[Miranda interface to the Microsoft Speech API.] [Engine Settings] [Engine] [Voice] [Volume] [Rate] [Pitch] [Test] [Lexicon] [Welcome Message] [Status Changes] [Occurring Events] [Added to contact list] [Announce status changes on connect] [Message Events] [Read message if less characters than] [Ignore event if message dialog is open] [Ignore event if message dialog is focused] [Active Modes] [Active Users] [Messages] [Online Notification] [All Events] [Add] [Remove] [testing testing 1 2 3] [incoming message from %u] [incoming URL from %u] [you have been added to %u's contact list] [%u requests your authorization] [there is an incoming file from %u] [%u says] [Speak] [Engine/Voice] [Announce] [Message Session] [Message Received] [%u is now offline] [%u is now online] [%u is away] [%u is invisible] [%u is not available] [%u does not want to be disturbed] [%u is occupied] [%u is free for chat]