[Math] [^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^a - in the end: autosend\r\n^f(name\[,str\])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces] [hook sample] [Packed structure] [NativeInt] [Task sample] [Contact related] [Data align] [Packed] [Structure help] [Descr] [Miranda service help] [Return] [Start] [Action group list was changed: some was added or deleted] [The context menu for a contact is about to be built] [Double click on the contact list] [New contact added to database]