[You can use %name%, %uid%, %account% and %group% substitutes] [Math] [^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^a - in the end: autosend\r\n^f(name\[,str\])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces] [hook sample] [Packed structure] [NativeInt] [Task sample] [Contact related] [Data align] [Packed] [Structure help] [Descr] [Miranda service help] [Return] [Start] [Action group list was changed: some was added or deleted] [The context menu for a contact is about to be built] [Double click on the contact list] [New contact added to database] [Program path] [Program args] [Text to insert] [Save value] [Read] [Write] [Function call] [Chain] [Service] [In/Out] [Storage] [Jump] [Result type] [Function name] [DLL name] [Call type] [DLL Handle Cache] [Keep to end] [Close immediately] [Close for macro] [Wide String] [Get from active window] [Keep old result] [Same thread] [Do not wait until the end of execution] [Structure size] [LastResult to ] [LastResult from] [Process script after] [Wrap Text] [Autosend] [Opposite order] [Service list format] [Current Macro] [Select for FirstRun] [Right justified text] [Use MMI] [UTF8+sign] [UTF16+sign] [^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces] [value (name)] [name 'value'] [contains] [starts with] [ends with] [= equ] [> greater] [< lesser] [& and] [Slot 0] [Slot 1] [Slot 2] [Slot 3] [Slot 4] [Slot 5] [Slot 6] [Slot 7] [Slot 8] [Slot 9]