[Go to Customize > Fonts && Colors for fonts and colors options] [Multimonitor (98/ME/2000/XP)] [Enable Win 9x/Me transparency] [ms] [Skins] [Desktop] [Disable if message window is open] [Debug] [Popup History is disabled] [Popup History message] [/Offline] [/Online] [/Invisible] [/Away] [/NA] [/Occupied] [/DND] [/Free for chat] [/Out to lunch] [/On the phone] [Drop shadow effect (Windows XP+)/non rectangular] [Enable Aero Glass (Vista+)] [Failed to GetClassInfoExW from EDIT class.] [Failed to register custom edit box window class.\r\n\r\ncbSize: %i\r\nstyle: %p\r\nlpfnWndProc: %i\r\ncbClsExtra: %i\r\ncbWndExtra: %i\r\nhInstance: %i\r\nhIcon: %i\r\nhCursor: %i\r\nhbrBackground: %i\r\nlpszMenuName: %s\r\nlpszClassName: %s\r\nhIconSm: %i\r\n] [The skin you are trying to load is designed\r\nfor newer version of Popup Plus. And will not\r\ndisplay properly.\r\n\r\nPlease choose another skin.] [Popup Mode: Favourite] [Popup Mode: Ignore fullscreen]