#muuid {9b8e1735-970d-4ce0-930c-a561956bdca2} ;============================================================ ; File: Xfire.dll ; Plugin: Xfire protocol ; Version: ; Authors: dufte ;============================================================ [Password:] Šifra [Nick:] Nadimak: [Options] Podešavanja [More options] Dodatne opcije [Files] Datoteke [Apply] Primeni [Remove] Ukloni [Username:] Korisničko ime: [Name:] Ime: [Port:] Port: [User details] O korisniku [Copy] Kopiranje [Cancel] Otkazivanje [Search:] Pretraga: [All Files] Sve datoteke [Yep, I'm here.] Da, tu sam. [I've been away since %time%.] Nisam tu još od %time%. [Give it up, I'm not in!] Nema svrhe, nisam tu! [Not right now.] Ne sad. [Give a guy some peace, would ya?] Iskuliraj, važi? [That'll be the phone.] Mislim da je to bio telefon. [Mmm... food.] Mmm... hrana. [Username] Korisničko ime [Avatars] Avatari [General] Uopšteno [No] Ne [<Root Group>] <Glavna grupa (root)> [Network] Mreža [<not specified>] <neodređeno>