[Create a new ICQ account] [Enter an authorization request] [Remember this session password] [Connection settings] [Login Server:] [Secure Connection (SSL)] [Legacy fix (for ICQ Groupware or IServerD only)] [Notify me when a message delivery has failed] [Enable Custom status support for xtraz] [Enable Custom status support for moods] [Enable AIM contacts support] [Display errors using popups] [Back Color] [Note] [Previe&w] [Past] [Homepage] [Custom Status "%s" Details] [Unable to connect to migrated ICQ communication server] [Connection failed.\nThe server is temporarily unavailable (%d).] [Connection failed.\nSecure (MD5) login is not supported on this account.] [Failed to request offline messages. They may be received next time you log in.] [Incoming URL:] [Contact "%s" has closed the message window.] [Updating of server contact failed.] [Adding of privacy item to server list failed.] [Removing of privacy item from server list failed.] [Contact "%s" was authorized in the server list.] [Contact "%s" lost its authorization in the server list.] [User "%s" was removed from server list.] [Secure login failed.\nInvalid server response.] [Secure login failed.\nInvalid key length.] [Are you sure you want to revoke user's authorization?\nThis will remove you from his/her list on some clients.] [Confirmation] [** Unknown missed message event.] [Error uploading avatar to server, server temporarily unavailable.] [Error uploading avatar to server, server refused to accept the image.] [Australia, Antarctic Territory] [Australia, Christmas Island] [Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands] [Australia, Norfolk Island] [Greek, Republic of South Cyprus] [Europe] [Macedonia, Republic of] [St. Maarten] [Netherlands (Bonaire Island)] [Netherlands (Saba Island)] [Netherlands (St. Eustatius Island)] [Northern Mariana Islands, US Territory of] [Samoa (USA)] [Samoa, Western] [Spain, Canary Islands] [Timor, East] [Turkey, Republic of Northern Cyprus] [Virgin Islands (UK)] [Kosovo, Republic of] [50's] [60's] [70's] [80's] [Astronomy] [Celebrity Fans] [Clothing] [Collections] [Computers] [Culture] [Ecology] [Entertainment] [Fitness] [Hobbies] [Government] [ICQ - Help] [Lifestyle] [Media] [Movies and TV] [Mystics] [News and Media] [Outdoors] [Parenting] [Parties] [Pets and Animals] [Publishing] [Religion] [Science] [Skills] [Social science] [Space] [Travel] [Web Design] [Women] [Armenian] [Azerbaijani] [Belorussian] [Bhojpuri] [Bosnian] [Cantonese] [Catalan] [Chamorro] [Dutch] [Farsi] [Gaelic] [Gujarati] [Khmer] [Lao] [Mandarin] [Punjabi] [Sindhi] [Spanish] [Swahili] [Tagalog] [Taiwanese] [Tamil] [Tatar] [Urdu] [Welsh] [Yoruba] [Elementary School] [High School] [College] [University] [Military] [Associated degree] [Bachelor's degree] [Elementary] [High-school] [Master's degree] [PhD] [Postdoctoral] [University / College] [Agriculture] [Arts] [Construction] [Consumer Goods] [Corporate Services] [Education] [Finance] [High Tech] [Legal] [Manufacturing] [Medical & Health Care] [Non-Profit Organization Management] [Recreation, Travel & Entertainment] [Service Industry] [Transportation] [Academic] [Administrative] [Art/Entertainment] [College Student] [Community & Social] [Engineering] [Financial Services] [High School Student] [ICQ - Providing Help] [Law] [Managerial] [Medical/Health] [Non-Government Organization] [Professional] [Retail] [Retired] [Science & Research] [Technical] [University Student] [Web Building] [Other Services] [Alumni Org.] [Charity Org.] [Club/Social Org.] [Community Org.] [Cultural Org.] [Fan Clubs] [Fraternity/Sorority] [Hobbyists Org.] [International Org.] [Nature and Environment Org.] [Professional Org.] [Scientific/Technical Org.] [Self Improvement Group] [Spiritual/Religious Org.] [Sports Org.] [Support Org.] [Trade and Business Org.] [Union] [Volunteer Org.] [Single] [Close relationships] [Engaged] [Married] [Divorced] [Separated] [Widowed] [Open relationship] [No description given] [Open ICQ profile] [Features] [Privacy] [Popup Title] [User ID] [Unable to connect to ICQ login server, SSL could not be negotiated] [Connection failed.\nLogin sequence failed for unknown reason.\nTry again later.] [The contact's information was too big and was truncated.] [Failed to create the correct sub-group, the using closest parent group.] [ALREADY EXISTS] [INVALID DATA] [LIST FULL] [Server rate warning -> slowing down the process.] [Birthday] [Meeting] [Coffee] [Listening to music] [Sleeping] [On WC] [Love] [Hot Dog] [Rough] [Rock On] [Baby] [Soccer] [Pirate] [Cyclop] [Birdie] [Cool] [Evil] [Alien] [Scooter] [Mask] [Money] [Pilot] [Afro] [St. Patrick] [Headmaster] [Lips] [Ice-Cream] [Pink Lady] [Up yours] [Laughing] [Candy] [Crazy Professor] [Ninja] [Cocktail] [Punch] [Donut] [Feeling Good] [Lollypop] [Oink Oink] [Kitty] [Sumo] [Broken hearted] [@home] [@work] [Strawberry] [Angel] [Pizza] [Snoring] [On my mobile] [Beetle] [Double Rainbow] [Basketball] [Cupid shot me] [Celebrating] [Sushi] [Greeting card:] [ICQ xStatus] [The connection with the server was abortively closed during the connection attempt. You may have lost your local network connection.] [Miranda was unable to make a connection with a server. It is likely that the server is down, in which case you should wait for a while and try again later.] [The file transfer was aborted by the other user.] [The file transfer failed: Proxy error] [The file transfer failed: Invalid request] [The file transfer failed: Proxy unavailable] [Failed to Initialize File Transfer. No valid files were specified.] [The files are too big to be sent at once. Files bigger than 4 GB can be sent only separately.] [Failed to Initialize File Transfer. Unable to bind local port and File proxy unavailable.] [Connection lost during file transfer.] [File transfer negotiation failed for unknown reason.] [The checksum of file "%s" does not match, the file is probably damaged.] [Your file transfer has been aborted (error=%d), because one of the files that you selected to send is no longer readable from the disk. You may have deleted or moved it.] [January] [February] [March] [April] [May] [June] [July] [August] [September] [October] [November] [December] [Gender] [About] [Primary e-mail] [Secondary e-mail] [Tertiary e-mail] [Timezone] [Level] [Institute] [Degree] [Graduation Year] [Company industry] [The password does not match your current password. Check Caps Lock and try again.] [The password does not match the password you originally entered. Check Caps Lock and try again.] [<empty>] [Please authorize me to add you to my contact list.] [ (DC Established)]