#muuid {2ff96c84-b0b5-470e-bbf9-907b9f3f5d2f}
;  File: WhenWasIt.dll
;  Plugin: Birthday reminder
;  Version:
;  Authors: Cristian Libotean
[Notifies you of upcoming birthdays.]

;file \plugins\WhenWasIt\res\WhenWasIt.rc
[Notify of birthdays:]

[Popup timeout:]

[Don't show popups for subcontacts]
Pas de popups pour les sous-contacts
[Show popup when no birthdays are near]

[Popup mouse click]
Action de la souris
[Play sounds when there are]
Jouer un son si y en a.
[days or less to birthday.]

[Start notifying]

[days in advance and]

[Check every]

[Only notify once per day.]
Une seule fois par jour.
[By default use]

[to save birthday data.]

[in birthday list window]

Délai :
[Notify for]


[In background]
En arrière-plan
[Birthday list]
Liste de anniversaires
[Show all contacts]

[Set birthday:]

[Manage anniversaries]
Gestion des fêtes
Titre :
Description :
Date :
[Upcoming birthdays]

;file \plugins\WhenWasIt\src\dlg_handlers.cpp
[Upcoming age]

[Current age]

[UserInfo module]

[Protocol module]

[mBirthday module]


[Message window]
Fenêtre de message
[All contacts]
tous les contacts
[All contacts except hidden ones]

[All contacts except ignored ones]

[All contacts except hidden and ignored ones]

[Set popup delay when notifying of upcoming birthdays.\nFormat: default delay [ | delay for birthdays occurring today]]

[Please select the module where you want the date of birth to be saved.\r\n"UserInfo" is the default location.\r\nUse "Protocol module" to make the data visible in User Details.\n"mBirthday module" uses the same module as mBirthday plugin.]

[Set birthday for %s:]

[%S protocol]
%S protocole

[Birthday list (%d)]





[Closing in %d seconds]

[Closing in %d second]

;file \plugins\WhenWasIt\src\hooked_events.cpp
[Check for birthdays]
Vérifier si anniversaire

;file \plugins\WhenWasIt\src\icons.cpp

[Check birthdays menu item]

[List birthdays menu item]

[Add/change birthday]

[Refresh user details]
Rafraîchir les détails
[Import birthdays]
Importer des anniversaires
[Export birthdays]
Exporter vos anniversaires
[Birthday today]

[1 day to birthday]

[%d days to birthday]

[More than %d days to birthday]

[WhenWasIt birthday reminder]

;file \plugins\WhenWasIt\src\notifiers.cpp
[No upcoming birthdays.]

[%s has birthday in %d days.]

[%s has birthday tomorrow.]

[%s has birthday today.]

[%s had birthday %d days ago.]

[%s had birthday yesterday.]

[%s has birthday today (Should not happen, please report).]

[Birthday - %s]
Anniversaire - %s



[%s\n%s will be %d years old.]
%s\n%s aura %d ans.
[%s\n%s just turned %d.]

;file \plugins\WhenWasIt\src\services.cpp
[Starting to refresh user details]
Début du rafraîchissement
[Done refreshing user details]
Rafraîchissement terminé
[Could not create worker thread. Error#%d - threadID %d]

[Birthdays files]

[Please select a file to import birthdays from...]

[Importing birthdays from file: %s]

[Done importing birthdays]

[All Files]
Tous les fichiers
[Please select a file to export birthdays to...]

[Exporting birthdays to file: %s]

[Done exporting birthdays]

[Could not open file to import birthdays]

[Could not open file to export birthdays]

[Please do not edit this file by hand. Use the export function of WhenWasIt plugin.\n]

[Warning! Please do not mix Unicode and Ansi exported birthday files. You should use the same version (Ansi/Unicode) of WhenWasIt that was used to export the info.\n]

[This file was exported with a Unicode version of WhenWasIt. Please only use a Unicode version of the plugin to import the birthdays.\n]

;file \plugins\WhenWasIt\src\services.h
[Could not find UID '%s [%S]' in current database, skipping]

;file \plugins\WhenWasIt\src\WhenWasIt.cpp
[Birthdays (When Was It)]
Anniversaire (quand ?)
[Add/change user &birthday]
Ajouter/modifier un anniversaire
[Birthday near]
Prochains anniversaires