[IM and group chat module for Miranda NG.]
[You can add the user by user name or his ID. Wildcards are allowed and recommended.]
[Log files]
[Group chat log formatting]
[Group chat nick list row height (pixels)]
[Open log file base folder]
[Default settings for known event types]
[Show when filter is active]
[Log to file]
[Show popup]
[Notify in tray]
[Suppress tray notifications for focused channel windows]
[Do not show popups when the channel window is not open]
[Highlight event]
[Line markers in the message log]
[Highlight user names]
[Enable highlighting for user names]
[Also look in user IDs]
[Names to highlight, wildcards like * and ? are allowed, separate multiple entries with spaces]
[Highlight message text]
[Enable highlighting for message text]
[Words to highlight, wildcards like * and ? are allowed, separate multiple entries with spaces. Leave it empty if you only want to highlight your own nickname.]
[Highlight messages containing my own nickname]
[Customize the panel]
[Scope of settings]
[Use global or private panel height]
[Set size to]
[Compact (1 line)]
[Normal (2 lines)]
[Tip: To use a custom size you can always drag the bottom edge of the panel]
[Note: All settings are applied immediately]
[The container is using private settings. The panel height will not be shared with other containers.]
[Show picture for this contact]
[Only show event notifications when my status is...]
[Popup options]
[Default colors]
[Use the message log color theme for group chat popups]
[No compatible popup plugin was found. The event notification\nsystem is not available.]
[Choose modes]
[Message log view mode (does not affect open windows)]
[Show avatar in message window]
[Close or hide inactive container after]
[sec. (0=never)]
[Automatically size input area (*)]
[Enable popups if focused]
[User ID in status bar]
[Place the toolbar at the bottom (*)]
[Title bar format]
[Available formats]
[Use this to specify a private message log theme for this container. This will have no effect when using IEView or another message log viewer and should NOT be confused with skins.]
[When checked, this container will use private settings, otherwise settings are shared among containers.]
[Tab location]
[When using the switch bar, use the following layout]
[Flash event icon on tab]
[Flash text label on tabs]
[Single row tab control (*)]
[Close button on tabs]
[Use button tabs (*)]
[You have chosen to disable all event notifications for open message windows.]
[Show avatars on task bar (Win 7, large task bar required)]
[Enable sound effects]
[Play sounds when minimized]
[Play sounds when not focused]
[Play sounds for inactive tabs in active containers]
[Play sounds for the active tab / window]
[Options marked with an asterisk (*) do not affect open message windows.]
[Size and scaling options for the bottom avatar display]
[Maximum display height (pixels)]
[Help on this]
[Reset all hidden warnings]
[ESC key behavior]
[Show in IM chats]
[Show in chat rooms]
[Gap between buttons:]
[Hide if there isn't enough space]
[Tabs should be used in the following way]
[Use contact list groups for organizing tabs (one window per group)]
[Tabbed interface, limit the maximum number of tabs per window to:]
[No tabs at all, each session has its own top level window]
[Default mode (tabbed interface, manual assignments)]
[Help on containers]
[Windows Aero settings]
[Use Aero UI elements (only when not using a custom skin)]
[Use Windows 7 task bar enhancements (restart required)]
[...is typing]
[...stopped typing]
[Popups timeout]
[Default width for fixed (single row) tabs]
[Tab text label padding vertical]
[Tab page padding:]
[Tab layout tweaks]
[Support and latest version information]
[Selected skin]
[Reload active skin]
[Skin root folder]
[Before you can load or unload a skin, you must close all message windows.]
[Close open message windows now]
[Theme support]
[You can export and import all your color and font settings here. This allows you to create a Theme file which can be shared between different profiles or with your buddies.]
[Export to a file...]
[Import from a file...]
