#muuid {68f5a030-ba32-48ec-9507-5c2fbdea5217} ;============================================================ ; File: Steam.dll ; Plugin: Steam protocol ; Version: ; Authors: Miranda NG Team, Robert Pösel ;============================================================ [Steam protocol support for Miranda NG.] Support du protocole Steam pour Miranda NG. ;file \protocols\Steam\res\Resource.rc [Username:] Identifiant : [Password:] Passe : [Default group:] Groupes : [Account] Compte [Contacts] Contacts [Use bigger avatars] Utiliser des grands avatars [Message sessions] Sessions de message [Show chat state events (i.e., user closed chat session)] [Captcha] [Cancel] Annuler [As an added account security measure, you'll need to grant access by entering the special code we've just sent to your email address.] [Go to email domain] [Block] Bloquer [Enter password] Entrez le passe [Save password] Enregistrer le passe [Enter the password to continue.] [As an added account security measure, you'll need to grant access by entering the SMS code we've just sent to your mobile phone.] ;file \protocols\Steam\src\main.cpp [Steam game] ;file \protocols\Steam\src\steam_contacts.cpp [Looking to play] [Looking to trade] [ (Non-Steam)] [ on server %s] [Playing] en lecture [%s has been removed from your contact list] [%s is back in your contact list] [%s has added you to his or her Friend List] ;file \protocols\Steam\src\steam_dialogs.cpp [Fatal error, image services not found. Avatar services will be disabled.] Erreur critique, aucun service d'image trouvé. Avatar Services sera désactivé. [Avatar Service] ;file \protocols\Steam\src\steam_events.cpp [Network] Réseau [Blocked contacts] ;file \protocols\Steam\src\steam_login.cpp [Cannot obtain connection token.] [Unknown login error.] ;file \protocols\Steam\src\steam_menus.cpp [Steam menu chooser] [Request authorization] Demander l'autorisation [Join to game] ;file \protocols\Steam\src\steam_messages.cpp [Unknown error] Erreur inconnue ;file \protocols\Steam\src\steam_options.cpp [Name] Nom ;file \protocols\Steam\src\steam_proto.cpp [Protocols] Protocoles [Protocol icon] [Gaming icon] [%s connection] [You cannot send messages when you are offline.] Vous ne pouvez pas envoyer de message si vous êtes Hors ligne. ;file \protocols\Steam\src\steam_utils.cpp [closed chat session] session chat fermée ;file \protocols\Steam\src\steam_xstatus.cpp