[Crash Dumper and Version Information for Miranda NG.] [View Version Information] [To File] [Support for vi.miranda-ng.org] [Upload automatically when changed] [Crash reports] [Generate crash reports] [Create reports in subfolders naming as current date] [Use classic dates] [* You need to restart Miranda NG to apply changes] [View] [Version Info stored into file %s] [Version Info file %s is inaccessible] [Version Information To Clipboard] [Version Information To File] [Show Version Information] [Upload Version Information] [Version Information] [Store to file] [Show with DLLs] [Upload] [Open crash report directory] [Open online Version Info] [Copy Version Info to clipboard] [Show Version Info] [Crash Dumper] [Crash Report write location is not available] [Miranda crashed. Crash report stored in the folder:\n %s\n\n Would you like store it in the clipboard as well?] [View Version Information (with DLLs)] [Version Info upload successful.] [Cannot upload Version Info. Incorrect username or password] [Cannot upload Version Info. User is banned] [Cannot upload Version Info. Daily upload limit exceeded] [Cannot upload Version Info. Unknown error] [Cannot upload Version Info. Host unreachable.]