[Enter account name (for example, My Google)] [Choose the protocol type] [Specify the internal account name (optional)] [Add %s] [&Add] [&Cancel] [Send "You were added"] [Send authorization request] [Open contact's chat window] [Custom name:] [Group:] [Options] [Hide from list only, in order to keep their history and ignore/visibility settings] [Use Options->Contacts->Ignore to unhide contacts.] [Are you sure you want to delete %s?] [This will erase all history and settings for this contact!] [Contact display options] [Instead of displaying contacts by their nickname,\ndrag to choose another order:] [Miranda NG profile manager] [&Run] [&Exit] [Start in service mode with] [Search:] [Custom] [Find/add contacts\nHere you can add contacts to your contact list] [Options\nConfigure your Miranda NG options] [Switch to simple options] [A file containing new database settings has been placed in the Miranda NG directory.] [Netlib log options] [Received bytes] [Sent bytes] [Additional data due to proxy communication] [SSL traffic] [Text dumps where available] [Auto-detect text] [Calling modules' names] [Log to] [Run program when Miranda NG starts (e.g., tail -f, dbgview, etc.):] [Run now] [Show this dialog box when Miranda NG starts] [Sound information] [Location:] [Name:] [Enable sound events] [Messages] [URLs] [Files] [Online notification] [Auth requests] [All events] [Added notification] [Typing] [To default status icons] [Logging...] [Use custom login (domain login picked up automatically)] [Port range:] [Validate SSL certificates] [Enable UPnP port mapping] [Please complete the following form to create a new user profile] [Profile] [e.g., Workplace] [You can select a different profile driver from the default, it may offer more features or abilities, if in doubt use the default.] [e.g., dbx mmap] [Driver] [Problem: Unable to find any database drivers, this means you cannot create a new profile, you need to get dbx_mmap.dll] [Author(s):] [Unique ID:] [Please restart Miranda NG for your changes to take effect.] [Fonts and colors] [Export...] [Color/background] [Text effect] [Choose font] [Font] [&Font:] [Font st&yle:] [\nStyles and effects are disabled for this font.] [&Size:] [Stri&keout] [&Underline] [&Color:] [AaBbYyZz] [Sc&ript:] [&Apply] [Menu objects] [Menu items] [Protocol menus] [Move to the main menu] [Move to the status bar] [Warning!\r\nThis menu object not support user defined options.] [Insert separator] [Service:] [Set] [Disable icons] [Show accounts in the following order,\ndrag to choose another order:] [Account order and visibility] [Note: Miranda NG will have to be restarted for changes to take effect.] [Key bindings] [Shortcut:] [Add] [Remove] [Undo changes] [Reset to default] [Accounts] [Accounts\nConfigure your IM accounts] [Account information:] [Additional:] [Configure network...] [Get more protocols...] [&Add...] [&Edit] [&Options] [&Upgrade] [&Remove...] [Miranda NG is being restarted.\nPlease wait...] [Error console] [Error notifications] [Headers:] [This font is used to display main section titles or text elements.] [Normal text:] [This font is used to display most text elements or section bodies.] [Minor notes:] [This font is used to display various additional notes.] [Welcome to Miranda NG's account manager!\nHere you can set up your IM accounts.