#muuid {eebc474c-b0ad-470f-99a8-9dd9210ce233}
;  File: mRadio.dll
;  Plugin: mRadio Mod
;  Version:
;  Authors: Awkward
[This plugin plays and records Internet radio streams. Also local media files can be played.]

[mRadio Mod]










[Parking Lot]

[Stone Corridor]

[Sewer Pipe]


[Carpeted Hallway]

[Play from first]

[Shuffle playlist]

[Loop single media]

[Station Name]

[Timeout, ms]

[PreBuf, %]



[Use EAX]

[Under Water]

[Station URL (required)]

[To INI]

[Buffer, ms]

[Add station]

[Add Station]

[Stone Room]

[Living Room]


[Record path]

[Padded Cell]

[Autoconnect last station]

[Concert Hall]



[To list]


[Offline station as Offline]

[Protocol depending status]

[Continuous record]



[bass.dll not found!]


[Custom INI file]

[Radio station URL]

[Start record]

[Stop record]

[Currently played URL]

[Current stream title]

[Station/playlist URL]

[Currently used decoder]


[Can't initialize device]

[Can't connect to net. Please, clear 'Work offline' option in Internet settings]

[Start broadcasting]

[Stop broadcasting]

[Start/Stop broadcasting]

[Start/Stop Record]


[Status message template]

[Equalizer presets]

[Export All]

[Current status]

[Broadcast ON]

[Broadcast OFF]

[Add EQ preset]

[Delete EQ preset]

[BASS library path (empty for default)]

[Tries to connect]


[mRadio volume control]

[mRadio off]

[mRadio on]

[Import File]

[Play Station]

[Forced Mono]


[Oops! BASS error]

[Mute with Miranda]



[Frame background]



[Device list]


[Quick Open]

[bass.dll not found! Choose bass.dll path manually]