[Resulting URL from\n]
[Copy BBCode]
[Copy BBCode w/ link]
[%s requires a valid contact!]
[Dropbox transfer]
[%s (%i):\nCould not add a share to the Dropbox plugin.]
[Email transfer]
[A recipient matched more than one of the recipient descriptor structures and MAPI_DIALOG was not set]
[The type of a recipient was not MAPI_TO, MAPI_CC, or MAPI_BCC]
[One or more recipients were invalid or did not resolve to any address]
[There was no default logon, and the user failed to log on successfully when the logon dialog box was displayed]
[A recipient did not appear in the address list]
[The user canceled one of the dialog boxes]
[FTPFile transfer]
[%s (%i):\nCould not add a share to the FTP File plugin.]
[Image upload]
[HTTPServer transfer]
[%s (%i):\nCould not add a share to the HTTP Server plugin.]
[Edit on]
[BBC link]
[Could not register Miranda service.]
[Fill description textbox.]
[for Client area ]
[of "]
[" Window]
[Send screenshot?]