\n\nSelect an account from the list on the left to see the available options. Alternatively, just click on the Plus sign underneath the list to set up a new IM account.] [Event icon legend:] [Choose events you wish to ignore:] [Font effect] [Effect:] [Base color:] [opacity:] [Secondary color:] [Select the extra icons to be shown in the contact list:] [*only the first %d icons will be shown] [You can group/ungroup icons by selecting them (CTRL+left click) and using the popup menu (right click)] [Add to existing metacontact] [Please select a metacontact:] [Sort alphabetically] [Editing] [Information] [&Remove] [&Set as default] [Move &up] [Move &down] [Send &offline] [Context menu] [Use contact's unique ID] [Use contact's display name] [Contact labels] [When I click on a sub in the popup menu...] [Set default and open message window] [Show subcontact context menu] [Show user information] [Display subcontact nickname] [Display subcontact display name] [Lock name to first contact] [Current language:] [Last modified using:] [Locale:] [Reload langpack] [Download more language packs] [Tray] [Nowhere] [Hide Miranda] [Group] [find/add] [Cancel change] [Ungroup] [&Deny] [Decide &later] [Denial reason:] [Add to contact list if authorized] [Status messages] [Status messages:] [&Emoticons] [&Bold] [&Italic] [&Color] [&Background color] [&History] [&Filter] [&Room settings] [&Show/Hide nick list] [Show these events only:] [Actions] [Nick changes] [Users joining] [Users leaving] [Topic changes] [Status changes] [Disconnects] [User kicks] [Notices] [Log options] [Log timestamp] [Timestamp] [Other name] [Enable highlighting] [Limit log text to (events):] [Trim to (KB)] [Words to highlight (wildcards allowed)] [Enable logging to disk] [Log directory] [Other] [Add new rooms to group:] [Nick list row distance (pixels):] [Use same style as in the message log] [Use default colors] [Use custom colors] [Popups for the Chat plugin] [Timeout (s)] [(Setting timeout to 0 means default setting and -1 means indefinite time)] [Clear lo&g] [Word lookup] [Wikipedia] [Link] [Open a &new browser window] [&Open in current browser window] [Message] [Redo] [Copy] [Cut] [Paste] [Select all] [Clear] [Tabs] [&Close tab] [C&lose other tabs] [&Open at this position] [Ask before deleting contacts] [Sort contacts by protocol] [Always show status in tooltip] [Disable icon blinking] [ms delay] [icon when statuses differ] [Contact list sorting] [Show drop shadow (restart required)] [Pin to desktop] [If window is partially covered, bring to front instead of hiding] [Enable docking] [Translucency options] [Dim idle contacts] [Hide vertical scroll bar] [Selection color] [Use background image] [Use Windows colors] [Right click opens Miranda NG menu] [Show bevels on panels] [Show resize grip indicator] [Ordering:] [Contact list:] [If window is partially covered, bring it to front] [Window:] [Contact list background:] [&Main menu] [&User menu] [&Open...] [Transfer completed, open file(s).] [No data transferred] [Auto rename] [Clear completed] [Variables allowed: %userid%, %nick%, %proto%, %miranda_path%, %userprofile%] [Clear completed transfers on window closing] [About Miranda NG] [Credits >] [Become idle if the following is left unattended:] [Become idle if the screen saver is active] [Become idle if the computer is locked] [Become idle if a terminal session is disconnected] [Do not let protocols report any idle information] [minute(s)] [for] [Change my status mode to:] [Do not set status back to online when returning from idle] [Idle options] [Become idle if application full screen] [Disable sounds on idle] [Become idle if computer is left unattended for:] [Idle (auto-away):] [Automatically popup window when:] [In background] [Close the message window on send] [Minimize the message window on send] [Use the contact's status icon as the window icon] [Cascade new windows] [Show 'Send' button] [Show username on top row] [Show toolbar buttons on top row] [Show character count] [Show warning when message has not been received after] [Support CTRL+Up/Down in message area to show previously sent messages] [Delete temporary contacts when closing message window] [Enable avatar support in the message window] [Limit avatar height to] [Maximum number of flashes] [Send error] [An error has occurred. The protocol reported the following