Message [Account] Compte [Set] OK [when full-screen mode is active] [when screen saver engages] [when workstation is locked] [after] [minutes of inactivity] [minutes of level 1 mode] [only set when inactive] [Monitor Miranda's activity only] [Reset status on return] [Confirm resetting status] [Only set if current status is] [Command line] [Copy to clipboard] Copier dans le Presse-Papiers [Command line:] Commande : [Create shortcut] [Add new profile] [Profile name] [Set window state] [Show dialog] [Set status to offline before exit] [Show CMDL] [Activate status profile] [Set docked] [Other] Autre [Status on startup] [ms] ms [Set after] [Timeout] Délai du popup [s] [Set window location] [Left] Gauche [Top] Haut [Set window size] [Width] Largeur [Height] hauteur [Allow override] [Note: status profiles can be created in the 'Status profiles' options screen] [Window on startup] [Automatically dial on startup] [Automatically hang up on exit] [Dial-up (experimental)] [Background color] Couleur de fond [Text color] Couleur du texte [Use Windows colors] Utiliser les couleurs Windows [Use default colors] Couleurs par défaut [Delay] [On left click] Clic gauche [On right click] Clic droit [Do nothing] [Close popup] [Cancel reconnecting] [Colors] Couleurs [Preview] Aperçu [Events] Évènements [Show when connection is lost] [Show when a connection attempt is made] [Show when reconnection has finished] [Show other messages] [From popup plugin] Comme le plugin popup [Custom] Défini [Permanent] [Show additional information in popups] [Use Miranda's message setting] [Use this message:] [Use %time% for the current time, %date% for the current date] Utiliser %time% et %date% pour l'heure et la date actuelles. [Variables...] [Specify settings for each account] [Use same settings for all accounts] [Ignore Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock keys] [Check interval (secs)] [Confirm dialog timeout (secs)] [You enabled "Change my status mode to" in the "Idle" options dialog, AdvancedAutoAway's options are ignored.] [Monitor keyboard activity] [Monitor mouse activity] [Ignore CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, TAB, ESC and Windows keys] [Ignore any key combination with above keys] [Accounts] Comptes [Enable checking] [Disable checking] [Set status message] [Status] État [Add...] [Delete] Effacer [Create a TopToolBar button] [Show confirm dialog when loading] [Create a main menu item] Créer un élément de menu principal [Status profiles] [Hotkey] Raccourci clavier [In submenu] [Max. delay (secs)] [Increase delay exponential] [Cancel all if an account connects from another location] [Reconnect on APM resume] [Stop trying to reconnect] [Set delay to] [React on login errors] [seconds] secondes [Set account offline before a connection attempt] [Max. account connecting time (secs)] [Timers] [Reconnecting] [Ignore locked status of accounts] [Consider connection lost after] [failed pings] [Continuously check interval (secs)] [Entering first auto-away status] [Entering second auto-away status] [Leaving first auto-away status] [Leaving second auto-away status] [Becoming active without status change] [Pre-conditions] [TriggerData] [Status: The status the account will change to\r\nAccount: The account changing state] ;file \plugins\StatusPlugins\KeepStatus\keepstatus.cpp [Protocol] Protocole [%s connected from another location] %s est connecté depuis un autre site [%s login error, cancel reconnecting] Erreur d'indentification, annulation de la reconnexion [%s login error (next retry (%d) in %d s)] [%s status error (next retry (%d) in %d s)] [Status error (next retry (%d) in %d s)] [%s\t(will be set to %s)\r\n] [Resetting status... (last try (%d))%s] RAZ de l'état... (dernière tentative (%d))%s [Resetting status... (next retry (%d) in %d s)%s] [No internet connection seems available... (last try (%d))] Pas de connexion Internet... (dernière tentative (%d)) [No internet connection seems available... (next retry (%d) in %d s)] [Status was set ok] L'état est réglé [Giving up] Abandon [KeepStatus] ;file \plugins\StatusPlugins\KeepStatus\options.cpp [Basic] Basique [Advanced] Avancé [You broke the Internet!] [Popups] Popups ;file \Plugins\StatusPlugins\commonstatus.cpp [I've been away since %time%.] Je suis absent depuis %time%. [Give it up, I'm not in!] Laisse tomber, je suis sorti ! [Not right now.] Pas maintenant, merci. [Give a guy some peace, would ya?] Tu veux bien me laisser en paix ? [I'm a chatbot!] Je suis un robot de chat ! [Yep, I'm here.] Oui, je suis là. [Nope, not here.] Non, absent. [I'm hiding from the mafia.] Je me cache de la mafia. [That'll be the phone.] Ce sera le téléphone. [Mmm... food.] Mmm... Manger. [idleeeeeeee] Occupééééé ;file \Plugins\StatusPlugins\confirmdialog.cpp [Set %s message for %s.] [] [] [] [Closing in %d] Fermeture dans %d