[Event type icons in the message log]
[Text symbols as event markers]
[Show timestamps]
[Show date in timestamps]
[Message grouping]
[Log status changes (in open message windows only)]
[Revert to global options]
[You can set private message log options for this contact here. Filled boxes are inherited from the global settings which can be found on Options -> Message sessions -> Message log]
[Queued send jobs]
[Queued jobs]
[Filter by contact:]
[Display popups for failed jobs]
[Display popups for completed jobs]
[Do not show this message again]
[Message sending:]
[Esc closes sessions (minimizes window if disabled)]
[Always pop up and activate new windows]
[Send on Shift+Enter]
[Use tabbed interface]
[Create new tabs without activating them]
[Pop up minimized window when a new tab is created]
[Automatically switch tabs in minimized windows]
[Don't announce when dialog is open]
[Message events]
[File events]
[Send message on Ctrl+Enter (always enabled)]
[Clear log]
[Close tab]
[Close other tabs]
[&Message log settings]
[&For this contact...]
[Send nudge]
[Splitter position]
[Show the tray icon]
[Queue manager]
[Mark selected for removal]
[Reset selected]
[Hold selected]
[Resume selected]
[Cancel all multisend jobs]
[Info panel...]
[Show popups if window is focused]
[Insert emoticon]
[Close session]
[Edit user notes]
[Default container]
[Tabs and switch bar]
[Choose your options for the tabbed user interface. Not all options can be applied to open windows. You may need to close and re-open them.]
[Select, when you want to see event notifications (popups) for this window. The settings apply to all tabs within this window.]
[You can select a private theme (.tabsrmm file) for this container which will then override the default message log theme. You will have to close and re-open all message windows after changing this option.]
[This feature requires Windows 2000 or later and may be unavailable when using a container skin.]
[Contact avatars]
[Sound notifications]
[Tabs at the top]
[Switch bar on the left side]
[Switch bar on the right side]
[On, if present, always in bottom display]
[Session list.\nClick left for a list of open sessions.\nClick right to access favorites and quickly configure message window behavior]
[There are %d pending send jobs. Message length: %d bytes, message length limit: %d bytes\n\n%d messages are queued for later delivery]
[TabSRMM warning message]
[No description given]
[Incoming file (invalid format)]
[Unknown module or contact]
[Rich Edit file]
[No status message]
[Configuration issue|The unattended send feature is disabled. The \\b1 send later\\b0  and \\b1 send to multiple contacts\\b0  features depend on it.\n\nYou must enable it under \\b1Options -> Message sessions -> Advanced tweaks\\b0. Changing this option requires a restart.]
[You cannot edit user notes when there are unsent messages]
[%s has entered text.]
[Auto scrolling is disabled, %d message(s) queued (press F12 to enable it)]
[UID: %s (SHIFT click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nRight click for metacontact control\nClick dropdown to add or remove user from your favorites.]
[No UID]
[UID: %s (SHIFT click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for user's details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.]
[Message send error]
[TabSRMM: typing]
[&Messaging settings...]
[&Send later job list...]
[Most recent unread session]
[Contact's messaging preferences]
[Quote message]
[Toggle send later]
[Send message]
[Show message history]
[Show user menu]
[Show user details]
[Toggle toolbar]
[Toggle info panel]
[Toggle text direction]
[Toggle multi send]
[Clear message log]
[Collapse side bar]
[Toggle filter]
[Show server window]
[%s    Idle: %dh,%02dm]
[  Client: %s]
[  Client not cached yet]
[Topic is: %s]
[no topic set.]
[Open user details...]
[Open history...]
[Messaging settings...]
[Room settings...]
[\\ul\\b Status message:\\ul0\\b0 \\par %s]
[\\par\\par\\ul\\b Extended status information:\\ul0\\b0 \\par ]
[\\par\\par\\ul\\b Listening to:\\ul0\\b0 \\par %s]
[\\par\\par\\ul\\b Client:\\ul0\\b0  %s]
[Set panel visibility for this %s]
[chat room]
[Do not synchronize the panel height with IM windows]
[Do not synchronize the panel height with group chat windows]
[Inherit from container setting]
[Use default size]
[Use private size]
[Show always (if present)]
[Never show it at all]
[Data path]
[Saved TabSRMM avatars]
[Group chat logs root]
[Insert [img] tag / surround selected text with [img][/img]]
[Expand or collapse the side bar]
[Contact not on list. You may add it...]
[Auto scrolling is disabled (press F12 to enable it)]
[You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
[Image files]
[Set your avatar...]
