#muuid {bcec0bd7-ca59-44b2-9a14-3a14980f524a}
;  File: CyrTranslit.dll
;  Plugin: Replaces (for the selected contacts only) the Cyrillic letters in the outgoing messages with the phonetically equivalent Latin letter combinations
;  Versions:
;  URL: http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2523
;  Source: http://addons.miranda-im.org/download.php?dlsource=2523
;  Authors: ValeraVi, Ivan Krechetov
[Replaces (for the selected contacts only) the Cyrillic letters in the outgoing messages with the phonetically equivalent Latin letter combinations.]
Транслитерация исходящих сообщений (замена кириллических символов на фонетический эквивалент латинских).
Транслитерация (ФЫВА->FYVA)