error:] [while sending the following message:] [&Details] [Show timestamp] [Show seconds] [Show formatting] [Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to them:] [Show typing notifications when a user is typing a message] [Update inactive message window icons when a user is typing] [Show typing notification when no message dialog is open] [Flash in the system tray and in the contact list] [Show balloon popup] [Save the window position for each contact] [Message window behavior:] [Messaging:] [&Open link] [Paste and send] [Delete] [%s\nView personal user details and more] [Marital status:] [Set custom time zone] [%s requests authorization] [%u requests authorization] [%s added you to their contact list] [%u added you to their contact list] [Alerts] [Added event] [<Unknown>] [%s added you to the contact list\n%u (%s) on %s] [%s added you to the contact list\n%u on %s] [%s added you to the contact list\n%s on %s] [(Unknown)] [%s requested authorization\n%u (%s) on %s] [%s requested authorization\n%u on %s] [%s requested authorization\n%s on %s] [Feature is not supported by protocol] [Re&ad status message] [Give it up, I'm not in!] [Give a guy some peace, would ya?] [I'm a chatbot!] [idleeeeeeee] [Chat module] [Group chat log background] [Message background] [Nick list background] [Nick list lines] [Nick list background (selected)] [Use a tabbed interface] [Close tab on double click] [Restore previously open tabs when showing the window] [Show tabs at the bottom] [Send message by pressing the 'Enter' key] [Send message by pressing the 'Enter' key twice] [Flash window when someone speaks] [Flash window when a word is highlighted] [Show list of users in the chat room] [Show button for sending messages] [Show buttons for controlling the chat room] [Show buttons for formatting the text you are typing] [Show button menus when right clicking the buttons] [Show new windows cascaded] [Save the size and position of chat rooms] [Show the topic of the room on your contact list (if supported)] [Do not play sounds when the chat room is focused] [Do not pop up the window when joining a chat room] [Toggle the visible state when double clicking in the contact list] [Show contact statuses if protocol supports them] [Display contact status icon before user role icon] [Prefix all events with a timestamp] [Only prefix with timestamp if it has changed] [Timestamp has same color as the event] [Indent the second line of a message] [Limit user names in the message log to 20 characters] [Add ':' to auto-completed user names] [Strip colors from messages in the log] [Enable the 'event filter' for new rooms] [Show topic changes] [Show users joining] [Show users disconnecting] [Show messages] [Show actions] [Show users leaving] [Show users being kicked] [Show notices] [Show users changing name] [Show information messages] [Show status changes of users] [Show icon for topic changes] [Show icon for users joining] [Show icon for users disconnecting] [Show icon for messages] [Show icon for actions] [Show icon for highlights] [Show icon for users leaving] [Show icon for users kicking other user] [Show icon for notices] [Show icon for name changes] [Show icon for information messages] [Show icon for status changes] [Show icons in tray only when the chat room is not active] [Show icon in tray for topic changes] [Show icon in tray for users joining] [Show icon in tray for users disconnecting] [Show icon in tray for messages] [Show icon in tray for actions] [Show icon in tray for highlights] [Show icon in tray for users leaving] [Show icon in tray for users kicking other user] [Show icon in tray for notices] [Show icon in tray for name changes] [Show icon in tray for information messages] [Show icon in tray for status changes] [Show popups only when the chat room is not active] [Show popup for topic