#muuid {9b8e1735-970d-4ce0-930c-a561956bdca2} ;============================================================ ; File: Xfire.dll ; Plugin: Xfire Protocol ; Version: ; Authors: dufte ;============================================================ [Password:] Heslo: [Nick:] Prezívka: [More options] Ďalšie nastavenia [Games] Hry [Apply] Aplikovať [Username:] Užív. meno: [Port:] Port: [Set Nickname] Nastav prezívku [OK] OK [Cancel] Storno [All Files] Všetky súbory [Yep, I'm here.] Je tu. [I've been away since %time%.] Som preč od %time%. [Not right now.] Prepáč, teraz nemám čas. [That'll be the phone.] Telefonuje [Mmm... food.] Mmm... obed. [Set &Nickname] Nastav prezívku [No] Nie [Daily] Denne [Network] Sieť [<not specified>] <nešpecifikované> [Please wait...] Prosím čakaj ...