#muuid {ed39af7c-becd-404e-9499-4d04f711b9cb} ;============================================================ ; File: SendSS.dll ; Plugin: Send ScreenShot+ ; Version: ; Authors: Merlin ;============================================================ [Take a screenshot and send it to a contact.] ;file \plugins\SendScreenshotPlus\res\resource.rc [Dialog] [All] [None] Nema [Cancel] Otkazivanje [Send screenshot to <unknown>] [Take a screenshot and send it to a contact] [Ti&med capture] [Time (secs):] [&Format:] [Send b&y:] [E&xplore] [&Fill description textbox.] [Delete &after send] [Open editor before sending] [Open again] [&Capture] [About] [Copyright] [&Close] &Zatvori [Edit] Izmeni [Caption:] [Size (HxW):] [C&lient area] [Indirect capture] [Target tool] [File:] [Description:] Opis: [Result] [Thumbnail] [&Copy] &Kopiranje [Close] Zatvori ;file \plugins\SendScreenshotPlus\src\CSend.cpp [Resulting URL from\n] [Copy] Kopiranje [Copy BBCode] [Copy BBCode w/ link] [%s requires a valid contact!] [Error] Greška [GCHAT error] [An unknown error has occurred.] Desila se nepoznata greška. ;file \plugins\SendScreenshotPlus\src\CSend.h [Unable to initiate %s.] [MAPI error (%i):\n%s.] [Unknown response from %s (%i)] [Got no response from %s (%i)] ;file \plugins\SendScreenshotPlus\src\CSendDropbox.cpp [Dropbox transfer] [%s (%i):\nCould not add a share to the Dropbox plugin.] ;file \plugins\SendScreenshotPlus\src\CSendEmail.cpp [Email transfer] [A recipient matched more than one of the recipient descriptor structures and MAPI_DIALOG was not set] [The specified attachment was not found] [The specified attachment could not be opened] [The type of a recipient was not MAPI_TO, MAPI_CC, or MAPI_BCC] [One or more unspecified errors occurred] [There was insufficient memory to proceed] [One or more recipients were invalid or did not resolve to any address] [There was no default logon, and the user failed to log on successfully when the logon dialog box was displayed] [The text in the message was too large] [There were too many file attachments] [There were too many recipients] [A recipient did not appear in the address list] [The user canceled one of the dialog boxes] [Unknown Error] ;file \plugins\SendScreenshotPlus\src\CSendFile.cpp [File transfer] ;file \plugins\SendScreenshotPlus\src\CSendFTPFile.cpp [FTPFile transfer] [%s (%i):\nCould not add a share to the FTP File plugin.] ;file \plugins\SendScreenshotPlus\src\CSendHost_ImageShack.cpp [Image upload] ;file \plugins\SendScreenshotPlus\src\CSendHost_imgur.cpp ;file \plugins\SendScreenshotPlus\src\CSendHost_uploadpie.cpp ;file \plugins\SendScreenshotPlus\src\CSendHTTPServer.cpp [HTTPServer transfer] [Could not start the HTTP Server plugin.] [%s (%i):\nCould not add a share to the HTTP Server plugin.] ;file \plugins\SendScreenshotPlus\src\dlg_msgbox.cpp [Retry] [Yes] Da [No] Ne [Abort] [Ignore] Ignorisati ;file \plugins\SendScreenshotPlus\src\Main.cpp [Main Icon] [Target Cursor] [Target Desktop] [Help] Pomoć [Open Folder] Otvori folder [Description off] [Description on] [Delete off] [Delete on] [Prev] [Next] [Update] [Edit on] [BBC] [BBC link] [Down arrow] Strelica na dole [Could not create screenshot folder (error code: %d):\n%s\nDo you have write permissions?] [Could not create main dialog.] [SendSS HTTP connections] [SendSS] [Screenshots] [Image services (AdvaImg plugin) not found.\nSendSS disabled.] [Buttons] [Could not register Miranda service.] [Take a screenshot] [Send screenshot] [Send desktop screenshot] [Open SendSS+] ;file \plugins\SendScreenshotPlus\src\stdafx.h [SendScreenshot - Error] ;file \plugins\SendScreenshotPlus\src\UAboutForm.cpp [Credits] ;file \plugins\SendScreenshotPlus\src\UMainForm.cpp [Drag&Drop the target on the desired window.] [Send screenshot to %s] [Window] Prozor [Desktop] [<Entire Desktop>] [Monitor] [ (primary)] [File] Datoteka [<Only save>] [File Transfer] [E-mail] E-mail [FTP File] [Upload Pie (30m)] [Upload Pie (1d)] [Upload Pie (1w)] [Information] Obaveštenje [Fill description textbox.] [Delete after send] [Capture] [Couldn't take a screenshot] [Select a file] [Select a target window.] [Screenshot of "%s"] [Screenshot for client area of "%s" window] [Screenshot of "%s" window] [Send screenshot?]