changes] [Show popup for users joining] [Show popup for users disconnecting] [Show popup for messages] [Show popup for actions] [Show popup for highlights] [Show popup for users leaving] [Show popup for users kicking other user] [Show popup for notices] [Show popup for name changes] [Show popup for information messages] [Show popup for status changes] [Window icon] [Italics] [Underlined] [Smiley button] [Room history] [Room settings] [Event filter disabled] [Event filter enabled] [Hide nick list] [Show nick list] [Icon overlay] [Status 1 (10x10)] [Status 2 (10x10)] [Status 3 (10x10)] [Status 4 (10x10)] [Status 5 (10x10)] [Status 6 (10x10)] [Message in (10x10)] [Message out (10x10)] [Action (10x10)] [Add status (10x10)] [Remove status (10x10)] [Join (10x10)] [Leave (10x10)] [Quit (10x10)] [Kick (10x10)] [Nick change (10x10)] [Notice (10x10)] [Topic (10x10)] [Highlight (10x10)] [Information (10x10)] [Group chats] [Group chats log] [Options for using a tabbed interface] [Appearance and functionality of chat room windows] [Appearance of the message log] [Default events to show in new chat rooms if the 'event filter' is enabled] [Icons to display in the message log] [Icons to display in the tray] [Popups to display] [Message sessions] [General] [Chat log] [Popups] [Look up '%s':] [No word to look up] [&Message %s] [Insert a smiley] [Make the text bold (CTRL+B)] [Make the text italicized (CTRL+I)] [Make the text underlined (CTRL+U)] [Select a background color for the text (CTRL+L)] [Select a foreground color for the text (CTRL+K)] [Show the history (CTRL+H)] [Show/hide the nick list (CTRL+N)] [Control this room (CTRL+O)] [Enable/disable the event filter (CTRL+F)] [Close current tab (CTRL+F4)] [%s: chat room (%u user)] [%s: chat room (%u users)] [%s: message session] [%s: message session (%u users)] [Unique ID] [Selected text] [Hottrack text] [Quicksearch text] [Global] [Standard crypto provider] [File &transfers...] [Incoming] [Complete] [Denied] [%s file] [My received files] [Canceled] [of] [Unable to initiate transfer.] [Contact menu] [Open...] [Connecting to proxy...] [File transfer denied] [Transfer completed.] [Transfer completed, open file.] [Transfer completed, open folder.] [Outgoing] [< Copyright] [&Support] [&Miranda NG homepage] [&Report bug] [Idle] [The message send timed out.] [Incoming message (10x10)] [Outgoing message (10x10)] [Last message received on %s at %s.] [%s is typing a message...] [File sent] [Outgoing messages] [Incoming messages] [Outgoing name] [Outgoing time] [Outgoing colon] [Incoming name] [Incoming time] [Incoming colon] [Message area] [Message log] [** New contacts **] [Show balloon popup (unsupported system)] [Typing notify] [%s is typing a message] [Typing notification] [Miranda could not load the built-in message module, riched20.dll is missing. Press 'Yes' to continue loading Miranda.] [Instant messages] [Incoming (focused window)] [Incoming (unfocused window)] [Incoming (new session)] [Message send error] [Contact started typing] [Contact stopped typing] [An unknown error has occurred.] [Invalid message] [Outgoing message] [Outgoing URL] [Outgoing file] [Are you sure you want to delete this history item?] [Delete history] [URL] [Send URL to] [Work phone] [Work fax] [Background info] [Owner] [Add contact] [Please authorize my request and add me to your contact list.] [Others nicknames] [Your nickname] [User has joined] [User has left] [User has disconnected] [User kicked ...] [User is now known as ...] [Notice from user] [The topic is ...] [Information messages] [User enables status for ...] [User disables status for ...] [Action message] [Highlighted message] [Nick list members (online)] [Nick list members (away)] [Message typing area] [Chat log symbols (Webdings)] [Message is highlighted] [User has performed an action] [User has kicked