[Either the nudge plugin is not installed or the contact's protocol does not support sending a nudge event.]
[JPEG-compressed images]
[<no skin>]
[Internal message log]
[You have chosen to use an external plugin for displaying the message history in the chat window. Most of the settings on this page are for the standard message log viewer only and will have no effect. To change the appearance of the message log, you must configure either IEView or History++.]
[Normal - close tab, if last tab is closed also close the window]
[Minimize the window to the task bar]
[Close or hide window, depends on the close button setting above]
[Event notifications]
[Window layout tweaks]
[Log formatting]
[Events and filters]
[Image tag]
[Event filter]
[Nick list]
[Sounds (status bar)]
[Animated Tray]
[Clock symbol (for the info panel clock)]
[Feature disabled (used as overlay)]
[Feature enabled (used as overlay)]
[The image service plugin (advaimg.dll) is not properly installed.\n\nTabSRMM is disabled.]
[TabSRMM fatal error]
[Message windows - IM]
[Message windows - all]
[Message windows - group chats]
[A send later job completed successfully.\nThe original message: %s]
[A send later job failed to complete.\nThe original message: %s]
[<All contacts>]
[Sent OK]
[Original timestamp]
[Last send info]
[You are about to modify the state of one or more items in the\nunattended send queue. The requested action(s) will be executed at the next scheduled queue processing.\n\nThis action cannot be made undone.]
[The message cannot be sent delayed or to multiple contacts, because it exceeds the maximum allowed message length of %d bytes]
[A message delivery has failed after the contacts chat window was closed. You may want to resend the last message]
[Message window warning]
[Message successfully queued for later delivery.\nIt will be sent as soon as possible and a popup will inform you about the result.]
[The send later feature is not available on this protocol.]
[\n(Sent delayed. Original timestamp %s)]
[Like tabs, vertical text orientation]
[Compact layout, horizontal buttons]
[Advanced layout with avatars]
[Advanced with avatars, vertical orientation]
[This version of TabSRMM requires Windows 2000 or later.]
[Previews not available when using History++ plugin for message log display.]
[%d unread]
[Chat room %s]
[%d user(s)]
[%s on %s%s]
[Message In]
[Message Out]
[Group In (Start)]
[Group Out (Start)]
[Group In (Inner)]
[Group Out (Inner)]
[Error message]
[TabSRMM themes]
[No effect]
[Milky Glass]
[Semi transparent, custom colors]
[Silver shadow]
[Custom (use own gradient colors)]
[Message window tweaks]
[Display metacontact icons]
[Error feedback]
[Show skinnable tooltip in chat (Tipper plugin required)]
[Enable typing sounds]
[Automatic keyboard layout: Do not load the system default for new contacts]
[Enable unattended send (experimental feature, required for multisend and send later) (*)]
[Show client description in info panel]
[On tab control]
[On the button bar]
[Merge new events for the same contact into existing popup]
[Dismiss popup]
[Disable event notifications for instant messages]
[Disable event notifications for group chats]
[Disable notifications for non-message events]
[Remove popups for a contact when the message window is focused]
[Remove popups for a contact when I start typing a reply]
[Remove popups for a contact when I send a reply]
[Disable notifications]
[Combine notifications for the same contact]
[Enable "Paste and send" feature]
[Allow BBCode formatting in outgoing messages]
[Log status changes]
[Message log icons]
[Show seconds in timestamps]
[Place a separator in the log after a window lost its foreground status]
[Only place a separator when an incoming event is announced with a popup]
[How to create tabs and windows for incoming messages]
[ALWAYS activate new message sessions (has PRIORITY over the options below)]
[Automatically create new message sessions without activating them]
[New windows are minimized (the option above MUST be active)]
[Activate a minimized window when a new tab is created inside it]
[Automatically switch existing tabs in minimized windows on incoming messages (ignored when using Aero Peek task bar features)]
[Close button only hides message windows]
[Allow TAB key in typing area (this will disable focus selection by TAB key)]
[Contact started typing]
[Contact stopped typing]
[Set messaging options for %s]
[Important release notes|A test warning message]
[Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0]
[Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode]
[Missing component|The icon pack is missing. Please install it to the default icons folder.\n\nNo icons will be available]
[Aero peek warning|You have enabled Aero Peek features and loaded a custom container window skin\n\nThis can result in minor visual anomalies in the live preview feature.]
