#muuid {211f6277-6f9b-4b77-a939-84d04b26b38c} ;============================================================ ; File: StartPosition.dll ; Plugin: Start position ; Version: ; Authors: Felipe Brahm - souFrag ;============================================================ [Plugin supports starting position of Contact List relative to the the taskbar and screen side.] ;file \plugins\StartPosition\res\resource.rc [Contact List Window Start Position] Kontaktlistenfenster Startposition [Left] Links [Right] Rechts [Pixels from Top] Pixel von oben : [Pixels from Bottom] Pixel von unten [Pixels from Side] Pixel von der Seite : [Width] Breite [Always start...] Starte immer... [Minimized to System Tray] Minimiere zum Systemtray [Opened] Geƶffnet ;file \plugins\StartPosition\src\main.cpp [Contact List] Kontaktliste [Start position]