[Unforce failed] [The selected protocol cannot be forced at this time] [Icon pack version check|The installed icon pack is outdated and might be incompatible with TabSRMM version 3.\n\n\\b1Missing or misplaced icons are possible issues with the currently installed icon pack.\\b0] [Aero peek warning|You have enabled Aero Peek features and loaded a custom container window skin\n\nThis can result in minor visual anomalies in the live preview feature.] [Filetransfer problem|Sending the image by file transfer failed.\n\nPossible reasons: File transfers not supported, either you or the target contact is offline, or you are invisible and the target contact is not on your visibilty list.] [Settings problem|The option \\b1 History->Imitate IEView API\\b0 is enabled and the History++ plugin is active. This can cause problems when using IEView as message log viewer.\n\nShould I correct the option (a restart is required)?] [Closing options dialog|To reflect the changes done by importing a theme in the options dialog, the dialog must be closed after loading a theme \\b1 and unsaved changes might be lost\\b0 .\n\nDo you want to continue?] [Fields background]