[Band] [#{rank}.] [wday3:Tue] [[#{hour}:00-#{hour}:59] #{amount}] [[#{day}] #{amount}] [#{amount}] [[#{start_date}-#{end_date}] #{amount}] [[#{date}] #{amount}] [HTML] [PNG] [MetaContacts Plugin] [You're going to copy the complete history of #{source_name} (#{source_proto}) to #{target_name} (#{target_proto}). Afterwards, the target history will contain entries from both histories. There is no way to revert this operation. Be careful! This is a rather big operation and has the potential to damage your database. Be sure to have a backup of this database before performing this operation.\r\n\r\nAre you sure you would like to continue?] [Successfully read #{success} events of which #{fail_add} couldn't be added to the target history. #{fail} events couldn't be read from the source history.] [Copy history] [Paste history...] [pm] [am] [PM] [AM]