#muuid {a5bb1b7a-b7cd-4cbb-a7db-ceb4eb71da49} ;============================================================ ; File: KeepStatus.dll ; Plugin: Keep Status ; Version: ; Authors: P Boon ;============================================================ ;file \Plugins\StatusPlugins\resource.rc [Close] Zavrieť [Close] Zavrieť [Close] Zatvoriť [Cancel] Storno [Cancel] Storno [minutes of inactivity] minutách neaktivity [OK] OK [Timeout] Časový limit [Background colour] Farba pozadia [Text colour] Fraba textu [On left click] јavým klikom [On right click] Pravým klikom [Colours] Farby [Colours] Farby [Events] Udalosti [Use %time% for the current time, %date% for the current date] Použi %time% pre aktuálny čas, %date% pre aktuálny dátum [Status] Stav [Status] Stav [Status] Stav [seconds] sekúnd ;file \plugins\StatusPlugins\KeepStatus\keepstatus.cpp ;file \plugins\StatusPlugins\KeepStatus\options.cpp [Advanced] Podrobne ;file \Plugins\StatusPlugins\commonstatus.cpp [I've been away since %time%.] Som preč od %time%. [Not right now.] Prepáč, teraz nemám čas. [Yep, I'm here.] Je tu. [Nope, not here.] Nieje tu. [I'm hiding from the mafia.] Schováva sa pred mafiou [That'll be the phone.] Telefonuje [Mmm...food.] Mmm...obed. ;file \Plugins\StatusPlugins\confirmdialog.cpp [Closing in %d] Zavrieť (za %d s)