#muuid {e25367a2-51ae-4044-be28-131bc18b71a4} ;============================================================ ; File: BasicHistory.dll ; Plugin: Basic history ; Version: ; Authors: Krzysztof Kral ;============================================================ [History viewer for Miranda NG.] ;file \plugins\BasicHistory\res\BasicHistory.rc [Message history] Ranije poruke [Settings] [Always show contact list] [Show groups in contact list] [Do not show find control border] [Default event filter] [Custom filters] [Add filter] [Delete filter] [Add event] [Delete event] [WinSCP path] [WinSCP log path] [New messages on top] [Show event icons] [Show timestamps] [Show names] Prikaži imena [Show messages] Prikaži poruke [Truncate message length to:] [Delta time to group messages:] [hours] [Limit messages to:] [Show date in timestamps] [Show seconds in timestamps] [Enable smileys] [Search forward in list group] [Search forward in message window] [Match case] [Match whole word] [Only incoming messages] [Only outgoing messages] [Only selected group] [All contacts] [Export to text file] [File encoding*] [Export to plain HTML] [Export to rich HTML] [External CSS file] [* Choose encoding from combo box or enter code page number and name separated by semicolon, name is used in Content-Type header.] [Add task] [Edit task] [Delete task] [Display errors using popups] [Save errors to system history] [Task] [Name] Naziv [Active] [Action type] [Filter] [Events older than*] [Triger type] [Time] [Delta time] [Day of week] [Day] [Export to] [Compress output files] [Password] [Upload to FTP (WinSCP requred)] [Session name] [Path to file**] [Export imported messages] [* Use negative values to filter younger events] [Execute task for specified contacts] [Cancel] Otkazivanje ;file \plugins\BasicHistory\src\BasicHistory.cpp [Open History] [View &history] Pregledaj %istoriju [Delete all user history] [Execute history task] [Incoming message] Dolazna poruka [Outgoing message] Odlazna poruka [Status change] [Show contacts] [Hide contacts] [Find next] [Find previous] [Plus in export] [Minus in export] [History] Istorija ;file \plugins\BasicHistory\src\EventList.cpp [All events] Svi događaji [Default history events] [History for %s] Istorija korisnika: %s [System] Sistem [Me] Ja [Invalid message] Neodgovarajuća poruka ;file \plugins\BasicHistory\src\ExportManager.cpp [%s files (*.%s)] [Import] [Export] [File does not contain selected contact] [File is corrupted] ;file \plugins\BasicHistory\src\HistoryWindow.cpp [This operation will PERMANENTLY REMOVE all history for this contact.\nAre you sure you want to do this?] [Are you sure?] Potpuno ste sigurni? [Do you want to delete all imported messages for this contact?\nNote that next scheduler task import this messages again.] [Open in &new window] Otvoriti &u novom prozoru [&Open in existing window] Otvoriti u &trenutnom prozoru [&Copy link] Kopiraj li&nk [Copy] Kopiranje [Delete] Briši [Send message] [Reply "ed] [Delete group] Briši grupu [Options] Podešavanja [Filters] [Fonts and colors] Fontovi i boje [Icons] Ikonice [Hotkeys] Dostupne skraćenice [Rich HTML] [Plain HTML] [Txt] [Binary] [Dat (mContacts)] [Save window position as default] [Save window position for all contacts] [Do you want to save imported messages to local profile?] [File contains history for different contact. Do you want to change contact and import?] [Error] Greška [Number of history items to delete: %d.\nAre you sure you want to do this?] ;file \plugins\BasicHistory\src\Options.cpp [Message] Poruka [File transfer] [Link] Link [Authorization request] Zahtev za autorizaciju. [You were added] Vaš kontakt je dodat [Contacts received] [SMS message] [Group list] [Messages] Poruke [Searching] Pretražujem [Scheduler] [Advanced] Napredno [>> Outgoing timestamp] [Outgoing background] [<< Incoming timestamp] [Incoming background] [>> Outgoing name] [<< Incoming name] [>> Outgoing messages] [<< Incoming messages] [Group list background] [Find window] [Find window background] [Window background] [Contact list background] Pozadina spiska kontakata [Open global history] [Find] Pronađi [Switch match case] [Switch match whole word] [Show/hide contacts] [Switch only incoming messages] [Switch only outgoing messages] [Switch only selected group] [Switch all contacts] [Export to binary] [Import from binary] [Export to dat (mContacts)] [Import from dat (mContacts)] [Invalid event number] [Incoming events] [Outgoing events] [File does not exist. Enter correct file path.] [Invalid file] [All files (*.*)] [Enter filter name] [Filter name exists] [Event already exists] [Browse WinSCP file] [Save WinSCP log file] [You've entered invalid codepage. Select codepage from combo box or enter correct number.] [Invalid codepage] [Browse CSS file] [Export and delete] [Import and merge] [Minute] [Hour] [At start] [At finish] [Daily] [Weekly] [Monthly] [Delta time (minutes)] [Delta time (hours)] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday] [Invalid '%s' value.] [Events older than] [Some value is invalid] [Invalid '%s' value.\n%s] [** Use <ext> to insert extension, <contact> to insert contact name] [Input files are compressed] [Download from FTP (WinSCP requred)] [Import from] [** Use <date> to insert date, <ext> to insert extension, <contact> to insert contact name] ;file \plugins\BasicHistory\src\Options.h ;file \plugins\BasicHistory\src\PlainHtmlExport.cpp [History log] [Filter:] [Conversation started at %s] ;file \plugins\BasicHistory\src\RichHtmlExport.cpp [Menu] [Open all] [Close all] ;file \plugins\BasicHistory\src\Scheduler.cpp [History task] [Contacts] Kontakti [At least one contact should be selected.] [Upload to FTP] [Path to output file] [To create session open WinSCP, click New Session, enter data and save with specific name. Remember if FTP server using password you should save it in WinSCP.] [Path to file] [FTP path must contain '/' instead '\\' and start with '/'.] [FTP path cannot contain <date> in import task.] [Unknown error] [Cannot get FTP file(s).] [Cannot unzip file(s).] [Incorrect file format: %s.] [Unknown contact in file: %s.] [Cannot export history for contact: %s.] [Cannot compress file(s).] [Cannot send FTP file(s).] [Task finished] [Task '%s' execution failed] [Task '%s' finished successfully] [Task '%s' execution failed:] ;file \plugins\BasicHistory\src\Searcher.cpp ["%s" not found] [Search] Pretraga [You have reached the end of the group.] [You have reached the end of the history.] ;file \plugins\BasicHistory\src\TxtExport.cpp