[Not logged in]
[User is invalid or not trusted]
[Already initialized]
[Token expired]
[Already subscribed]
[Not subscribed]
[Encryption too low]
[Channel destroyed]
[Channel redirected]
[Incorrect entry]
[Not enough buffers memory]
[Not enough sockets]
[Internet protocol error]
[User restricted]
[User unregistered]
[Login verification down or unavailable]
[The guest name is currently being used]
[User relogin]
[Connection timed out]
[Already logged on, disconnected]
[Already logged on]
[Applet Logout]
[Cannot register a reserved type]
[Resolve name not resolvable]
[Request is invalid due to invalid state or parameters]
[Not logged in to community]
[Unauthorized to perform an action or access a resource]
[Token has expired]
[WK port is in use]
[Already subscribed to object(s) or event(s)]
[Not subscribed to object(s) or event(s)]
[The channel is destroyed after a recommendation is made connect elsewhere]
[The channel has been redirected to another destination]
[Incorrect entry for server in cluster document]
[Not enough resources for connection (buffers)]
[Not enough resources for connection (socket id)]
[Network down]
[Host down]
[Cannot connect because user has been restricted]
[Incorrect login]
[User is unregistered]
[Verification service down]
[The user is already signed on]
[The user has signed on again]
[An established connection was aborted by the software in the host machine]
[The connection has timed out]
[The applet was logged out with this reason. Perform relogin and you will return to the former state.]
[The name is not resolvable due to its format, for example an Internet email address]