#muuid {8392df1d-9090-4f8e-9df6-2fe058edd800} ;============================================================ ; File: Tipper.dll ; Plugin: Tipper ; Version: ; Authors: Scott Ellis, yaho ;============================================================ [Tool Tip notification windows.] ;file \plugins\TipperYM\res\resource.rc [Layout] Disposition [Text indent:] [Title indent:] [Value indent:] [General padding:] Remplissage général : [Text padding:] [Outer avatar padding:] [Inner avatar padding:] [Alignment] Alignement [Labels:] Nom : [Values:] Valeur : [Window] Fenêtre [Max width:] Largeur max : [Min width:] Largeur mini : [Max height:] Hauteur max : [Min height:] Hauteur mini : [Avatar size:] [Sidebar width:] [Hover time:] [Show if list not focused] Afficher si liste couverte [Options] Paramètres [Show title] Voir le titre [Status bar tips] Barre de popup d'états [Avatar border] [Round corners (avatar)] [Keep original avatar size] Conserver la taille de l'avatar [Substitution] [Label:] [Module:] Module : [Contact protocol module] [Setting or prefix:] [Translation:] Traduction : [Cancel] Annuler [Item] Évènement [Value:] Valeur : [Variables] [Draw a line above] Mettre une ligne en dessous [Value on a new line] Valeur sur une nouvelle ligne [Parse Tipper variables first] [Preset items:] [Items] Objets [Substitutions] [Add] Ajouter [Remove] Retirer [Up] Haut [Down] Bas [Edit] Éditer [Separator] Séparateur [Extra icons] Icônes d'accès rapide [Smileys support] [Enable SmileyAdd support] Activer le support de SmileyAdd [Use protocol smileys] [Resize smileys] Redimensionner les avatars [Replace only isolated smileys] [Advanced options] Options avancées [Show tooltip after all content is ready (avatar && status message)] [Retrieve new status message] [Disable in invisible status] [Retrieve xStatus details if auto-retrieve is disabled] [Status bar and tray tooltip] [Limit status messages in status bar and tray tooltips to:] [characters] caractères [Skins] Skins [Reload skin list] [Apply skin] [Get more skins] [Preview] Aperçu [No preview] [Effects] Effets [Animation speed:] [Shadow] [Border] Bordures [Round corners (window)] [Skin option] [Enable skin coloring] [Load tooltip proportions] [Load fonts and colors] [Transparency] [Opacity (%):] [Aero Glass (Vista+)] [Enable tray tooltips] [Handle tray tooltips by Tipper] [Hide offline protocols] [Expand to second level after:] [ms] ms [First level tooltip] [Second level tooltip] [Favorite contacts] [Hide offline] [Append protocol name] ;file \plugins\TipperYM\src\mir_smileys.cpp [Tipper smileys] ;file \plugins\TipperYM\src\options.cpp [You must enter a label] Vous devez entrer un nom [Invalid Substitution] Substitution incorrecte [<No Label>] <sans nom> [Add item] [Add separator] Ajouter [Move up] [Move down] [No icon] Sans icône [Icon on left] [Icon on right] [Bottom right] [Bottom left] [Top right] [Top left] [Top] Haut [Center] Centré [Bottom] Bas [Left] Gauche [Right] Droite [No avatar] [Left avatar] [Right avatar] [Max avatar size:] [None] Aucun [Animation] [Fade] Fondu [Appearance] Apparence [Tooltips] Info-Bulles [Customize] Apparence [Content] Contenu [Tray tooltip] [Extra] ;file \plugins\TipperYM\src\options.h [Show for all contact types] [Show only for contacts] [Show only for chatrooms] [Number of contacts] [Protocol lock status] [Logon time] [Unread emails] E-mails non-lus [Status] État [Status message] [Extra status] [Listening to] Écoute [Miranda uptime] [Contact list event] [Jabber activity] [Gender] [Country flag] [Client] ;file \plugins\TipperYM\src\popwin.cpp [%s (locked)] %s (verrouillé) [%s ago] [Log on:] [Unread emails:] [Status:] État : [Status message:] Message d'état : [Mood:] Humeur : [xStatus:] [Activity:] [Listening to:] [Copy all items with labels] [Copy all items] [Copy avatar] [<No Label>: ] [<No