[File transfer problem|Sending the image by file transfer failed.\n\nPossible reasons: File transfers not supported, either you or the target contact is offline, or you are invisible and the target contact is not on your visibility list.]
[Settings problem|The option \\b1 History -> Imitate IEView API\\b0  is enabled and the History++ plugin is active. This can cause problems when using IEView as message log viewer.\n\nShould I correct the option (a restart is required)?]
[Closing Window|You are about to close a window with multiple tabs open.\n\nProceed?]
[Closing options dialog|To reflect the changes done by importing a theme in the options dialog, the dialog must be closed after loading a theme \\b1 and unsaved changes might be lost\\b0 .\n\nDo you want to continue?]
[Loading a theme|Loading a color and font theme can overwrite the settings defined by your skin.\n\nDo you want to continue?]
[ (set by %s on %s)]
[%s enables '%s' status for %s]
[%s disables '%s' status for %s]
[Add user to highlight list]
[Edit user highlight list]
[Input area background]
[Single Messaging]
[Outgoing background]
[Incoming background]
[Status background]
[Incoming background(old)]
[Outgoing background(old)]
[Horizontal Grid Lines]
[Info Panel]
[Panel background low]
[Panel background high]
[Common colors]
[Toolbar background high]
[Toolbar background low]
[Window fill color]
[Text area borders]
[Aero glow effect]
[Generic text color (only when fill color is set)]
[Normal text]
[Active text]
[Hovered text]
[Unread text]
[Normal background]
[Active background]
[Hovered background]
[Unread background]
[>> Outgoing messages]
[<< Incoming messages]
[>> Outgoing name]
[>> Outgoing timestamp]
[<< Incoming name]
[<< Incoming timestamp]
[>> Outgoing timestamp (old)]
[<< Incoming timestamp (old)]
[Window caption (skinned mode)]
[Create tabs or windows for highlight events]
[Activate chat window on highlight]
[Colorize nicknames in member list]
[Show topic as status message on the contact list]
[Hide or show the window by double click in the contact list]
[Show contact's status modes if supported by the protocol]
[Display contact's status icon before user role icon]
[Use IRC style status indicators in the nick list]
[Use alternative sorting method in member list]
[Timestamp only when event time differs]
[Add a colon (:) to auto-completed user names]
[Enable the 'event filter' for new rooms]
[Use IRC style status indicators in the log]
[Allow clickable user names in the message log]
[Colorize user names in message log]
[Group chat windows]
[Group chat log]
[Incremental search highlight]
[Fields background]
[Group chat log background]
[nick of current contact (if defined)]
[protocol name of current contact (if defined). Account name is used when protocol supports multiple accounts]
[user-defined account name of current contact (if defined).]
[user ID of current contact (if defined). It is like UIN for ICQ, JID for Jabber, etc.]
[path to Miranda root folder]
[path to folder containing Miranda profiles]
[name of current Miranda profile (filename, without extension)]
[will return parsed string %miranda_profilesdir%\\%miranda_profilename%]
[will return parsed string %miranda_userdata%\\Logs]
[same as environment variable %APPDATA% for currently logged-on Windows user]
[username for currently logged-on Windows user]
["My Documents" folder for currently logged-on Windows user]
["Desktop" folder for currently logged-on Windows user]
[any environment variable defined in current Windows session (like %systemroot%, %allusersprofile%, etc.)]
[day of month, 1-31]
[day of month, 01-31]
[month number, 1-12]
[month number, 01-12]
[abbreviated month name]
[full month name]
[year without century, 01-99]
[year with century, 1901-9999]
[abbreviated weekday name]
[full weekday name]
[No markers]
[Show as icons]
[Show as text symbols]
[%s%s says:%s %s]
[Look up '%s':]
[Highlight user...]
[Edit highlight list...]
[, %d %s, %d %s idle]
[, %d %s idle]
[The filter cannot be enabled, because there are no event types selected either global or for this chat room]