[Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol support for Miranda NG.] [&Del] [Enable] [Use server window] [Show server window on startup] [Keep connection alive] ['Old style' mode changes] [Update online statuses for users] [Update statuses in channel nicklist] [Full name (e-mail)] [Password] [Ident] [Port] [Check every (s):] [SSL] [Don't check if more than (users):] [Ping] [Time] [Userinfo] [&Query] [Address] [Auth] [Server] [User] [The server returned the following information. Please note that this information might be misleading and/or falsified] [CTCP information] [Question] [Perform] [Alias] [Perform on event:] [Scripting support] [Quit message:] [Server code page:] [Enable UTF8 autodetection] [On] [Auto] [Off] [Host address] [Server description] [Filter by] [&Save] [Hostmask] [Online detection mode] [Basic] [Wildcard enabled network search] [Channel manager] [Private] [Hidden] [Strip colors] [Normal] [Send-ahead] [Attempt reverse DCC (good if firewalled)] [everyone on the contact list] [everyone] [Disconnect DCC chats when disconnecting from server] [Manually set external IP:] [Client-to-Client File Transfers] [Client-to-Client Protocol] [Client-to-Client Chats] [Send mode:] [Packet size (b):] [Get IP address from server] [Auto-accept from:] [Send notice] [CTCP Chat Request] [&Accept] [Enable (*)] [Ignore channel messages by default] [Ignore filetransfer requests] [Ignore DCC Chat requests] [Ignore DCC Chat requests from unknown contacts] [Ignore users] [(*) Queries from users on your contact list are never ignored] [Queries] [Messages] [Notices] [CTCP] [DCC] [Ignore mask ( nick!user@host )] [Network (*)] [Ignore events] [(*) blank to set this mask for all networks] [Server:] [Alternate nick] [CTCP chat request from %s] [%s sets mode %s] [%s sets mode %s%s] [CTCP ERROR: Malformed CTCP command received from %s!%s@%s. Possible attempt to take control of your IRC client registered] [CTCP FINGER requested by %s] [CTCP VERSION requested by %s] [CTCP SOURCE requested by %s] [CTCP USERINFO requested by %s] [CTCP PING requested by %s] [CTCP TIME requested by %s] [DCC: Chat request from %s denied] [DCC: File transfer request from %s denied] [DCC: Reverse file transfer request from %s denied [No local IP]] [DCC ERROR: Malformed CTCP request from %s [%s]] [DCC: File transfer resume request from %s denied] [CTCP %s requested by %s] [CTCP PING reply from %s: %u sec(s)] [CTCP %s reply from %s: %s] [IRC error] [Please enter the hostmask (nick!user@host)\nNOTE! Contacts on your contact list are never ignored] [Please enter the reason] [Ban'n Kick] [Jerk] [*Disconnected*] [The usage of /AWAY in your perform buffer is restricted\n as IRC sends this command automatically.] [IRC Error] [Incorrect parameters. Usage: /sleep [ms], ms should be greater than 0 and less than 4000.] [%s on %s is now ignored (+%s)] [%s was not ignored] [Outgoing commands are shown] [Outgoing commands are not shown] [IRC warning] [CTCP %s request sent to %s] [DCC ERROR: Unable to automatically resolve external IP] [DCC CHAT request sent to %s] [DCC ERROR: Unable to bind port] [Failed to connect to] [DCC ERROR: Unable to bind local port for passive filetransfer] [%s server connection] [%s client-to-client connections] [The IRC protocol depends on another plugin called 'Chat'\n\nDo you want to download it from the Miranda NG web site now?] [Nickname] [DCC ERROR: No valid files specified] [DCC reversed file transfer request sent to %s [%s]] [DCC file transfer request sent to %s [%s]] [DCC ERROR: Unable to bind local port] [The dcc chat connection is not active] [Please choose an IRC-network to go online. This network will be the default.] [Connection cannot be established! You have not completed all necessary fields (Nickname, User ID and m_name).] [Main] [Add] [Rename] [Edit] [Server window] [Incoming DCC Chat] [Logo (48x48)] [Thai] [Japanese] [Simplified Chinese] [Korean] [Traditional Chinese] [Central European] [Cyrillic (Windows)] [Cyrillic (KOI8R)] [Latin I] [Greek] [Turkish] [Hebrew] [Arabic] [Baltic] [Vietnamese] [Korean (Johab)] [Add a new network] [Edit this network] [Delete this network] [Edit server] [] [