#muuid {a5bb1b7a-b7cd-4cbb-a7db-ceb4eb71da49} ;============================================================ ; File: KeepStatus.dll ; Plugin: Keep status ; Version: ; Authors: P Boon ;============================================================ [General] Uopšteno [Close] Zatvori [Cancel] Otkazivanje [Profile] Profil [Message] Poruka [Set] Izbor [Command line:] Konzola: [Other] Ostalo [Background color] Boja pozadine [Text color] Boja teksta [Use Windows colors] Boje operativnog sistema [Use default colors] Standardne boje [Events] Događaji [Custom] Izmenjeno [Use %time% for the current time, %date% for the current date] %date% - datum; %time% - tačno vreme [Accounts] Nalozi [Status] Status [Delete] Briši [seconds] sekundi [Protocol] Protokol [Advanced] Napredno [Popups] Balončići [I've been away since %time%.] Nisam tu još od %time%. [Give it up, I'm not in!] Nema svrhe, nisam tu! [Not right now.] Ne sad. [Give a guy some peace, would ya?] Iskuliraj, važi? [I'm a chatbot!] Ja sam čet-manijak! [Yep, I'm here.] Da, tu sam. [Nope, not here.] Ne, nisam tu. [I'm hiding from the mafia.] Skrivam se od mafije. [That'll be the phone.] Mislim da je to bio telefon. [Mmm... food.] Mmm... hrana. [idleeeeeeee] neaktivnooo [Closing in %d] Zatvaram (%d)