some other user] [User's status was changed] [User has changed name] [User has sent a notice] [The topic has been changed] [&Join chat] [&Leave chat] [&Open chat window] [%s has joined] [You have joined %s] [%s has left] [%s has disconnected] [%s is now known as %s] [You are now known as %s] [%s kicked %s] [Notice from %s: ] [The topic is '%s%s'] [ (set by %s on %s)] [ (set by %s)] [%s enables '%s' status for %s] [%s disables '%s' status for %s] [<invalid>] [%s wants your attention in %s] [%s speaks in %s] [%s has joined %s] [%s has left %s] [%s kicked %s from %s] [Notice from %s] [Topic change in %s] [Information in %s] [%s enables '%s' status for %s in %s] [%s disables '%s' status for %s in %s] [%s says: %s] [%s has left (%s)] [%s has disconnected (%s)] [%s kicked %s (%s)] [Notice from %s: %s] [The topic is '%s'] [The topic is '%s' (set by %s)] [Custom status] [%s (locked)] [Main menu] [Username] [LastName FirstName] ['(Unknown contact)'] [Menu icons] [Menus] [Customize] [Are you sure you want to delete group '%s'? This operation cannot be undone.] [Delete group] [Show/Hide contact list] [Read message] [Open Options page] [Open logging options] [Open 'Find user' dialog] [&Move to group] [<Root group>] [Miranda is trying to upgrade your profile structure.\nIt cannot move profile %s to the new location %s\nBecause profile with this name already exists. Please resolve the issue manually.] [Miranda is trying to upgrade your profile structure.\nIt cannot move profile %s to the new location %s automatically\nMost likely due to insufficient privileges. Please move profile manually.] [Profile cannot be placed into Miranda root folder.\nPlease move Miranda profile to some other location.] [Miranda is unable to open '%s' because you do not have any profile plugins installed.\nYou need to install dbx_mmap.dll] [No profile support installed!] [Miranda was unable to open '%s', it's in an unknown format.\nThis profile might also be damaged, please run DbChecker which should be installed.] [Miranda can't understand that profile] [Miranda was unable to open '%s'\nIt's inaccessible or used by other application or Miranda instance] [Miranda can't open that profile] [Invalid setting type for '%s'. The first character of every value must be b, w, d, l, s, e, u, g, h or n.] [Authorization request from %s%s: %s] [You were added by %s%s] [Contacts: ] [The profile '%s' already exists. Do you want to move it to the Recycle Bin?\n\nWARNING: The profile will be deleted if Recycle Bin is disabled.\nWARNING: A profile may contain confidential information and should be properly deleted.] [The profile already exists] [Couldn't move '%s' to the Recycle Bin. Please select another profile name.] [Problem moving profile] [Unable to create the profile '%s', the error was %x] [Problem creating profile] [&Create] [<In use>] [<Unknown format>] [Are you sure you want to remove profile "%s"?] [&Convert] [Run] [Convert database] [Check database] [Created] [Modified] [Manage your Miranda NG profile] [My profiles] [New profile] [Chat activity] [Extra icons] [Could not start a search on '%s', there was a problem - is %s connected?] [Could not search on any of the protocols, are you online?] [Problem with search] [Failed to create file] [Shadow at left] [Shadow at right] [Outline] [Outline smooth] [Smooth bump] [Contour thin] [Contour heavy] [Configuration files] [Text files] [Error writing file] [Headers] [Generic text] [Small text] [(incompatible)] [built-in] [Languages] [You are going to remove all the contacts associated with this metacontact.\nThis will delete the metacontact.\n\nProceed anyway?] [Either there is no metacontact in the database (in this case you should first convert a contact into one)\nor there is none that can host this contact.\nAnother solution could be to convert this contact into a new metacontact.