Value>] [Fav. contacts] [Other] Autre [Miranda uptime:] ;file \plugins\TipperYM\src\preset_items.cpp [Account] Compte [Account:] Compte : [Birthday] [Birthday:] [Client:] [Email] [Email:] [Gender:] Sexe : [Homepage] [Homepage:] Page web : [Identifier] [Idle] Inactif [Idle:] Inactivité : [IP internal] [IP internal:] [Last message] Dernier message [Last message: (%sys:last_msg_reltime% ago)] Dernier message : il y a %sys:last_msg_reltime% [Name] Nom [Name:] Nom : [Number of received messages] [Number of msg [IN]:] [Number of sent messages] [Number of msg [OUT]:] [Contact time] [Time:] Durée : [xStatus title] xStatus - Titre [xStatus title:] [xStatus text] [xStatus text:] [[jabber.dll] Activity title] [Activity title:] [[jabber.dll] Activity text] [Activity text:] [[seenplugin.dll] Last seen time] [Last seen time:] [[seenplugin.dll] Last seen status] [Last seen status:] [[weather.dll] Condition] [Condition:] [[weather.dll] Humidity] [Humidity:] [[weather.dll] Max/Min temperature] [Max/Min:] [[weather.dll] Moon] [Moon:] [[weather.dll] Pressure] [Pressure:] [[weather.dll] Sunrise] [Sunrise:] Aube : [[weather.dll] Sunset] [Sunset:] Aurore : [[weather.dll] Temperature] [Temperature:] [[weather.dll] Update time] [Update time:] [[weather.dll] UV Index] [UV Index:] [[weather.dll] Visibility] [Visibility:] Visibilité : [[weather.dll] Wind] [Wind:] ;file \plugins\TipperYM\src\skin_parser.cpp [# Solid color fill] ;file \plugins\TipperYM\src\subst.cpp [%dd %dh %dm] [%dh %dm] [%dm] ;file \plugins\TipperYM\src\tipper.cpp [Background] Arrière-plan [Dividers] Séparateurs [Sidebar] [Title] [Labels] Nom [Values] Valeurs [Tray title] [Tipper] ;file \plugins\TipperYM\src\translations.cpp [Female] Femme [Male] Homme [%dy %dd %dh %dm] [%dd] [[No translation]] [WORD to status description] [DWORD timestamp to time] [DWORD timestamp to time difference] [BYTE to Yes/No] [BYTE to Male/Female (ICQ)] [WORD to country name] [DWORD to IP address] [<prefix>Day|Month|Year to date] [<prefix>Day|Month|Year to age] [<prefix>Hours|Minutes|Seconds to time] [<prefix>Day|Month|Year|Hours|Minutes|Seconds to time difference] [<prefix>Day|Month to days to next birthday] [DWORD timestamp to time (no seconds)] [<prefix>Hours|Minutes to time] [DWORD timestamp to date (short)] [DWORD timestamp to date (long)] [xStatus: empty xStatus name to default name] [DWORD seconds to time difference] [BYTE timezone to time] [WORD to name of a day (0..6, 0 is Sunday)] [WORD to name of a month (1..12, 1 is January)] [BYTE to language (ICQ)] ;file \plugins\TipperYM\src\translations.h [Afrikaans] Afrikaans [Albanian] Albanais [Arabic] Arabe [Armenian] [Azerbaijani] [Belorussian] [Bhojpuri] [Bosnian] [Bulgarian] Bulgare [Burmese] Birman [Cantonese] [Catalan] [Chamorro] [Chinese] Chinois [Croatian] Croate [Czech] Tchèque [Danish] Danois [Dutch] [English] Anglais [Esperanto] Esperanto [Estonian] Estonien [Farsi] [Finnish] Finnois [French] Français [Gaelic] [German] Allemand [Greek] Grecque [Gujarati] [Hebrew] Hébreux [Hindi] Hindi [Hungarian] Hongrois [Icelandic] Islandais [Indonesian] Indonésien [Italian] Italien [Japanese] Japonais [Khmer] [Korean] Coréen [Kurdish] Kurde [Lao] [Latvian] Letton [Lithuanian] Lituanien [Macedonian] Macédonien [Malay] Malais [Mandarin] [Mongolian] Mongol [Norwegian] Norvégien [Persian] Perse [Polish] Polonais [Portuguese] Portugais [Punjabi] [Romanian] Roumain [Russian] Russe [Serbo-Croatian] [Sindhi] [Slovak] Slovaque [Slovenian] Slovène [Somali] Somali [Spanish] [Swahili] [Swedish] Suédois [Tagalog] [Taiwanese] [Tamil] [Tatar] [Thai] Thaïlandais [Turkish] Turque [Ukrainian] Ukrainien [Urdu] [Vietnamese] Vietnamien [Welsh] [Yiddish] Yiddish [Yoruba] [Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [January] [February] [March] [April] [May] [June] [July] [August] [September] [October] [November] [December]