[Adds some useful options to a contacts menu.]
[Enter an authorization request]
[Shown menu items]
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[Copy to Account (Ctrl+click for move to Account)]
[Send 'You were added']
[Copy IP]
[Copy MirVer]
[Copy Status Message]
[Add item name]
[Copy ID]
[Add protocol name]
[Show ID in menu item]
[Trim too long ID]
[* Use Ctrl+click to see popup with the copied text]
[Hide contact on 'Ignore all']
[Status message]
[XStatus message]
[Activity title]
[Activity text]
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[Never visible]
[Copy to Account]
[Copy xStatus Message]
[Please authorize me to add you to my contact list.]
[Do you want to send authorization request\nto new contact?]
[Open ignore settings]