\n\nConvert this contact into a new metacontact?] [This contact is a metacontact.\nYou can't add a metacontact to another metacontact.\n\nPlease choose another.] [Metacontact conflict] [This contact is already associated to a metacontact.\nYou cannot add a contact to multiple metacontacts.] [Multiple metacontacts] [No suitable metacontact found] [a contact] [Adding %s...] [Please select a metacontact] [No metacontact selected] [Assignment to the metacontact failed.] [Assignment failure] [ID] [Protocol] [Send offline] [Send &online] [Delete metacontact?] [Toggle off] [Toggle on] [Convert to metacontact] [Add to existing] [Edit] [Set to default] [MetaContacts] [There was a problem in assigning the contact to the metacontact] [This will remove the metacontact permanently.\n\nProceed anyway?] [Are you sure?] [Remove from metacontact] [Toggle metacontacts off] [Toggle metacontacts on] [Add to existing metacontact...] [Edit metacontact...] [Set as metacontact default] [Delete metacontact] [Subcontacts] [Metacontacts] [No online contacts found.] [Sender] [Could not retrieve contact protocol] [Assignment error] [Could not get unique ID of contact] [Contact is 'not on list' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning.] [Metacontact is full] [Could not write contact protocol to metacontact] [Could not write unique ID of contact to metacontact] [Could not write nickname of contact to metacontact] [Standard netlib log] [No times] [Standard hh:mm:ss times] [Times in milliseconds] [Times in microseconds] [(Miranda core logging)] [Select where log file will be created] [Select program to be run] [Client cannot decode host message. Possible causes: host does not support SSL or requires not existing security package] [Host we are connecting to is not the one certificate was issued for] [<all modules>] [<core modules>] [Loading... %d%%] [%s options] [Miranda NG options] [Core plugin '%s' cannot be loaded or missing. Miranda will exit now] [Fatal error] [No messaging plugins loaded. Please install/enable one of the messaging plugins, for instance, "StdMsg.dll"] ['%s' is disabled, re-enable?] [Re-enable Miranda plugin?] [Unable to load plugin in service mode!] [Unable to start any of the installed contact list plugins, I even ignored your preferences for which contact list couldn't load any.] [Can't find a contact list plugin! You need StdClist or any other contact list plugin.] [Plugin] [Version] [Miranda NG must be restarted to apply changes for these plugins:] [Do you want to restart it now?] [Plugins] [WARNING! The account is going to be deleted. It means that all its settings, contacts and histories will be also erased.\n\nAre you absolutely sure?] [Your account was successfully upgraded. To activate it, restart of Miranda is needed.\n\nIf you want to restart Miranda now, press Yes, if you want to upgrade another account, press No] [This account uses legacy protocol plugin. Use Miranda NG options dialogs to change its preferences.] [Create new account] [Editing account] [Upgrading account] [Account name has to be unique. Please enter unique name.] [Account error] [Account is disabled. Please activate it to access options.] [New account] [Remove account] [Configure...] [Upgrade account] [Account ID] [<unknown>] [Protocol is not loaded.] [Rename] [Upgrade] [Account %s is being disabled] [Account is online. Disable account?] [Account %s is being deleted] [You need to disable plugin to delete this account] [&Accounts...] [Ctrl + ] [Alt + ] [Shift + ] [Win + ] [Remove shortcut] [Add another shortcut] [Scope:] [System] [Actions:] [Add binding] [Modify] [System scope] [Miranda scope] [User details] [History] [Down arrow] [Find user] [Search all] [Tick] [No tick] [Miranda website] [Small dot] [Filled blob] [Empty blob] [Unicode plugin] [ANSI plugin] [Running