[Boltun, the chat bot in the russian language.] [Boltun] [Boltun Autochat everybody] [Boltun Autochat everybody not in contact list] [Boltun Autochat everybody while away] [Warn contacts Boltun is chatting] [Mark replied messages as read] [Warning text] [Time before the answer] [Typing time depends on message length (in chars)] [Typing and thinking time can be much longer] [Typing time (for a message of 4 words):] [Thinking time:] [Engine] [Base of remarks] [Stay silent, if have no good aswers] [Start answers with a lowercase letter] [Don't use "I don't understand"-like answers] [Message sessions] [Mind Files] [Boltun/Auto Chat] [Boltun/Not to Chat] [Boltun/Start Chatting] [Hello. I'm Boltun! I'll talk to you, while my owner is away. Please write without mistakes!] [Boltun Error] [Failed to load base of remarks. Error at line %d of %s. (Or few lines before).] [Failed to save base of remarks to %s] [Engine Settings]