[Default group:]
[Use SSL connection (port 443)]
[Automatically open group chats]
[SMS code]
[Request code]
[Register code]
[Including country code, without '+' or '00']
[Invite users]
[Choose a user]
[Other user:]
[&Invite a user]
[&Room options]
[View/change &topic]
[&Quit chat session]
[Set &avatar]
[Copy room &JID]
[Copy room topic]
[Set new subject for %s]
[&Add to roster]
[Copy &nickname]
[Copy real &JID]
[Unknown user]
[Please enter a country code.]
[Please enter a phone number without country code.]
[Please enter a nickname.]
[is now known as '%s']
[Last seen on %x at %X]
[An SMS with registration code will be sent to your mobile phone.\nNotice that you are not able to use the real WhatsApp and this plugin simultaneously!\nContinue?]
[Your password has been set automatically. You can proceed with login now]
[Please correctly specify your registration code received by SMS]
[Changes will be applied after protocol restart]
[Message received: %s by %s]
[Unable to initialize Netlib for %s.]
[Network connection error.]
[Registration failed. Invalid server response.]
[Registration failed due to stale code. Please request a new code]
[Registration failed.]
[Please try again in %i seconds]
[Registration code has been sent to your phone.]
[WhatsApp icon]
[Create chat group]
[Create group]