plugin] [Unloaded plugin] [Show/Hide] [Exit] [Join chat] [Leave chat] [Move to group] [On] [Off] [Running core plugin] [Non-loadable plugin] [Frames] [Request authorization] [Grant authorization] [Revoke authorization] [Always visible] [Always invisible] [Locked status] [Status icons] [Sound files] [WAV files] [You need an image services plugin to process PNG images.] [PNG bitmaps] [Avatars] [Avatars root folder] [<unspecified>] [Unspecified] [Afghanistan] [Aland Islands] [Albania] [Algeria] [American Samoa] [Andorra] [Angola] [Anguilla] [Antarctica] [Antigua and Barbuda] [Argentina] [Armenia] [Aruba] [Australia] [Austria] [Azerbaijan] [Bahamas] [Bahrain] [Bangladesh] [Barbados] [Belarus] [Belgium] [Belize] [Benin] [Bermuda] [Bhutan] [Bolivia] [Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba] [Bosnia and Herzegovina] [Botswana] [Bouvet Island] [Brazil] [British Indian Ocean Territory] [Brunei] [Bulgaria] [Burkina Faso] [Burundi] [Cambodia] [Cameroon] [Canada] [Cape Verde] [Cayman Islands] [Central African Republic] [Chad] [Chile] [China] [Christmas Island] [Cocos (Keeling) Islands] [Colombia] [Comoros] [Congo, Republic of the] [Congo, Democratic Republic of the] [Cook Islands] [Costa Rica] [Cote d'Ivoire] [Croatia] [Cuba] [Curacao] [Cyprus] [Czech Republic] [Denmark] [Djibouti] [Dominica] [Dominican Republic] [East Timor] [Ecuador] [Egypt] [El Salvador] [Equatorial Guinea] [Eritrea] [Estonia] [Ethiopia] [Falkland Islands (Malvinas)] [Faroe Islands] [Fiji] [Finland] [France] [French Guiana] [French Polynesia] [French Southern and Antarctic Lands] [Gabon] [Gambia] [Georgia] [Germany] [Ghana] [Gibraltar] [Greece] [Greenland] [Grenada] [Guadeloupe] [Guam] [Guatemala] [Guernsey] [Guinea] [Guinea-Bissau] [Guyana] [Haiti] [Heard Island and McDonald Islands] [Honduras] [Hong Kong] [Hungary] [Iceland] [India] [Indonesia] [Iran] [Iraq] [Ireland] [Isle of Man] [Israel] [Italy] [Jamaica] [Japan] [Jersey] [Jordan] [Kazakhstan] [Kenya] [Kiribati] [North Korea] [South Korea] [Kuwait] [Kyrgyzstan] [Laos] [Latvia] [Lebanon] [Lesotho] [Liberia] [Libya] [Liechtenstein] [Lithuania] [Luxembourg] [Macau] [Macedonia] [Madagascar] [Malawi] [Malaysia] [Maldives] [Mali] [Malta] [Marshall Islands] [Martinique] [Mauritania] [Mauritius] [Mayotte] [Mexico] [Micronesia, Federated States of] [Moldova] [Monaco] [Mongolia] [Montenegro] [Montserrat] [Morocco] [Mozambique] [Myanmar] [Namibia] [Nauru] [Nepal] [Netherlands] [New Caledonia] [New Zealand] [Nicaragua] [Niger] [Nigeria] [Niue] [Norfolk Island] [Northern Mariana Islands] [Norway] [Oman] [Pakistan] [Palau] [Palestinian Territories] [Panama] [Papua New Guinea] [Paraguay] [Peru] [Philippines] [Pitcairn Islands] [Poland] [Portugal] [Puerto Rico] [Qatar] [Reunion] [Romania] [Russia] [Rwanda] [Saint Barthelemy] [Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha] [Saint Kitts and Nevis] [Saint Lucia] [Saint Martin (French part)] [Saint Pierre and Miquelon] [Saint Vincent and the Grenadines] [Samoa] [San Marino] [Sao Tome and Principe] [Saudi Arabia] [Senegal] [Serbia] [Seychelles] [Sierra Leone] [Singapore] [Sint Maarten (Dutch part)] [Slovakia] [Slovenia] [Solomon Islands] [Somalia] [South Africa] [South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands] [South Sudan] [Spain] [Sri Lanka] [Sudan] [Suriname] [Svalbard and Jan Mayen] [Swaziland] [Sweden] [Switzerland] [Syria] [Taiwan] [Tajikistan] [Tanzania] [Thailand] [Togo] [Tokelau] [Tonga] [Trinidad and Tobago] [Tunisia] [Turkey] [Turkmenistan] [Turks and Caicos Islands] [Tuvalu] [Uganda] [Ukraine] [United Arab Emirates] [United Kingdom] [United States] [United States Minor Outlying Islands] [Uruguay] [Uzbekistan] [Vanuatu] [Vatican City] [Venezuela] [Vietnam] [Virgin Islands (British)] [Virgin Islands (United States)] [Wallis and Futuna] [Western Sahara] [Yemen] [Zambia] [Zimbabwe]